Episode 1, Part 4 - Chasing Pavements

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The next afternoon the Glee kids were once again eating with the popular kids much like they had done since the beginning of the school year. Marley looked pretty uncomfortable sitting with the populars, especially since they were making fun of her mom like they usually did. She tried to pretend like it didn't affect her, much like what her mom told her to do but as the insults went on, she couldn't help but speak up. "That's really mean," Marley frowned. "Excuse me?" Kitty asked in shock that someone would stand up for the lunch lady. "You don't know her. You don't know what her life is like," Marley stated simply. "So? Why do you care?" Kitty asked annoyed. "Because she's my mom," Marley said as the New Directions looked at each other in shock, the new lunch lady was Marley's mom? "I thought you guys were different," Marley said emotionally as she stormed off with her tray of food as the New Directions exchanged guilty looks. They had been different at one time before they let popularity get to their heads. "Let me go talk to her," Sam offered as he got up following Marley out of the lunch room.

Marley was emotional at her locker when Sam approached her. "Hey, Marley, um, just wanted to apologize for all of us and beg you not to quit," Sam sighed as Marley looked at him before going back to getting her things "Look, I get you. Like, for instance, I know that that sweater is from Walmart - and your mom sewed the J. Crew label into it." "How do you know that?" Marley asked surprised that he had somehow figured this out. "Because my mom used to do the same thing for me," Sam admitted as Marley looked back at him surprised, she wasn't as alone as she thought she was. "The best thing about Glee Club is it's not about labels. If you can sing, if you can dance, you belong. And, dude, you can sing," Sam smiled kindly to Marley. "I don't know. You say that, but the way you were making fun of my mom, something doesn't feel right," Marley sighed closing her locker as the rest of the club approached her.

"We came to apologize," Artie said honestly. "I think being popular felt a little too good, and we forgot ourselves," Tina admitted. "Well, I didn't. I was always popular, but I do forget to wear underwear sometimes, though," Brittany shrugged as Sam chuckled, leave it to Brittany to somehow come up with something that was so off yet somehow fit just right. "The best part about Glee Club is that everyone gets to be a star. Which is why we're all hoping that you could come to rehearsal with us this afternoon and maybe sing lead vocal on one of the songs we're working on," Blaine said. "And if words don't convince you, let the majesty and mystery of Unique's fabulousness be enough!" Unique grinned as she chuckled approaching Marley "I mean it. Glee Club's a special place. I mean, where else could I dress like this and be welcomed with open arms?" "Okay, one last thing. I don't think I'm comfortable sitting with that cheerleader and those guys at lunch," Marley sighed. "That won't be a problem," Kitty smirked approaching them "We could handle Gimpy and the Tarantula Head and Richie Poor, because you guys were national champs like us, but our invitation was not extended to pre-op Precious based on the novel Barf by Sapphire, Little Miss Gerber Baby, and Mike and Molly's daughter as part of our crew." "Well, I guess we're not in your crew anymore," Blaine said simply. "You know, I was kind of hoping you'd say that," Kitty smirked as she, Phil, and Bobby slushied Unique, Harmony, and Marley. "And with that, order is restored," Phil smirked as he, Kitty, and Bobby walked off. "Well, looks like you guys have been officially welcomed to the Glee Club," Artie said as Marley, Harmony, and Unique winced at the pain of the cold slushie. "Unique's eyes they are on fire!" Unique exclaimed upset. "Let's get you guys cleaned up and go to rehearsal," Blaine offered as he helped the 3 newest members to the bathroom to get them cleaned off in time for Glee Rehearsal.

Meanwhile back at Yale, Quinn was hard at work on her assignments, trying to get the thought of her professor hitting on her out of her head. She was used to the attention from men, it was something she had gotten all her life, but something about her teacher wanting to be with her just felt....wrong. She silently wished she had someone to talk to, someone who wouldn't judge her or make her feel guilty. She began to go through her list of friends hoping one of them would help her feel inspired. Their were 3 names that stood out to Quinn were the ones she felt the most sure of calling, Rachel, Sam, or Santana. She and Rachel had gotten close towards the end of their senior year and Rachel had turned to Quinn for advice regarding her own love life, should she do the same? And Sam, she couldn't forget the first guy who ever truly made her feel wanted and accepted after everything she had been through. Though she hadn't spoken to him lately, she wondered if maybe she should return his calls and seek his advice on what to do. And then there was Santana, most people saw them as frenemies but when push came to shove Santana was always there for Quinn. Santana may typically be judgemental in public, but whenever you confided something in her, she kept her mouth shut. Would telling Santana be the best thing?

Quinn finally made up her mind dialing the all too familiar phone number as she held her breath. "What do you want Fabray," Santana's voice rang over the other line as Quinn couldn't help but chuckle, same old Santana. "Nice to talk to you too Santana," Quinn said, shaking her head. "Sorry old habits die hard," Santana shrugged "What's going on?". Quinn sighed "Promise me that whatever I say stays between us." "Of course," Santana said seeming concerned "Is everything alright?" "No," Quinn sighed solemnly. "What's going on?" Santana asked clearly concerned for her friend. Quinn took a deep breath "You know how guys used to be around me...you know constantly hitting on me?" she asked. "Yeah..why is that a problem in college? I mean you're a hot single bitch," Santana said not getting what Quinn was getting at. "The problem is one of my professors is hitting on me," Quinn said. "Wait, wait, wait. Hold up, so some old crusty 40 year old 'professor' is getting off to seeing you? Gross," Santana said making a face. "Okay he's not that old," Quinn chuckled shaking her head "But still...he's been kind of putting the moves on me and it just feels....wrong." "That's because it is wrong," Santana said shaking her head "Look, if you want my advice, see if you can get the hell out of that man's class. You don't need to be ogled everytime you enter the room like some piece of meat." Quinn seemed relieved hearing Santana's advice knowing she was absolutely right. "Thanks San...I really needed your advice," Quinn smiled a bit. "Yeah it's kind of what I do," Santana shrugged as she walked to her next class "Listen, I've got to go but if you want to talk again, don't hesitate to call okay?" "Of course. Thanks again," Quinn smiled as she and Santana said their goodbyes as Quinn felt a lot more secure talking to her old friend, knowing she was making the right call getting away from trouble before it followed her again.

That afternoon the New Directions were hard at work on the 'Chasing Pavements' number, unsure if Marley would show up after what had transpired at lunch but Mr. Schue had them working on the choreography as Marley did arrive, seeming hesitant at first to join them but soon joined in with the New Directions.

 Blaine guided Marley in with the group as they all performed the song forming together as a group. Jake watched them solemnly from the sidelines, looking like he somewhat wished he was a part of the group but not wanting to go back on his promise not to join after being rejected. Jake just walked off midway through the performance, having seen enough. As Marley hit the big note in the song Sam played around with her newsboy cap smiling as he did so, Marley seemed thrilled to have a friend in the club who understood the struggles she was going through with struggling for money. The New Directions soon finished their performance feeling more united than ever before as they all hugged and cheered for Marley on her first solo in the group number.

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