Episode 2, Act 6 - Rehearsals

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Later that week, Finn, Artie, Mercedes, and Mike put up the cast list for Grease as Brittany approached the list seeing that she had gotten the role of Cha Cha and celebrated. Sam came up behind her scrolling down the list as he saw he got Kenickie "Alright, alright," Sam said in his Matthew McCounaghey impression thrilled that he had gotten the role of his dreams. Brittany hugged him tightly seeing how happy he was. "Congratulations Mr. Vice President," Brittany said smiling back at Sam. "Thank you Britt. Congrats on your role as well," Sam said not wanting to let go of her. "Thank you. I'm excited to have the dancer role," Brittany grinned. "You're going to be great in it," Sam told her seriously as Brittany looked up at him surprised he would say that. "Thank you," Brittany said with a grin. "You're welcome," Sam said as he continued to hold on to Brittany who seemed to enjoy the attention. Blaine looked at them somewhat longingly, not just because of his feelings for Sam but because he longed to have that connection with someone again, especially with Kurt who he had tried to apologize to with no avail.

Meanwhile back in Louisville, Santana handed in her papers to withdraw from classes, finally freeing herself from the University of Kentucky, a place she felt like she should never have gone to. Afterall when she left for Louisville was when everything went wrong. She hardly had time for Brittany and that's what led Brittany to cheat on her and get pregnant. As she drove back to Lima she couldn't help but hope going back would be the fresh start she so desperately needed.

All right, guys, listen up. I have an announcement to make," Mr. Schue sighed. "Adele is dead," Brittany said in a matter of fact tone as everyone shot her a look. "No. I have been asked to join a blue ribbon panel to rewrite the arts curriculum nationwide," Mr. Schue smiled as the New Directions cheered for him. "Thank you. I'll be taking a short sabbatical, which means I'm leaving McKinley at the end of the week," Mr. Schue said as the New Directions faces fell. "Wait what? This is crazy," Tina said. "But Glee Club is your life," Artie said confused. "Which is why this is only temporary. I'll be back right after sectionals," Mr. Schue said honestly. "Wait after sectionals?!" Tina shouted outraged. "Whoa!" Sam said shocked. "I mean, it's not like we know him that well or anything," Unique shrugged to Jake and Marley. "Guys, guys, calm down. Look, I knew I needed to find a replacement, which is why I brought in Finn Hudson," Mr. Schue said pointing towards Finn as everyone didn't look thrilled as Tina stood up. "Mr. Schue, Finn cannot take over Glee Club. He doesn't know what he's doing at all. Sorry, Finn," Tina frowned. "Guys, I know I can do this. And I've got some really great ideas for sectionals," Finn smiled a bit. "We'll all be dead by then!" Tina shouted as some of the others also showed their displeasure. "Tina..." Artie began. "Finn doesn't know how to direct a musical!" Tina shouted. "No, that's fine," Artie said. "No, we can't win without him," Brittany said. "Who's going to drive the bus?" Sugar asked as Sue then entered the choir room. "Finn Hudson, Schuester. Figgins' office, right now," Sue said narrowing her eyes at Finn and Mr. Schue as they exited the choir room which had erupted into chaos with the news.

As the bell rang as the chaos in the choir room ended as everyone headed to class. "So Glee Club was kind of insane," Sam said scratching his head as he walked with Blaine who still seemed to be walking in a trance not hearing a word of what Sam was saying. "Blaine...helloooo," Sam said waving his hand in front of Blaine's face which seemed to break him out of the funk he was in. "Huh?" Blaine asked. "I was talking about how crazy Glee practice was," Sam said. "Oh...right," Blaine said clearly not realizing the chaos that had surrounded them. "Are you okay man?" Sam asked as Blaine shook his head solemnly. "I just keep replaying my breakup with Kurt over and over again," Blaine said sadly as Sam put a supportive arm around Blaine. "He'll come around," Sam assured Blaine. "But what if he doesn't?" Blaine asked as Sam had arrived at his classroom. "Listen dude he will. He loves you and you love him okay?" Sam said seriously as he entered his classroom, leaving Blaine once again alone with his thoughts, something he didn't want.

That afternoon the girls had their fittings for Grease. "Tina. I love it so much. I promise I won't pee in it," Brittany said as Marley, Sugar, and Tina looked at each other as Kitty entered. "I'm here for my fitting. Where is Harajuku Girl?" Kitty smirked as Tina rolled her eyes. "I thought you quit because your part was too small," Sugar said. "Well, Spray Tan Hawk Nose, to quote Shakespeare, "There's no small parts, only fat actresses." Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just say "fat?" I was distracted by Marley's unfortunate and very noticeable weight gain," Kitty said as Brittany and Sugar both made faces, Marley looked fine to them. "I'm sorry are you playing the lead in Grease or Hairspray?" Kitty asked cattily. "No, Hairspray was the play last year. I was Penny," Brittany smiled innocently as Kitty shot her back a fake smile as Sugar took Brittany's hand and walked off with her. "I swear, I'm not eating any differently. How is this happening?" Marley frowned upset as we cut to Kitty using her sewing skills to make Marley's costume smaller as she smirks. "I usually don't believe in the lamestream media's definition of "science," but it just makes sense that your metabolism is grinding to a halt. You're getting the body you were destined to have. I had to accept how I am," Kitty shrugged as Marley looked upset "I spend almost every weekend alone because everyone just assumes that the popular girl's busy. I'm doing this play because I could use some friends. Real ones. So, in the spirit of Grease, I thought it would be a good way for us to get to know each other, if we had a sleepover," Kitty smiled in a fake kind way. "Sleepover?" Sugar said all took excitedly. "Tomorrow night, my place. Just us girls," Kitty said. "Can I come?" Unique asked innocently as Marley quickly stood up for her. "I'm not going if Unique's not invited," Marley said. "Please?" Sugar begged. "Ladyboy can come," Kitty said as the others celebrated "But if I catch you hiding your dinky between your legs and prancing around like Silence of the Lambs, you're out." Unique just shot her a fake smile as well as she turned to leave. She didn't like Kitty but wanted to make sure Marley would be okay.

After school the boys in the Grease play made their way to Hummel Tires and Lube. "You sure you wrote down the right address?" Ryder asked Sam concerned. "Yeah, oh, Finn works here," Sam said honestly. "And we're supposed to rehearse here?" Joe asked confused as he looked around. "Guys, it's perfect. I got to overhaul this jalopy, and you guys need to figure out how to be convincing grease monkeys," Finn grinned. "We're going full on method rehearsal," Mike said. "I've never even changed the oil in my car I can't fix this," Ryder said shaking his head. "I cannot believe you got this part over me," Jake said rolling his eyes. "Right, right. Look, acting is about knowing the material, right? The themes. So, what is Grease all about? Well, it's about fixing cars and getting, getting grease under your fingernails, and about signing a blood oath with your brothers to the very end," Finn smiled. "Preach Brother, it's totally the theme," Artie agreed. "Okay, but where should we? I mean, there's no stage or anything," Joe said confused. "Look out there. Imagine an audience anxiously awaiting your arrival. And look up there. Spotlights. And look right here," Finn said as he began to open the car "And what do you see?" "An old clunker," Ryder said honestly. "Yeah, it an old clunker. Tell me what Danny Zuko sees," Finn smiled at Ryder who seemed to get the idea, knowing exactly what he needed to do as he, Sam, Mike, Joe, Artie, and Finn began to perform 'Greased Lightning'. 

Ryder and Sam began singing 'Greased Lightning' and soon found themselves fantasizing about being in the play fixing up the old clunker into the Greased Lightning of their dreams. They snap back to reality as they finished the performance as Artie and Finn applauded them. "Wow. Good start. Now, uh, let's try it again with, like, double the energy," Finn grinned as the guys nodded feeling even more like they truly were getting into character and were more ready than ever to take on the play.

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