Episode 1 - Begin Again, Part 1: Fresh Start.

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Author's Note: Hey guys so I decided to start over Season 4 of Gleedone but make certain characters my main focus in Quinn, Sam, Santana, and Brittany. Most of the other characters will play more of a supporting role since I've had a harder time being inspired to focus on them. I really hope you enjoy this new take starting from Season 4, which has made it easier for me to feel somewhat inspired.

"A fresh start. It was something I had wanted for so long and now I was finally going to get it," Quinn Fabray said in a voice over as she is walking onto the campus of Yale. "I've left my past in Lima behind me and am ready to start over," Quinn's voice rang over as she is unpacking in her dorm room "I always felt like I was stuck when I was in high school but college was a totally different experience. No one knew what I had gone through. I didn't have the stigma of being a teen mom or the perfect daughter of Lima's elite. Here I could define my own path and that was something I was ready for," Quinn said in a voiceover as she entered her classroom for her first day, ready to take on her new life ready to leave her past behind.

Back at McKinley, Brittany S. Pierce entered the school for her second senior year. "It's the first day of my senior year again and I'm totally excited for it," Brittany said out loud, thinking she was talking to herself in a voice over. "I'm the captain of the cheerios, co-Rachel of Glee Club, and best of all, I'm getting a campaign ready to make me senior class president for life. It's great to be Brittany S. Pierce," she grinned as Blaine walked up behind her looking confused. "Uh Brittany..." Blaine said confused. "Yes Blaine Warbler?" Brittany replied. "Who are you talking to?" Blaine asked. "Our audience of course!" Brittany grinned at Blaine who just gave her a skeptical look, wondering if she was okay as he walked away.

Also at McKinley Sam Evans was at his locker getting his things for the first day of his senior year. "I always thought heading into my senior year I'd feel more...together. Right now, I just feel more confused than ever before," Sam said in a voice over as we cut to him looking confused at his options post-graduation looking through different college pamphlets as none of them seem right. "I mean I was never great at school...and it's not like my family had money to send me to college anyways but I know I have to start figuring out what I want to do after graduation. I know I have a whole year to decide but everything I try to do, nothing seems right." Cut to Sam trying his hand at many different talents but none of them giving him the desired results. "On top of that, the two people who always knew how to make me feel special are on the complete opposite side of the country from me. Well Mercedes is. Quinn's at Yale which is super cool and everything but she might as well be in California since we haven't spoken since she graduated probably because she's dating Puck again which I really don't get since all he's done is make her feel like crap," Sam said in a voice over as we cut to him desperately trying to talk to Quinn to no avail.

"The only bright spot for me was Brittany," Sam said in a voice over as he walks past Brittany who gives him a smile. "She felt just as alone as I did this summer when Santana left so we kind of had a summer fling," Sam said in a voice over as we cut to him and Brittany making out in Brittany's room "It was just a casual hook-up kind of thing but I think we both needed that sort of outlet." Brittany and Sam are both breathless after hooking up as they lay back on Brittany's bed. "You're like totally amazing," Brittany said catching her breath. "Yeah you're pretty great too," Sam agreed wrapping his arms around Brittany who snuggled up to him but like always seemed to be drifting away with her thoughts. "You okay?" Sam asked as Brittany sighed. "I just really miss Santana," she admitted. "I know," Sam sighed. "And I know you miss Quinn," Brittany said. "What makes you say that?" Sam laughed awkwardly. "Because you called for her like 5 times while we were hooking up," Brittany said as Sam blushed. "Oh...." he said feeling somewhat awkward that he had done that. "I totally get it. I miss my hot lady sex with Santana, especially all the scissoring," Brittany admitted as Sam wondered if their arrangement of being a summer hookup was really the right call when they were both clearly in love with other people.

"Now that summer's over and we have to face reality, things are just a lot more complicated than they used to be," Sam said in a voice over as he headed to Glee Club sitting with Brittany as the first meeting of Glee Club began.

"Glee!" Mr. Schue cheered as the New Directions applauded the beginning of a new year. "We are coming off of a National Championship, but it's time to look forward, And thanks to Glee now being the coolest club in the school, this shouldn't be a problem," Mr. Schue smiled a bit as the New Directions cheered as we cut to a flashback of Mr. Schue putting up the sign up sheet for Glee Club as the students rush over to it to sign up as he looks stunned as he tries to escape the crowd. Cut back to the choir room. "Yes, we've lost some big voices. But we still have some huge ones in here. And I promise to do everything I can to replace the ones that we lost. And on that note, I'd like to introduce you to our newest members: The MVP of last year's nationals, Wade "Unique" Adams and from the Unitards, Harmony Belle," Mr. Schue said as Unique and Harmony both entered the choir room to cheers. "That's a great haircut, Mercedes. I thought you graduated," Brittany grinned as the other members of the New Directions gave her a look. "I wanted to be somewhere where different was celebrated," Unique said honestly. "We are so excited to have you, aren't we guys?" Mr. Schue smiled asking the club as the others nodded. "Worry not my fellow Glee Club members if your looking to replace your old star Rachel Berry, look no further than mwha. She may be a national show choir champion but you may have recognized me. I'm the Gerber Baby," Harmony grinned. "Oh hell no we did not get rid of one diva to get another," Artie said shaking his head. "Artie's right. Harmony, we're happy to have you, but the New Directions work best as a team," Mr. Schue said. "Fine. I can be a team player. I just thought you could all benefit from my expertise," Harmony said folding her arms as she sat down in the choir room. "Alright, auditions are on Friday for Glee Club so we'll be welcoming some new members. Now remember we need at least 12 members to compete at sectionals, so we need to be on the lookout for 3 new members," Mr. Schue said as the New Directions nodded knowing they had a lot to live up to but finding new member was the start on their journey to Nationals.

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