Episode 3, Act 5 - Together Again

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Cut to the auditorium where Santana is going through Marley's bag. "Why are you going through my bag?" Marley asked nervously. "It's all part of being a mentor," Santana shrugged as she pulled out a package of laxatives "What is this, huh? And don't tell me it's 'cause the cafeteria food binds you up." "Those are like, from months ago. I forgot they were even in there," Marley lied. "Right...." Santana said narrowing her eyes at Marley as she soon saw Kitty and Quinn enter. Marley seemed to tense up when Kitty had arrived and that told Santana everything she needed to, Kitty had been her supplier or at least influenced her into thinking she needed to lose weight.

"Q, we need to talk," Santana said folding her arms approaching Quinn. "Okay..." Quinn said confused. "Alone," Santana shot at Kitty who just made a face. "I'll be right back," Quinn told Kitty as she walked off with Santana. "What happened?" Quinn asked. "I'll tell you what happened my girl Marley's on laxatives," Santana said annoyed. "Wait what?" Quinn said horrified, was this way Marley had been acting so strange in rehearsal? She felt awful for having confronted Jake had that been the case. "I think you're little bitch of a cheerio was the one who supplied her with them," Santana said. "Kitty seems sweet," Quinn argued. "Oh please. Her facade of being a good Christian girl is faker than Finn being the father of Beth," Santana said rolling her eyes. Quinn couldn't help but laugh. "What are you trying to say?" Quinn asked. "What I'm trying to say Fabray is she's just as big of a fake as you were," Santana said narrowing her eyes at Quinn. "Kitty is not me," Quinn argued. "You're right. She's worse. You might have been a fake with your good girl image but you never put any of us in danger except maybe yourself," Santana shrugged. "You don't know what you're talking about," Quinn corrected Santana. "Oh don't I," Santana smirked "You think you're so perfect but look at you now, alone and single. Not too many guys find teen moms who barely see their kid as a turn on." The rage came across Quinn's face as soon as Santana said that being that Beth was a sore point for her. Quinn then slapped Santana who slapped her back but their fight was soon interrupted by Brittany. "What are you guys doing?" Brittany yelled. "Nothing," Quinn said rolling her eyes as she walked away. Brittany looked at Santana expecting the truth. "Quinn always was a genius slapper," Santana shrugged as Brittany frowned wondering what her two best friends were fighting about now.

"Why did you two slap each other, is it Slapsgiving?" Brittany asked as Santana gave her a look "What?" Santana said. "Slapsgiving. You know the holiday of slapping," Brittany said as Santana still looked confused "Come on it was on How I Met Your Mother." "You know that's a TV right?" Santana said making a face. "Totally," Brittany said as Santana chuckled a bit still finding Brittany's oblivion adorable. "What?" Brittany asked as Santana shook her head. "Nothing," Santana said as Brittany frowned. "You know I really miss you," Brittany said honestly. "And I miss you too..." Santana admitted. "So if you miss me and I miss you, why aren't we together?" Brittany asked. "Because you cheated on me," Santana sighed as Brittany frowned "Look I know you think this child is ours but I know for a fact it isn't." "So what you want to go on Maury?" Brittany asked confused. "No," Santana said honestly. "Well it's the only way to know for sure," Brittany said as Santana sighed. "If we get back together, I just want you to promise me you'll never get with anyone else again, boy or girl," Santana said as Brittany nodded. "I think I can do that," Brittany smiled as Santana pulled her in close and kissed her, grateful that her coming back to McKinley had a happy ending for her and Brittany.

As Quinn stormed off she was stopped by Sam. "Whoa...what happened?" Sam asked knowing by the upset look on Quinn's face that something had gone down. "It's Santana but what else is new," Quinn shrugged. "Why am I not surprised. Usually you were either pissed at her or Puck,"Sam said cracking a bit of a smile as Quinn chuckled a bit. "How have you been? I heard you kind of saved the day by convincing Blaine to stay at McKinley," Quinn smiled a bit before adding "Anything I should know about?" Sam smiled brightly "Yeah...he's my first official boyfriend." Quinn smiled back him. "Good for you guys," Quinn said. "Thanks," Sam smiled back at Quinn grateful to have her back at least for the week. As happy as Quinn was for Sam about his relationship with Blaine, there was still a part of her that longed for him. She hadn't talked much to him since going to New Haven but that was because she promised herself to leave Lima and her past behind her. She and Puck had quickly broken off their relationship after graduation with Puck not wanting to be tied down to one woman and Quinn wanting to start over when she arrived in New Haven. Letting go of everyone else had been easy but letting Sam go, proved to be the hardest for her which was why she stopped replying to him. She knew he probably thought she didn't care but the truth was she cared too much. So, she let him go knowing there was someone out there who was deserving of him instead of her a girl too damaged by her past. She couldn't help but wonder if it was a mistake, not for Sam but for her. Like Santana had said she really didn't have guys lining up to go out with her but that was the old Quinn. She decided to reinvent herself in New Haven and maybe, just maybe she would find someone suited towards the way she wanted to be.

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