Episode 6, Act 5 - Friends Again?

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Quinn and Rachel were walking together to the train station. "Thanks again for coming with me," Rachel said honestly. "Of course," Quinn smiled a bit "I know it's not something you'd want to go through alone." Rachel nodded before adding "You should really come back to New York sometime. We loved having you here." Quinn thought about it for a moment being in New York would be something she would love to do but she wanted to finish at Yale first. "I guess I could always stop by for the holidays," Quinn smiled as Rachel grinned hugging Quinn tightly one last time. "Call me if you need anything okay?" Quinn said seriously to Rachel. "I will," Rachel said as Quinn seemed satisfied with her answer and began to walk onto the train as Sara Bareilles' 'Love Song' began to play.

Rachel began to sing as she walked home from the train station, still unsure about what she should do. As Rachel enters back into the apartment Santana is still there and harmonizes with her as Rachel seems surprised to still see her there but seems somewhat happy that she is there. As the two continue to sing we cut to Quinn riding the train home as she takes over for her solo. We then cut back to Santana and Rachel who are singing together in the apartment, almost seeming to grow closer through the performance like they once were. We then cut back to Quinn who is getting off the train in New Haven to sing her solo as she heads back to her apartment. We cut between Rachel and Santana and Quinn as they finish up the song. As the song ends Rachel looks at Santana and asks "What are you still doing here? I thought you would've headed back to Dani's by now," Rachel said. "And I would have," Santana said honestly. "But?" Rachel asked. "But you know how I went through your trash when I was staying here," Santana said as Rachel nodded unsure of where this was going as Santana sighed. "I want to talk to you about what I found in your bathroom trash can, underneath the wadded-up tissue paper, the used cotton swabs and the soiled acne wipes. An item which, unless Lady's Hummel's actually been a lady all these years, could have only be yours," Santana said seriously. "I don't know what you're talking about," Rachel said brushing Santana off. "Rachel you're really not gonna tell me about the stick?" Santana asked raising an eyebrow as Rachel teared up. "You had no right," Rachel said emotionally. "Rachel, I'm your friend, you can trust me," Santana said seriously "Just tell me what's going on." Rachel just began to sob harder as Santana realized in that moment exactly what was going on. "Oh, God," Santana said as she pulled a sobbing Rachel into a hug "You're gonna be okay. It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Rachel was surprised but grateful for Santana's support in this hard time she was going to be facing, maybe, just maybe they could get back to being friends again.

Cut to the choir room as the New Directions are all gathered one last time to say goodbye to Finn. "Well guys, I think we had a pretty awesome movie week here," Finn said as the New Directions nodded to agree "You know there's only one thing left to do....have fun." The New Directions looked thrilled as they began to perform 'Footloose' enjoying the end of movie week.

The New Directions ran out onstage dancing to the music as Sam took the lead. Most of the number had to do with a lot of fancy footwork and seemed to be one of the most enjoyable numbers for the group. Artie soon took over the bridge as Kitty backed him up. Sugar smiled at them somewhat approvingly hoping maybe something could work out between him and Kitty. The New Directions soon ended the song cheering and excited, looking forward for what was to come in the following weeks though, they knew they would be missing a huge part of the group, Finn.

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