Episode 4, Act 4 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

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That Christmas night Sam and Brittany met up with Coach Beiste as Breadstix, nervous to find out if they were actually married or not. "Hey guys," Coach Beiste said as she took a seat. "Thanks for meeting with us," Sam said. "Of course...I hear you had some questions about the ceremony I performed?" she said as Brittany nodded. "Yeah like how you got a Mayan Church certificate," Brittany said seriously as Coach Beiste sighed. "Well...I didn't..." she said honestly as Sam's eyes grew wide. "So we're not actually married?" Sam asked surprised. "There aren't actually any Mayan church Websites. The Mayans were wiped out by the conquistadors and smallpox," Coach Beiste said honestly as Brittany looked confused. "That's like chickenpox, but smaller," Sam told her as Brittany nodded. "Look, when I heard the two of you were getting engaged, I thought to myself, these kids are two special kids. The last thing we need is another teen tragedy of marrying too young, popping out a couple kids before you're 20 and ending up with your faces blurred out on an episode of Cops," Coach Beiste said. "I've totally done that before," Brittany said as Coach Beiste and Sam gave her a look. "Well Brittany, I know the world didn't end but would you want to continue to be my girlfriend?" Sam asked as Brittany smiled at him. "I'd love to," Brittany said as Sam hugged her. "Besides, you were the only who believed in me that the world was going to end, even though it didn't, you still stood by me and I really like that." Coach Beiste smiled at the two of them, glad they had decided just to be a couple.

Meanwhile, the Fabrays were at another table at Breadstix having Christmas dinner together. "Why aren't we having the usual big celebration?" Quinn asked her mom confused. "Well, I thought we should do something different this year. I mean you're hardly ever in town Quinnie. This is the best restaurant here," Judy said simply. "It is. Gosh I haven't been here since high school," Frannie said shaking her head as she put Evan in his high chair. The Fabrays seemed to be in deep conversation as Quinn took it as her ticket to leave. "Excuse me," Quinn said quietly she walked away, which her family didn't even notice. As she was walking away she accidently hit into someone. "Watch your step little lady," she heard a familiar voice say in an impression of a Southern accent. She turned around to see Sam standing there. Quinn hugged him tightly. "It's good to see you," Quinn smiled brightly, she had missed him so much. "You too. I thought you went back to New Haven," he said confused. "I did. I'm just back during the break between semesters," Quinn chuckled a bit. "Cool," he smiled a bit as Brittany joined him. "Quinn I know this is awkward but can I get the present I bought you back? I thought the world was going to end but since it's not, I need to get back all the money I spent," Brittany frowned a bit as Quinn couldn't help but smile. "Sure Brittany. What are you doing here?" Quinn asked. "Sam and I are on a date. Well the first date since we found out we're not really married," Brittany said. "Wait...you two are dating?" Quinn asked confused, the last she had heard Blaine was with Sam. "Totally. Sam's always making me laugh and he's the only person who believed me that the Mayan Apocalypse was upon us...even though it didn't actually happen," Brittany said. "Well...congrats," Quinn said still unsure of how to feel about their relationship. "Thanks Quinn, we'll be sure to invite you to our next wedding," Sam said as he walked off with Brittany.

Quinn watched them leave feeling heartbroken. Finding out Sam had moved on with Brittany hurt more than she could truly say, especially since they had tried to get married. Something about that stung a little bit more for Quinn. She hadn't gotten over Sam and the fact that he was so willing to marry Brittany when he thought the world was coming to an end hurt. "Someone's upset," Puck smirked slightly as he walked over to Quinn who shook her head. "What are you doing here?" she asked him as he shrugged. "I'm here with my mom and my little bro. The bigger question is why are you here and gawking over Trouty who clearly wants nothing to do with you?" he said as Quinn scoffed. "You don't know that," she said simply. "Yeah, I do," he smirked stepping in front her "Face it babe, you had your chance and you blew it." Quinn didn't want to admit he was right but seeing Sam with Brittany she couldn't help but wonder if Puck had a point. "My advice...move on. There are plenty of guys who'd be willing to take you back," he smirked slightly indicating himself. "Aren't you supposed to be busy chasing after some LA girls?" Quinn asked rolling her eyes. "Sure I used to. But you're in luck baby, I'm back in town for good," he smirked wrapping an arm around her as Quinn slid out of his grasp annoyed. "Well I'm not," she said simply glaring at him "I don't want to be one of many girls with you again. Unlike you, I'm looking for true love which is something you're never going to understand." "Oh I wouldn't say that," Puck said shaking his head. "Yeah? Well I would. Goodbye Puck," Quinn said rolling her eyes as she walked back to her family not wanting to deal with him again.

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