Episode 3, Act 8 - A New Beginning

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While the Glee Club seemed to have reached its end, Finn worked tirelessly to make sure the club wasn't officially over. After being inspired by a phone call he had with Rachel, he sent out a message to everyone in the club trying to make them realize what Glee was truly about. It read 'Dear Glee Club, I realize most of you think it's stupid to still call us that. I mean, our season's over, so what are we now, really? We lost Sectionals, so what do we have left? Nothing. We've got nothing. I got a phone call from Rachel last night. She just won the Winter Showcase at NYADA, which is, like, this huge deal. Like, not once in history has it ever gone to a Freshman. And she reminded me why. I joined Glee Club in the first place. It's about music. Every one of us loves music and no one can take that away from us. I'm not giving up on you. Marley found a place where we can rehearse, and I want us to meet there today after school at 5:00. I hope I see you all there.'

The New Directions read the messages on their phones, most of them debating on whether or not they should show up. As promised, Finn and Marley waited in the courtyard, their new rehearsal space, hoping the New Directions would show up. "It gets dark so early now," Marley sighed "I'm really sorry, Finn." "Marley, don't.." Finn began. "No, I mean it. You've being so nice about this, but it's my fault. I was naive and insecure and self-centered, and now Glee Club's over," Marley said emotionally. "Well, you and I are still here, right?" Finn smiled at Marley as Marley smiled back at him as they began to sing 'Don't Dream It's Over' by Crowded House.

Finn and Marley started performing the song thinking it was only going to be the two of them singing but Blaine and Tina as well as Sam and Brittany shortly arrived singing with them and smiling. Artie and Kitty then walked over as Jake, Ryder, Harmony, Unique, and Joe also arrived the Glee Club sang together feeling more united than ever before knowing that whatever was ahead of them, they were in it together.

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