Chapter 22

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The smell of roast chicken makes me hungry as I walk into the dining room. My mind keeps thinking back to Trudy's letter and her revelation that Mr Laywood and my mother were childhood friends. Why did he not tell me so? Why must everything be kept a secret?

I see Xavier reading the newspaper and an empty seat where Mr Laywood normally sits. That pleases me a little. I don't think I could make small talk when I know he's kept these things purposely from me.
Xavier hasn't seen me as he's too engrossed in whatever he's reading to take notice. So I take a seat and open my mouth to speak but I see a familiar face staring back at me on the front page of the newspaper.

There in black and white is my father staring back at me. He has a threatening look upon his face and he looks tired and dangerous. I gasp and
quickly grab the newspaper off Xavier, who looks shocked at my action.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to snatch?" He says, but I ignore him and  look at my father's picture.

"What's the matter?" Xavier asks with concern in his voice.

"Thats.. thats my father!" I point to the picture for him to see.
Looking up with a shocked face and meeting Xaviers confused eyes, I read.

Mr Roy Anderson, of Market Square South London. Has been sentenced to death for the charges of theft and  debts of up to £5,000.
Mr Anderson pleaded not guilty but the jury couldn't deny the extortionate amount of evidence that was given in court.
Mr Anderson had no remorse for his actions when he was arrested on October 8th.
His execution will be later this week.
Mr Anderson has no family or friends and has been proven to be a unworthy member of society.

My Father is in prison, and he's going to be executed.
I read the writing again just to make sure I've read it correctly. Then with shock I realise October the 8th is the day Mr Laywood bought me and brought me here.
I swallow feeling sick. The date can't be a coincidence.
"Did you know about this?" I turn to Xavier and ask.
But he shakes his head, I can see sorrow in his eyes.

"Nova I promise I had no idea." He says so honestly that I know he's telling the truth. He looks just as shocked as I am.

"Ah! Your both here, sorry I'm late." Mr Laywood comes in with a smile on his face. He looks to us both and his smile fades.
"Whatever is the matter my dear?" He asks, seeing the hurt on my face.
But Xavier clears his throat.
"Nova's father is in jail and will be executed next week." He states.

With my eyes still onto Mr Laywood I can't help see his face fall at Xaviers words.
"Oh is that so?" Mr laywood looks to the floor.
He knew this already.

"Did you know?" I ask, my voice breaking and I'm on the verge of tears.
He sighs and looks to me.
"Yes Nova I knew, I'm so very sorry." His voice is soft like a whisper.
"October the 8th is the day he was arrested, and the day you bought me." My tears spilling down my face.
I can see his face and I know he knows what I'm hinting at.
"Nova you have to understand, he was a vile man. I knew the minute I left with you, he would try and find you and take you again. Sell you to make money out of you. I couldn't let that happen, especially as I had finally found you." He says, his voice desperate.
Take me again?
"What do you mean take me again?" I cry, not understanding what he's saying.

"Oh Nova, this is a conversation for another time." He says soothingly. "I don't like to see you so upset." He states and his face mirrors his words.

I ignore him, I have to know. The not knowing is what causes the upset in the first place. I think to Trudy's letter and before I realise, I blurt out what she wrote.

"You and my mother were childhood friends! Why did you never tell me?" I wipe my eyes with my hands and settle my eyes on Mr Laywood.

His eyes pop for a second before he let's out a breath.

"How do you know this?" He asks, confustion muddled on his face.

Not wanting to betray Trudy I say, "It doesn't matter how I know, what matters is you didn't tell me. You brought me here to be a kitchen maid. Then I find out Trudy is my Aunt who I never knew I had, Then I find out you knew my mother." My anger dissolving when I see Mr Laywood looks like he's about to cry.

"Father, is this true?" Xavier asks making me forget he's been listening all this time.

"Yes, yes it is true. I knew Isobell as a child. But I'm not going to go into that right now. Nova, please believe me. Everything I've done has been for your best interests. Soon you will know the whole truth, but it isn't the right time at this moment." Mr Laywood says, and I can see he's holding back tears.
"I can't carry on this conversation, please excuse me." His voice breaks and he leaves.
I turn to Xavier who has his mouth wide open just like mine.

Fighting the sob that's going to escape from My mouth, Xavier walks me back to my room. Im in shock, the thoughts about my father going to be executed, and that Mr Laywood knew my mother swirl around my head like a hurricane.

I hear Xavier say something to Angeles outside my room as I fall onto the bed covering my face and cry. I know my father isn't a good man, but does he deserve to be killed for the wrongs he's done? I'm not sure. I keep seeing his face in the newspaper and I cry somemore. It said he had no family or friends. Yes it was true he had no friends, but I was his daughter I count as family.
I can't help to think maybe Mr Laywood told the police not to mention me. Then with a sickening feeling, realisation hits me. He must of told them before he came to the house. That's why he was in a rush to get me to leave. Paying Fifty pounds instead of forty for a quick deal. He knew my father couldn't resist making money.
The loud sobs errup from my chest and I hear the door click shut and Xavier lays down beside me, gently stroking my hair and tucking a loose curl behind my ear.
He pulls me onto his chest and I lay my head down as he holds me. He's silent letting me cry through the pain. Every once in a while he kisses my head and it makes me feel protected and safe.
When my tears finally stop after crying what feels like hours, I bring up my head to look Xavier in the eyes. I can see the sorrow there. He's hurting because I am.
"I'm so sorry Nova." He says and I can see he means every word.

I just want to forget for a little while. Forget the pain in my chest and replace it with Xavier.
So I kiss him, his lips are surprised but quickly kiss me back and soon my hands are running through his dark hair and I'm gasping for breath with the bruising kisses against my lips.
His passion towards me, makes me melt against him and my core throbs and tingles.
I want him, I want him to touch me. I want him to make me forget just for a little while.
Between kisses I say, "Touch me."
He stops his kisses and pulls away slightly to look at my face.
"Touch you?" He asks, trying to read my eyes.
"Xavier please, please make me forget. I have this feeling all over my body when you kiss me. Especially here." I point between my legs. "I need something, but I don't know what. I just need you. I need you to touch me, please." I'm desperate, but I can't help it.
Xavier swallows and I can see the desire in his eyes at my declaration.
I can see he's fighting with some internal battle in his head, if this is the right thing to do.
"Xavier please." I sob.

With that he crashes his lips back to mine and gently pushes me so I'm on my back and he's half over me. He kisses me like I'm his oxygen and there's no more air left to breathe.
The anticipation of what he's going to do makes me feel like I'm going to explode.
He pulls slightly away from my needy lips.
"Are you sure you want me to touch you?" He says breathlessly.
"Yes I'm sure, please Xavier." I moan and put my lips back to his.

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