Episode 5, Act 7 - We've Got Tonight

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"Alright single ladies, it is now time for the moment you've all been waiting for, the bouquet toss," Emma grinned onstage as she talked into the microphone. The girls cheered, specifically Quinn who was over-enthused by the whole concept. "Legend has it the woman who catches the brides' bouquet is the one who's going to get married next. Let's find out who it's going to be!" Emma exclaimed as the girls gathered around to try to catch the bouquet all but Brittany. Sam raised his eyebrow at her wondering why she wasn't going for the bouquet "We already got married," Brittany said seriously. "But it was a fake wedding..." Sam said confused. "So? A Wedding's a wedding," Brittany shrugged as Emma then threw the bouquet and surprisingly Rachel caught it. Puck gave Finn a look indicating that he and Rachel were meant to be as everyone clapped for Rachel who smiled smelling the bouquet.

Soon after catching the bouquet Rachel and Finn took the stage to perform their romantic ballad of Bob Segar's 'We've Got Tonight'. As Finn and Rachel are performing there are many couples slow dancing including: Jake and Marley, Will and Emma, Kurt and Blaine, Santana and Quinn, Sam and Brittany, and Tina and Mike. 

As Quinn is dancing with Santana she can't help but glance over at Sam and Brittany and wanting to make Sam feel jealous she speaks to Santana. "I've never slow danced with a girl before," Quinn told Santana seriously as she then looked at her "I like it." Santana seemed confused but glad to hear Quinn say that as they continued to dance together. Midway through the song we cut to the hallway as many of the couples are heading to their respective rooms including: Finn and Rachel, Kurt and Blaine, Jake and Marley, Quinn and Santana, and Tina and Mike, looking more in love with each other. As the song ends Rachel and Finn share a passionate kiss before proceeding to make love that Valentine's Day.

As the night wore on Brittany looked exhausted and yawned a bit. Being 7 months pregnant was taking its toll on her. As much fun as she had dancing the night away with Sam, it had definitely worn her out. She took a seat as Sam approached her. "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly as Brittany nodded. "I'm just sleepy," she yawned again. "Why don't I take you home?" Sam offered. "But the reception's not over yet," Brittany frowned clearly not wanting to be rude and leave. "It's okay...I mean it looks like people are leaving," Sam said gesturing towards the couples who seemed to be on their way to the hotel rooms. "Oh," Brittany said seeming more at ease. "Yeah we can leave now. I mean I know you need your rest," Sam said as Brittany nodded. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot," Brittany smiled as Sam took her hand and headed out to take Brittany home, grateful they had such a sweet Valentine's Day that they would remember.

Quinn fell back onto the bed after she and Santana had sex for the first time. She was pleasantly surprised with how much she enjoyed sleeping with Santana, not that she felt in love with her or anything but she was glad to do something different. "So that's why college girls experiment," Quinn said as she took a sip of water. "And thank God they do," Santana smirked. "You know, it was fun, and I've always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman, but, uh, I don't know. I think for me it was more of a one-time thing," Quinn said honestly to Santana who nodded. "Look, you don't have to worry. I'm not going to show up at your house with a U-Haul," Santana chuckled. "So what happens next?" Quinn asked. "Well, you could walk out first or we could make it a two-time thing?" Santana said as Quinn put down her water bottle, knowing exactly what she wanted to do as she proceeded to make love to Santana a second time ending Valentine's Day in a way she would have never expected.

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