Episode 2 - Election, Part 1: Moving Forward

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Quinn went to get a schedule change in the counselor's office following her issues with her professor hitting on her. She was worried about speaking her truth knowing that there was a chance the school wouldn't believe her. She held her breath as she was called into the office hoping this change she had decided to make would be the right one.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," Quinn said gratefully to the counselor. "Of course Miss Fabray," the counselor said as she offered Quinn a seat which she took "You said you want to transfer out of Professor Bloom's psychology class. Is there any particular reason for it?" Quinn took a deep breath trying to get her nerve up to say what she needed to. "Well...he seemed to be flirting with me and I know student-teacher relationships are highly frowned upon. It just made me feel uncomfortable," Quinn admitted as the counselor nodded seeming to understand where Quinn was coming from. "I see," she said as she made a few notes as Quinn sat there silently wondering if she had made the right call before the counselor spoke up. "Miss Fabray, I apologize for being so distracted after what you just told me, it's just that we've received quite a few complaints last year about Professor Bloom being inappropriate with students and told him if it happened again, he would lose his job. I'm glad you came forward so quickly. Most students feel embarrassed and you shouldn't. You did nothing wrong. He was the one who was abusing his power," the counselor told Quinn who sighed relieved knowing she had done the right thing. "Well I'm glad I could help," Quinn smiled slightly as she got up feeling more empowered than before.

Back at the McKinley High hallway Brittany approaches Artie at his locker. "Artie, can I talk to you for a second?" Brittany asked as Artie nodded "Okay, so I'm running for senior class president again, and I want you to be my VP." Artie looked at her confused "And why do you want me to run as your VP?" Artie asked her. "Well since I didn't win last year I thought having someone with a lot more knowledge running with me would make me seem like a better candidate. I just want the title of president and you can make all the boring decisions," Brittany said honestly as Artie thought about it. "So I could be Cheney to your Bush," Artie said in awe. "I'd rather be landing strip," Brittany said honestly. "I mean, it's no secret that a woman loves a man in power, and don't take this personally, but before I graduate, I would like to have a relationship that lasts longer than a couple weeks," Artie said honestly. "Why would I take that personally?" Brittany asked confused. "You and I dated," Artie said. "We did?" Brittany said confused. "Look, you've got yourself a deal," Artie smiled a bit shaking Brittany's hand. "Cool," Brittany grinned.

Brittany made her way to Sue's office determined to get her spot back on the cheerios to start making a full comeback. "Coach Sylvester, I need to talk with you," Brittany said. "Have a seat Brittany," Sue said as Brittany took a seat. "I know you kicked me off the cheerios because I was setting a bad example but I really want to end my high school career the way it started, back on the Cheerios," Brittany frowned a bit as Sue thought about it. "Tell you what. I'll let you back on the squad on one condition," Sue said as Brittany looked at her. "If you want to be back on the Cheerios, I want you to graduate by the end of the year. And that means you're going to have to turn those grades around." "I'm already working on that," Brittany said honestly "Ever since I found out I'm having my lesbian love child I made it my goal to graduate." "Your what?" Sue said. "You didn't know? Santana and I are having a baby," Brittany grinned. "I don't know how you can think that's possible," Sue said shaking her head. "But it is," Brittany frowned "Anyways, Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury are spending one afternoon a week tutoring me so I can graduate."

Cut to Brittany in Miss Pillsbury's office as Will and Emma are showing her pictures of historical people. "Barack Obama," Brittany grinned. "Yes," Will smiled as Emma held up the next card. "Glenn Close," Brittany said as Emma frowned. "Oh, good effort, Britt. Baby steps," Will smiled a bit as we cut back to Sue's office as Brittany is showing her the test. "I got a C-minus on my U.S. History exam, which the teacher bumped up two whole letter grades because I wrote in English instead of my secret language I invented in middle school," Brittany said as Sue nodded impressed. "Brittany, welcome back," Sue said. "Meep-zorp flurm-gloob," Brittany grinned happy to back on the Cheerios.

Cut to the choir room as Mr. Schue is still trying to come up with ideas. "Alright guys let's get down to business," he said as Brittany's hand shot up again as Mr. Schue called on her somewhat gratefully. "Yes Brittany?" "I have another announcement," Brittany grinned as Mr. Schue gave her the floor "I'm wrapping up the election by selecting Artie as my running mate." "Ah! All right," Mr. Schue said nodding as Artie smiled a bit. "I think by bridging the human-slash-robot divide, we'll ensure that both students and vending machines will be voting for us," Brittany grinned. "Still not a robot," Artie commented as Blaine frowned. "Brittany, that's not fair. This isn't a popularity contest, it's about who's got the best ideas. It's about believing you can make a change, right?" Blaine said as Artie shook his head "What is that taste in my mouth? Is that sour grapes," Artie said as Blaine rolled his eyes seeming incredibly disappointed in Artie and Brittany running together for president and vice president. Sam also looked somewhat hurt that Brittany hadn't asked him to help her. After all they had been close over the summer. Didn't that mean anything to her?

After glee practice Sam rushes after Brittany. "Hey, why didn't you ask me to be your running mate? I'm like the perfect candidate," Sam frowned a bit. "Well, I didn't want it to ruin our friendship," Brittany shrugged "I mean, look at Sarah Palin. She and her grandfather, they were super close, and then he asked her to be his running mate, and they lost, and now they're not even speaking." Sam gave her a concerned look knowing Brittany was once again way off. "But I do think you'd be a great vice president, so I'm going to help you out. Come here," Brittany grinned as she took Sam to Blaine at his locker. "Blaine Warbler? I'd like to introduce you to Sam Evans," Brittany grinned. "Um, we've actually met several times," Blaine said confused. "He's your candidate for vice president," Brittany grinned. "Thanks Brittany but I'm picking my own running mate," Blaine said as Brittany frowned a bit. "But..." Brittany began. "It's cool Brittany. Blaine has a right to pick who he wants to run with," Sam said honestly as Blaine nodded seeming to appreciate Sam's support. "Thank you," Blaine said. "Of course," Sam smiled back. "Fine. Be that way but don't be surprised when Artie and I win," Brittany said as she walked off as Blaine shook his head laughing a bit.

"I had no idea she was going to bring me over here and try to get me to be your VP," Sam said honestly. "Oh I know. If there's one thing I've learned about Brittany it's that you can't predict what she's going to do next," Blaine said as he could see Sam looked hurt "You okay man?" Sam sighed "Not really. I mean Brittany and I kind of had a thing over the summer and I just feel like it meant nothing to her," Sam said honestly. "Wait...so you two..." Blaine said as Sam nodded. "I'm trying to be a good guy and be there for her, especially since I'm pretty sure Santana didn't get her pregnant but she keeps shutting me out. Her not picking me for her running mate just proved it even more so," Sam sighed as Blaine looked at Sam sympathetically. He knew what it was like to feel alone and like your feelings didn't matter. "You know maybe Brittany was right," Blaine said. "About shutting me out?" Sam asked confused. "No about you being a good candidate for Vice President. I really think we could work well together. If you want to," Blaine suggested as Sam smiled back at Blaine. "You've got yourself a deal," Sam grinned as he and Blaine shook hands ultimately deciding to be running mates.

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