Episode 3, Act 7 - Don't Dream It's Over

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That Monday the Glee Club met for their first meeting after their loss at Sectionals where Finn revealed the devastating news that the club's competitive season was over. "So, that's it? No more Glee?" Sam frowned. "Until next September," Finn sighed. "Sugar already bailed," Artie said shaking his head. "Can I just say what everyone is thinking? This is Marley's fault. New Rachel, my butt. I knew Rachel Berry. I was friends with Rachel Berry, and you, Marley, are no Rachel Berry," Tina shot at Marley who looked down. "Mm-hmm. Preach," Artie agreed. "Guys, guys, enough," Finn said horrified "It's not like it's over. The holiday concert is later this week, and we are going to be preparing for it all week long. If this is our swan song, let's make it the best one it can be." "You really expect us to go up in front of the whole school and parade our loserdom for all to see?" Kitty asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, Kitty does have a point. We agreed to do the show when we thought it would be on the heels of another Sectionals victory. Now it just feels like a pity party," Artie agreed. "I love to sing and dance as much as anybody, but without a competition to prep for, it's hard to get motivated," Tina sighed. "I understand that we need a little shift in perspective, but let's just enjoy this week, and look forward to our big comeback next year," Finn grinned. "That's right," Will agreed as Sam then spoke up "What about those of us who won't have a next year?" He asked as Finn looked crestfallen knowing the seniors wouldn't have another chance to perform at competitions.

The next day the New Directions met up in the auditorium where they revealed to Finn that they had all moved on from the Glee Club. Artie was a part of the marching band, Tina and Blaine joined the cheerios, Ryder and Jake joined the basketball team, Unique joined the floor hockey team, and Joe had joined the Interfaith Paintball League. "I can't believe it's been, like, what, two days, that you've all gone in completely separate, and totally insane, directions," Finn frowned saddened. "We lost Sectionals. Our season is over. You can't be upset that we've moved on. It's the healthy thing to do," Tina shrugged. "Is it really? Is it the healthy thing to do to take orders from Sue Sylvester for the rest of the school year?" Finn shot at Tina who looked down as Finn then turned his attention to Artie "And Artie, man, you basically dragged me out of the tire shop, telling me that this club was part of my destiny somehow. What did you even join? Your costume is ridiculous. I looks like a peacock died on your head." "It's called a plume," Artie frowned. "Whatever! Okay, look, I-I'm not going to waste all six minutes I was able to book the auditorium for yelling at you guys," Finn frowned. "Six minutes?" Joe asked confused. "Yeah. Most of the other clubs got it all booked up for the week. So the only other time I was able to get was 9:54, Friday night, and I'll be here ready to rehearse, and I hope you will, too. 'Cause if you don't, I think you're going to regret missing that opportunity for the rest of your lives," Finn said. "I'll definitely be here." Marley said reassuringly. "Yeah, well, we'd all be here if you hadn't face-planted at Sectionals," Tina shot at Marley who looked down. "Tina, enough!" Finn exclaimed as Tina then stormed off as she was slowly followed by the rest of the New Directions all but Marley, Sam, Blaine, and Brittany. Blaine seemed hesitant to leave, he wanted to be in Glee Club more than anything but he couldn't see how they would be able to do much of anything so he decided to leave disheartening Sam, Marley, Brittany, and Finn who all just continued to stand there.

Sam and Brittany were heading out of the auditorium together. "I'm surprised you decided to stay," Sam said honestly as Brittany shrugged. "The Glee Club's been good to me. It's the place where Santana was accepted for who she really was and it seems wrong to just desert it," Brittany said honestly with a shrug. "I heard you two got back together. I'm really happy for you," Sam said honestly with a smile. "Thank you. I know you totally wanted to be with me but I felt like it was only right for our lesbian love child to be raised by both parents," Brittany said as Sam couldn't help but chuckle. "What's so funny?" Brittany asked. "I like that you still hold onto the fact that you're having a lesbian love child," Sam said. "Because I am," Brittany said confused. "What if you weren't," Sam said as Brittany shook her head. "That's impossible, everyone knows Santana's the father," Brittany said as she made a face "I don't know what you're trying to get at but you have Blaine Warbler and I have Santana so leave our relationships well enough alone otherwise I might have to rethink staying in Glee Club." Brittany then walked off as Sam sighed falling back into the lockers in defeat. He was so close to telling Brittany the truth that he still cared about her but he knew if he did that he could be sabotaging both of their relationships and maybe Brittany had a point to just leave things the way they were and no one would be hurt.

"I can't believe you just bailed on Glee Club," Sam frowned as he approached Blaine at his locker as Blaine sighed. "I know. I'm really sorry Sam but without the thrill of competitions being a part of the club felt kind of pointless," Blaine admitted. "So you joined the Cheerios instead?" Sam said in disbelief as Blaine sighed. "Look, I know it seems weird to you but being on the Cheerios offers me to be a part of a winning team for my senior year. I want to look back on this year as the best year I can make it and without competitions to look forward to, being in Glee feels like kind of a waste, besides we don't have anywhere to practice anyway," Blaine sighed as Sam nodded, knowing Blaine had a point. "I guess...I just feel bad abandoning Finn, I mean the dude's the reason I joined in the first place...well him and Quinn..." Sam began as Blaine raised an eyebrow, no one had known that Sam had originally joined the club to get closer to her. "But that's besides the point," Sam said shaking it off. "Look...I get that you feel loyal to Finn, no one's stopping you from continuing with Glee Club, the rest of us just don't see the point anymore," Blaine shrugged as he walked off as Sam exhaled loudly watching him leave, knowing the club was officially over.

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