Episode 7, Act 6 - Against All Odds

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Cut to the auditorium where Blaine is sitting alone at the piano as he starts to play Phil Collins' 'Against All Odds' to air out his feelings that he still isn't truly over Kurt.

As Blaine continued to perform Sam entered the auditorium noticing the pain and passion in Blaine's voice knowing he was still hurting over his breakup with Kurt more than he was letting on. Sam could relate to every word he was singing because the truth was he was thinking back on his relationship with Quinn clearly missing her as well. As Blaine finished the performance Sam clapped for him which startled Blaine.

"I didn't know anyone was here," Blaine admitted as he got up from the piano wiping his eyes a bit. "I know. I kind of heard you singing and I came in here," Sam said honestly as Blaine nodded. "That was about Kurt wasn't it?" Sam asked as Blaine sighed nodding solemnly. "Trust me dude I get how you feel," Sam sighed as he sat down by the piano. "About Brittany?" Blaine asked as Sam looked confused "I heard you two broke up." "It was never the real deal with me and Brittany," Sam said honestly as he took a deep breath "But the way things ended with Quinn...that's what still hurts me." Blaine nodded completely understanding where Sam was coming from especially since he and Quinn had drifted apart towards the end of her senior year once she had gotten back with Puck. "It hurts when you don't think you could ever get them back," Blaine sighed. "Don't I know it," Sam frowned a bit as he placed a hand on Blaine's shoulder "But I truly believe you and Kurt are meant for each other. After all the stuff you said to me about how much you regret cheating on him and just knowing it was wrong after you did it, you need to have him realize you're truly sorry and I think he'll take you back," Sam said honestly as Blaine smiled a bit, he was grateful for Sam who always seemed to know exactly what to say. "Thanks Sam. And I really hope things will work out with you and Quinn," Blaine smiled. "Doubtful but thanks," Sam shrugged as he walked off leaving Blaine alone. It was in that moment that Blaine got an idea that he had to help Sam the way Sam had helped him, the only question was how could he do that?

Cut to Kurt and Rachel's apartment as Santana and Kurt are watching the Facts of Life with their boyfriend/girlfriend pillows. "This this is crazy. This show is like crack. I cannot believe this was on regular TV," Santana smiled. "I thought you'd like this Facts of Life marathon. Thank God I recorded six months of it on the DVR. Thank you, TV Land!" Kurt grinned. "Okay, so please tell me that the chick on this motorcycle and that super bitch get together in the end," Santana asked in a hopeful tone. "They do not, but George Clooney joins the cast later," Kurt said. "No way," Santana grinned. "As the handyman with a heart of gold," Kurt said. "Oh, I love those guys," Santana smiled. "And a mullet," Kurt chuckled as Rachel then entered the apartment. "Okay, we have to turn this into a musical so that I can play Jo," Santana said seriously. "Can I be Blair, and we can do a duet?" Rachel asked as Santana nodded. "Yeah...I'd like that," Santana smiled a bit as Rachel nodded as she sighed entering the apartment. "Why the long face? You've got a hot boyfriend pillow in there named Colin. I named him Colin after the non-threatening boy in The Secret Garden, 'cause I know you loved it," Kurt smiled softly as Rachel smiled back at him. "Don't be sad," Kurt frowned. "I'm not. I'm good, I I feel ready. You know? I-I-I'm ready for my Funny Girl audition, and to maybe start over again with Finn...once he gets back to me," Rachel said. "Mhmm that's what I want to hear," Santana grinned. "But I'm gonna use the pity card just for a second, since I am the one that is heartbroken and going through a breakup and found out that my boyfriend was some weirdo man-whore, I'm gonna get to pick the movie tonight, okay? And I think we should pick the best guilty pleasure movie musical ever," Rachel grinned as she held up 'Mamma Mia' as she began to sing the title song by ABBA.

Rachel sang the beginning but as the beat kicked in Santana and Kurt backed her up having a blast as they did so. Cut to the auditorium where the New Directions are also performing 'Mamma Mia' in costumes inspired by ABBA's music video, once again coming together as a group. We cut between the New Directions performance as well as Santana, Kurt, and Rachel's performance as they all seem to be having the most fun with the performance, finally coming together once and for all.

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