Episode 1, Part 3 - New Editions

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The next afternoon was when Glee Club tryouts were to take place. Unlike years prior, the sign up sheet for the New Directions was exploding with possible new members. Mr. Schue, Finn, and the New Directions sat through many auditions from eager students, most of which weren't good at all, that is until a guy with a darker skin tone with dark hair and brown eyes took the stage in his red hoodie and jeans. "What's your name?" Mr. Schue asked. "Jake," Jake said. "Got a last name, Jake?" Mr. Schue asked. "Uh, just Jake," Jake said not wanting to explain his last name. "Okay, well, show us what you got 'Just Jake'," Mr. Schue smiled a bit as Jake began to sing 'Never Say Never' by The Fray.

The New Directions were in awe of his voice as he began to sing, as they clearly realized that they had found their first member. "He's so sexy," Sugar whispered breathlessly. "No he's not," Sam argued slightly annoyed. "Yes he is," Unique smirked as Sugar grinned at her as Jake continued to perform until Mr. Schue cut him off. "Okay Jake, thank you," Mr. Schue said as Jake looked annoyed. "I don't get to finish?" Jake said annoyed. "We got a lot of people to see," Mr. Schue said honestly. "But I've been practicing..." Jake began. "We've seen enough. Thank you," Mr. Schue said as Jake looked back at him annoyed as he knocked over a music stand as the other members of the New Directions looked horrified. "Jake, come on, man, why don't you pick up the music stand?" Mr. Schue asked as Jake just stormed offstage as Mr. Schue sighed "Next." A raven haired girl with bright blue eyes walked out on stage wearing a blue sweater and a newsboy cap. "Hi...I'm Marley Rose and I will be singing 'New York State of Mind' by Billy Joel," Marley said. "Show us what you've got," Will smiled a bit as Marley took a deep breath before performing 'New York State of Mind'.

Much like Jake, it was clear to the New Directions that Marley had quite the stunning voice and could quite possibly be someone special. As Marley finished her performance the New Directions cheered for her as Marley beamed brightly. "Thank you. Thank you," Mr. Schue smiled as Marley grinned as she walked offstage. "Wow. Now, that's what I call star quality," Mr. Schue said impressed before turning to the New Directions. "What do you guys think?" he asked. "She was really good," Finn grinned. "It was good," Artie agreed. "Ten," Sugar grinned as Unique, Harmony, Tina, Blaine, and Brittany exchanged looks, was she going to be their newest competition to fight for the leads? They certainly were concerned about it.

The next afternoon Mr. Schue had put up the list of who the New Directions were for the 2012-2013 school year, Marley rushed over to find out if she had made it. As she read down the list, she could hardly contain her excitement when she found out that she was the only new member added to the New Directions. She rushed off excitedly as Jake then approached the list, reading down it like Marley had done but much to his disappointment, he wasn't on the list. Enraged he takes the list down and crumbles it up, throwing it on the ground. Meanwhile, the New Directions were awaiting their first practice as Mr. Schue came walking in with Marley. "Guys, this young lady gave hands-down one of the best auditions I have ever seen. Let's give it up for our newest member, Marley Rose," Mr. Schue smiled as the New Directions cheered for Marley. "Marley, on behalf of all of New Directions, welcome," Blaine smiled a bit. "Thank you. I'm really excited to be here," Marley grinned. "I really like your sweater. Where'd you get it?" Sugar asked. "Oh. Thanks. Um, J. Crew," Marley said awkwardly as Sugar made a face. She would know if the sweater was really J. Crew. "Really?" Sugar said in a disbelieving tone as Marley nodded nervously. Sam couldn't help but empathize with Marley, realizing her sweater wasn't from J. Crew but that her mother had switched out the labels. It wasn't unlike what his own mother had done when his father lost his job, wanting to make everything seem more expensive, hoping the other kids wouldn't catch on to their money troubles. "Why don't we just start rehearsal," Sam interrupted awkwardly hoping to save Marley the heartache of having to admit the truth. "I think you're absolutely right Sam, I have a song that I think would be great for this group to perform," Mr. Schue smiled as he handed out the sheet music to Adele's 'Chasing Pavements' as Marley looked back at Sam somewhat grateful that he had changed the subject as the New Directions began rehearsals for the first time as a new group, trying to feel united as one.

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