Episode 4, Act 5 - Luck of the Irish

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With Quinn being in town, Santana knew she at least had one friend to talk to and she was grateful for that. Though the two hadn't been on the best of terms since Thanksgiving, Santana knew when push came to shove Quinn would be there for her. The two met up at the Fabray's after Frannie and her family had left. Quinn had called Santana saying she needed to talk to her urgently. "So what did you want to talk about?" Santana asked as she sat on Quinn's bed. "Sam and Brittany," Quinn said as Santana looked confused. "What about Trouty and Britts?" Santana asked. "They're dating now," Quinn said simply as the rage grew on Santana's face. "They're what now?" Santana hissed annoyed. "Dating. Apparently they tried to get married when they thought the world was going to end," Quinn said simply as Santana shook her head. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew she had hurt Brittany by not listening to her when she thought the world was going to end but she never thought she would find someone else to move on with. "He's got to be the father," Santana managed to mutter under her breath. "Father?" Quinn said confused. "You didn't know? Britts is pregnant," Santana said as Quinn's eyes grew wide. This couldn't be true, could it? "Sam wouldn't do that to you...." Quinn said simply shaking her head. "You can tell yourself that Q, but who else was Britt close to at that time hmmm?" Santana said as tears formed in Quinn's eyes. She couldn't help but feel betrayed. Though she and Sam weren't together at the time, she had always thought they would find a way back to each other. Now that he was possibly having a child with Brittany, she knew this pretty much meant the end of any dream of them getting back together.

If there was one thing she knew about Sam it was that he would do anything for his family. When his parents had lost their home, he did everything he could to help the family out by getting a job delivering pizzas and even sold his guitar so his family would have enough money to survive. "If that's true...he's never going to leave her," Quinn said emotionally as tears rolled down her cheeks as Santana sighed realizing Quinn was right. "I know...." Santana said solemnly. "I have to find out," Quinn said wiping her eyes as she got up. "You sure you could handle that?" Santana asked as Quinn shrugged. "Only one way to find out," she said honestly as she left to talk to Sam, knowing that the answer could very well be one she didn't want to hear.

School was soon back in session as the New Directions met up in their new spot, the courtyard as Finn is entering with a huge smile on his face. "Guys I have some great news," Finn said excitedly. "That the world isn't going to end until September 27, 2014," Brittany said seriously as Sam nodded. ".....No..." Finn said confused by why Brittany thought this. "I know our competition season is over but we have a new Glee Club member," Finn smiled a bit as Rory entered the choir room. "No way," Brittany said shocked by Rory returning. "It's an honor to be back Finn Hudson," Rory smiled as the other members of the New Directions looked confused. "I thought you got deported," Brittany said confused. "Well my student visa got renewed for the 2013 year so I will be completing my junior year here at McKinley High," Rory said. "I'm sorry but who invited Lucky the Leprechaun back into this club?" Kitty said rolling her eyes. "He's not really a leprechaun," Brittany said as Kitty gave her a look. "Indeed I'm not," Rory said "But I'd really like a chance to be back in the New Directions, it would really be grand." "Rory stays guys. He helped us to a National championship last year," Finn grinned as he pat Rory on the back. "While that's wonderful and amazing we're out of the competitions for the remainder of the year, remember?" Harmony sighed shaking her head. "Well...that might not be the case," Finn said as the New Directions looked intrigued. "What do you mean?" Tina asked. "Well the show choir board has discovered that the Warblers might not have won the competition fairly and right now they are under review," Finn said as the New Directions erupted into conversations. "So this might not be the end for us after all," Finn grinned as the New Directions cheered, excited that they might have a chance to compete after all.

Later that afternoon the New Directions met up in the astronomy classroom. I want to sit under Venus," Sugar grinned enthusiastically. "I want to sit under Uranus," Sam grinned excitedly as Tina and Blaine snickered. "What's so funny?" Sam asked confused as Finn interrupted Blaine and Tina before they could talk. "Guys, let's all give a round of applause in welcoming back Miss Sugar Motta to the New Directions once again," Finn smiled as the New Directions cheered as Sugar bowed. "Now I had an idea for what this weeks theme should be, and I really think it's something we all want at this very moment," Finn smiled a bit as he wrote the word 'Redemption' on the board. "Redemption," Finn said pointing to the word "After our loss at sectionals, the one thing the New Directions need now more than ever is redemption. Sure, we don't have any competitions to get ready for at this moment but if the showchoir board rules against the Warblers, we might actually get a second chance and those don't come very often. So for this week I want you all to pick a song about picking up the pieces and empowering it into something greater than the loss itself." The New Directions seemed impressed with Finn's theme, Marley, especially felt like she needed a song about redemption feeling like she was the reason behind the loss of the New Directions and she couldn't have been more excited to show everyone exactly what she was made of.

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