Episode 3, Act 4 - Rehearsals

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That week the guys and girls were split up. The guys were being mentored by Mike, Finn, and Puck while the girls were being mentored by the unholy trinity. Mike, Finn, and Puck were looking for the male lead to join Brittany as the lead dancer in 'Party Rock Anthem' and ended up seeing that Ryder had the best moves which gained him the dance solo. Meanwhile in the choir room Brittany, Santana, and Quinn were talking to the girls. "Along with being beautiful, the three of us are National Show Choir Championship goddesses," Brittany said. "We are winners. Which is why Finn has asked us to come and shower you with the inspiration that is the Unholy Trinity," Santana said. "Santana, Brittany and I knew each other so well that I could tell by the slightest quiver in Santana's upper lip which way we were gonna move. Whether our hips are gonna shake or shimmy," Quinn said honestly. "No. You girls have to be tight up there, okay? The judges love the feminine quality, and the Warblers just don't have it," Santana shrugged. "It's about being individuals. You know, we're all different. But it's also about synchronicity," Quinn said. "Can you give us an example?" Marley asked in a hopeful tone. "It's been a few months, but I'm the three of us could put together something on the fly," Quinn smiled a bit as the girls cheered as Quinn, Brittany, and Santana began to sing the Supreme's Classic 'Come See About Me'.

 As they performed the New Directions girls couldn't help but smile and beam at them aspiring to be just like them. Quinn, Brittany, and Santana ended in a pose similar to their very first performance of 'I Say a Little Prayer' as the girls all cheered for them, Marley however seemed to look out of it which Santana quickly noticed being her mentor. "Hey, are you are you feeling okay? You look like you're gonna hurl," Santana asked concerned about Marley. "Um, I think I'm just really tired from all the rehearsing," Marley lied as Quinn nodded seeming to believe her, however Santana wasn't so sure and knew she had to get to the bottom of things, whatever it took.

Brittany approached Santana after the performance. "I really loved performing with you...it reminded me of old times," Brittany smiled a bit as Santana seemed to smile back at her at first before composing herself. "Yeah well..it isn't like old times. You cheated on me, remember?" Santana huffed as Brittany frowned. "No I didn't and even though you're still mad at me, I'm having our lesbian love child which I now know the gender of," Brittany grinned. "Save it for the father of the child. We're over Britts," Santana said shaking her head walking off as Brittany frowned watching her leave wishing she could get things back to normal between them.

Quinn and Kitty were walking together down the hall out of the choir room. "If Finn hadn't paired us together, I would've thrown such a hissy," Kitty said. "Why is that?" Quinn asked intrigued. "Because you're Quinn Fabray, and I idolize you. You're Cheerios royalty," Kitty smiled as they approached her locker "Can I show you something?" "Sure," Quinn said as Kitty opened her locker to reveal she had picture of Quinn as a cheerio with the caption 'WWQFD?' "Every day, I ask myself, "What would Quinn Fabray do?"," Kitty grinned. "It's really nice to know that people still remember me," Quinn said honestly. "Remember you? Oh, no, we aspire to be you, me especially," Kitty smirked excitedly. "That's nice of you to say," Quinn smiled a bit. "You're like the success story we all strive to be. You're at Yale, you were the captain of the cheerios, and lead the New Directions to their Nationals win," Kitty said. "It wasn't an easy road to get to where I am now but as long as you're willing to push yourself you'll get there," Quinn encouraged Kitty who hugged Quinn once again. "I am so excited to be working with you this week," she grinned. Quinn then knew now was her chance to talk about what was on her mind. "What's with Marley? She seemed a little out of it during rehearsal," Quinn asked noticing Marley in the hall. "Oh, that one? She's sweet as pie, and I've tried to be a good friend to her, but ever since she started dating Jake Puckerman, I fear she's on the wrong path. Word is he's pressuring her to swipe her V-card. If that were to happen, well, no one knows the dangers of a good girl mixing with a Puckerman better than you," Kitty shrugged as Quinn looked over at Marley and Jake worriedly. If Jake was pressuring Marley it would explain why she was so out of it in rehearsal, Quinn knew she had to do something about it.

Quinn found Jake in the hallway talking with Puck as she stormed up to him annoyed. "Back off of Marley," Quinn shot as Jake looked confused. "Excuse me?" Jake said narrowing his eyes. "I got this, little bro. See that furrowed brow, lips pursed, hand on her hip, this is what I like to call "Loopy Quinn." It's an irrational state that she apparently only reserves for Puckermans," Puck shot at Quinn who rolled her eyes. "He's messing with her head. He's pressuring her to have sex with him," Quinn said annoyed. "Who told you that?" Jake asked confused. "I don't need somebody to tell me that the biggest womanizer in school is trying to take advantage of the naive girl who just wants to fit in and be loved, especially if the womanizer's last name is Puckerman," Quinn shot at Jake but was mostly looking at Puck. "You don't know me. I'm a lot of things he's not, and I would never do that to Marley," Jake said honestly. "I don't believe you," Quinn said as she began to storm off. "Quinn, I think you're being a little out of line here," Puck said making a face as Quinn whipped her head back around. "I'm out of line here? Something is going on with Marley and I think he's the cause of it," Quinn said narrowing her eyes at Jake "The only way you're gonna win sectionals is if Marley's at her best. And if you keep distracting her, she's not going to be." Quinn then stormed off as Jake looked confused.

Quinn knew her anger was more focused on Puck than Jake. She had always regretted what happened between them and worried that Marley would be of the same fate. She felt protective of the sweet innocent girls much like how she used to be. Part of her longed to be that girl again but she knew it was one of the many things she could never get back.

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