Episode 1, Part 5 - It's Brittany Bitch

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As the New Directions seemed to be coming together as one after their first performance as a new glee club, Brittany seemed to be feeling more and more distant from everyone as she walked down the halls somewhat solemnly missing Santana. "It's been a hard year so far. I really miss Santana and on top of that Lord Tubbington has been starting to shrink all my clothes," Brittany said in a voice over as we cut to Brittany trying to zip up a dress but not being able to. "Are you practicing witchcraft again? I thought we talked about that," Brittany said to Lord Tubbington who just meowed as Brittany shook her head disapprovingly. "At least I still have Cheerios and we're doing an awesome number inspired by the one and only Ms. Britney Spears," Brittany grinned in her voice over as we cut to her performing 'Hold It Against Me' on the field with the other cheerios.

 As the performance continues Brittany and the cheerios are in the gym as Sue Sylvester watches them diligently seeming completely unimpressed by the performance. As the performance ends and the cheerios hold their pose, Sue gets her megaphone out. "Well, that was just garbage. Garbage wrapped in skin," Sue said as Brittany was breathless & looked confused "Brittany, my office now!" Sue said into her mega phone as Brittany's smile fell as she made her way to Sue's office.

"Brittany, I'm afraid it's time for a little tough love," Sue said. "If it's about how my cheerios uniform isn't fitting it's because Lord Tubbington has been using his magical power to shrink all my clothes. I tried not to tell you but it's becoming more and more obvious," Brittany said as she tried to pull down her cheerios uniform which was riding up. "That's not what we're here to talk about though your uniform has become tighter and tighter on your body I'm afraid you might rip it at the seams," Sue said as Brittany frowned. "Are you calling me fat?" Brittany asked upset. "No but I am concerned about your weight gain in such a short period of time," Sue said honestly. "I told you Lord Tubbington has been shrinking my clothes. I have no idea how to fix it," Brittany frowned as Sue sighed knowing she had to get to the task at hand. "Brittany, You're a terrible role model for the Cheerios. Last year, I was lost in a haze of pregnancy hormones, and I allowed your record breaking GPA to slide.The Cheerios grade point average has dropped three full points. My girls no longer see academic achievement as a worthy goal, and yesterday I caught one of them trying to marry a squirrel," Sue said honestly. "That's 'cause I believe in marriage equality - for all land mammals," Brittany grinned. "Brittany, You're off the Cheerios. I'm giving the top spot to Kitty. I'm afraid you're going to have to lose the high pony," Sue said as Brittany frowned. "Tough love feels a lot like mean," Brittany frowned as Sue shook her head as Brittany left her office, devastated to be off the cheerios.

Later that night Brittany is talking to Santana on her computer. "Britt, I'm so sorry Sue was so mean to you. I wish I was there to make it all better," Santana frowned. "Yeah, me too," Brittany sighed "Do you think we could scissor-Skype later?" "I've got cheer practice every night till midnight, until homecoming," Santana sighed as Brittany's smile faded "Look, I love you, Britt, but I'm so late." Brittany frowned a bit. "I got to go, okay? I'll text you if we get a break," Santana said quickly. "Okay. Have fun," Brittany said solemnly. "Okay, bye," Santana said hanging up. "Bye," Brittany sighed as she then turned to Lord Tubbington who was dressed in a leather jacket "I'm not speaking to you. I know you joined a gang." Lord Tubbington once again meowed at Brittany who just shook her head feeling like this was the start of an epic decline for her especially since she felt like she had lost everything that mattered to her in one fell swoop.

Cut to the history classroom where Sam is seated with Brittany who seems to just be drawing on her assignments instead of actually working on them. "I hate to say it but I'm worried about Brittany. Ever since she got kicked off the cheerios she seems to be on a downward spiral," Sam said in a voice over as we cut to different clips of Brittany throughout the day, first when she walks in with a 'World's Best Grandma' shirt on, during Glee Rehearsal when Will tried to get Brittany back by announcing Britney week again. Blaine and Artie were performing a Britney mashup as Brittany continues to eat Oreos throughout the practice, acting unlike herself. "I just wish I knew what to do to help her," Sam said in a voice over as we cut back to the classroom the bell rang, which Brittany didn't even seem to notice which made Sam all the more worried about her wondering what was going on with her and wishing more than anything that she would open up to him.

Cut to the choir room where Sam, Tina, and Joe are up performing an acoustic version of Britney Spears' '3' as the New Directions watch. The majority of the New Directions seem into the performance, all but Brittany who sits arms folded as they perform. Sam tries to sing towards Brittany who seems incredibly distracted throughout the performance.

During the middle of the song Brittany gets up plugging in a razor as everyone looks at her confused as she soon starts the razor, Unique screams. As Brittany starts the razor during the performance Unique screams. "Brittany, what are you doing?!" Mr. Schue exclaimed as Brittany stops the razor. "Coach Sylvester's taken away my high pony. If I can't have my high pony, I don't want any hair at all," Brittany frowned. "No!" The New Directions exclaimed stopping Brittany from shaving her head as Brittany storms out of the choir room where she is met by Jacob Ben Israel. "Brittany S. Pierce, what do you say to reports you've gone off the rails?" Jacob asked holding a microphone out to Brittany who shoved it away. "Leave me alone, JBI!" Brittany exclaimed. "What's going on in your head right now?" Jacob asked nagging her. "Leave me alone, JBI!" Brittany said again annoyed. "What are you thinking?" Jacob asked. "There's no comment! Leave me alone!" Brittany exclaimed upset as she pulled out an umbrella "I'm getting this." Brittany then began attacking Jacob with an umbrella as Jacob screams horrified as Blaine, Tina, and Artie are standing around watching what's going on, not knowing what to do. "Should we do something?" Blaine asked concerned. "No, he deserves it," Tina shrugged. "About Brittany's downward spiral, I think the whole singing-at-her thing isn't really helping," Blaine said in a concerned tone. "Probably what she misses most about Cheerios is being in the spotlight. We should give her that," Artie suggested as Tina and Blaine couldn't help but nod thinking this was a great idea. Maybe giving Brittany the spotlight would help her out of her downward spiral that she was getting into. "Leave her alone! Leave Brittany alone!" a student yelled as the New Directions knew they had to come up with a new plan to help Brittany.

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