Episode 6, Act 6 - Dancing on My Own

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Santana couldn't seem to get her mind off of what Rachel was going through. Even though they weren't on the best of terms Santana had wanted to be their for Rachel, something she hadn't done for Quinn when she went through her pregnancy. She had always regretted not standing by Quinn but she had been slightly jealous of her. The two had a war over Puck at the time, though Santana couldn't remember why. Dani entered the apartment noticing Santana was lost in thought. You okay babe?" Dani asked sitting next to Santana who seemed to be knocked out of her trance. Dani and Santana had recently started dating since working at the Spotlight Diner together. "I'm fine...I guess I'm just worried about my friend," Santana said honestly. "You mean the one who kicked you out?" Dani asked as Santana nodded and sighed. "Look, things between us haven't always been great but....she's really going through a tough time. I just kind of want to be there for her, you know?" Santana asked as Dani nodded understandably. "Well...I think she's lucky to have a friend who cares so much," Dani said giving Santana a slight smile. "Thanks Dani but I wasn't always such a great friend," Santana sighed solemnly. "Well you're making up for it now," Dani said simply as Santana nodded as the two shared a sweet kiss.

Cut to McKinley High where Brittany is sitting bored in her class as the teacher just seems to be going on and on about nothing. 'I wonder what Santana's up to,' Brittany thought to herself as she got up her Facebook to go on Santana's profile, like she always did, but this time something caught her attention. 'Santana Lopez is in a relationship with Dani Harper', it read. Brittany's face fell. How did she not know Santana had found a new girlfriend. She clicked on Dani's profile and saw a bunch of pictures of the two of them together. Brittany teared up feeling somewhat betrayed even though she had a relationship with Sam, she still loved Santana and thought Santana loved her. She began to imagine herself singing the Robyn hit 'Dancing on my Own' as she continued to look through Santana and Dani's relationship.

"Somebody said you got a new friend. Does she love you better than I can? It's a big black sky over my town. I know where you at, I bet she's around. Yeah I know it's stupid but I just got to see it for myself," Brittany sang as she then fantasizes herself in Santana's apartment as Dani and Santana are kissing. "I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, Ohhh. I'm right over here, why can't you see me, Ohhh. I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home, Oooh," Brittany sang as we then cut to the choir room as Brittany is singing for the New Directions trying to dance her pain away. "I keep dancing on my own," Brittany sang. "I keep dancing on my own," the New Directions Girls repeated after Brittany. "I'm just gonna dance all night. I'm all messed up, I'm so out of line. Stilettos and broken bottles. I'm spinning around in circles," Brittany sang as she spun around in circles as we once again cut to Santana's apartment where she and Dani are bonding as Brittany watched them longingly. "I'm in the corner, watching you kiss her, Ohhh. I'm right over here, why can't you see me, Ohhh. I'm giving it my all, but I'm not the girl you're taking home, Oooh," Brittany sings as we cut back to the choir room as Brittany is continuing to dance as Sam looks taken aback and upset by her performance. "I keep dancing on my own," Brittany sang. "I keep dancing on my own," the New Directions Girls repeated as Brittany danced again as she then finished the song singing "I keep dancing on my own," emotionally as the New Directions hesitantly clap for her, especially seeing the look on Sam's face who has just realized Brittany is still in love with her ex-girlfriend.

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