Episode 4, Act 7 - I Never Told You

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Quinn stormed up to Puck at Breadstix. "We need to talk," Quinn said annoyed. "About why you're still in town. Shouldn't you be back at Yale?" Puck asked Quinn incredulously. "Like I thought you'd be back in LA by now," Quinn said narrowing her eyes at Puck who shrugged. "I needed to look out for my family," Puck said. "Oh does that include the underaged bitchier version of me you're dating now?" Quinn said annoyed. "What? How did you..." Puck began as Quinn cut him off. "She worships me remember? She told me everything," Quinn said. "Oh babe lighten up," Puck said. "Lighten up? That's all you can say to me," Quinn said laughing in disbelief "I didn't expect our relationship to make it past graduation which it didn't but I never expected you to possibly get yourself sent to prison in the meantime." "Kitty's 16 which means being with her is fair game," Puck said. "You're still dating a high schooler which is weird and gross," Quinn said annoyed. "Like you and Trouty," Puck shot at Quinn. "What are you talking about," Quinn said confused. "You think I didn't notice how the two of you were during Thanksgiving? Who's weird and gross now," Puck smirked as Quinn scoffed. "Sam and I are just friends and besides he's dating Brittany now," Quinn said seriously. "Oh I know they seem really in love," Puck smirked motioning towards Brittany and Sam who are making out as Quinn's face fell. "I'll be right back," she said solemnly as Puck rolled his eyes looking back at the menu as Quinn walked away.

Quinn walked over to Sam and Brittany as she cleared her throat. "Q! I didn't know you were still here," Brittany grinned hugging Quinn. "Yeah well my semester doesn't start until next week," Quinn said honestly as she then turned to Brittany "Do you mind if I talk to Sam...alone?" "Of course not," Brittany smiled as she kissed Sam on the cheek before walking off. "Tell me....is it true?" Quinn asked with a sigh as she sat by Sam. "Is what true?" Sam asked slightly confused "That you're the father of Brittany's baby," Quinn said as Sam sighed and nodded. "What? How," Quinn said tearing up. We kind of had a fling over the summer and when I found out she was pregnant I broke things off with Blaine and now we're dating," Sam said honestly as Quinn was stunned that he and Brittany had anything over the summer. "Does Santana know?" Quinn asked. "You think I'd still be here talking to you if she did," Sam said as Quinn shook her head. "This is...wow... a lot to take in," Quinn said taking a seat. "I know," Sam sighed "I should've told you before but I just didn't know how." "I've been through this before remember? I would've understood," Quinn said. "I know," Sam said as he then got up. "Where are you going?" Quinn asked. "To find Brittany," Sam said honestly "I told you everything now we just need to move on." Sam then left as Quinn teared up. There was a part of her that had never quite gotten over Sam and to know he and Brittany were together felt like a tug at her heart as she began to picture herself singing 'I Never Told You' by Colbie Caillat.

"I miss those blue eyes, how you kiss me at night. I miss the way we sleep. Like there's no sunrise. Like the taste of your smile. I miss the way we breathe. But I never told you, what I should have said.No, I never told you I just held it in. And now, I miss everything about you. Can't believe that I still want you and after all the things we've been through. I miss everything about you. Without you, oh," Quinn sang emotionally as she left Breadstix seeing Brittany and Sam together feeling emotional. "I see your blue eyes every time I close mine. You make it hard to see," Quinn sang as she walked to her car and began to drive feeling more alone than ever as she got to Santana's. "Where I belong to. When I'm not around you. It's like I'm not with me. But I never told you, what I should have said. No, I never told you I just held it it. And now, I miss everything about you," Quinn sang emotionally. "Still you're gone," Santana sang meeting Quinn outside. "Can't believe that I still want you," Quinn sang emotionally. "Loving you I should have never walked away," Santana sang. "And after all the things we've been through," Quinn sang. "I know it's never going to come again," Santana sang. "I miss everything about you, without you. Oh. Mmmm. Oh. Mmmm," Quinn sang emotionally as she finished the song as she entered Santana's. "What are you doing here Fabray?" Santana asked. "There's something you need to know," Quinn said ready to reveal the truth to Santana who she knew wouldn't take it well at all.

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