Episode 2, Part 4 - Something New

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Santana stormed out of McKinley High enraged. How could Brittany do this to her? Sure she wasn't around much due to her ever growing college schedule but it didn't mean that she didn't still love her. The fact that Brittany had been with a guy also bothered her, especially since Santana had been the one to tell her if the plumbing is different, it isn't cheating. That lie had really come back to bite her, she never expected it to but knew she had done wrong by Brittany lying to her now she was paying the price. She felt incredibly hurt but most of all alone for the first time in her life. College wasn't as great as she had hoped it would be and with the homecoming game behind her, Santana didn't feel the same passion in the cheer squad that was there in the beginning. She enjoyed having a foot in the door with college but hadn't fit in anywhere, even on the cheer squad. Most of the girls on squad were great cheerleaders but horrible people, especially when they realized Santana was a lesbian.

There was more whispering and pointing than Santana could keep track of and it wasn't something she wanted, not in the least. She told herself that it would all be worth it when she got back home with a degree, that her mom would be proud of her and she and Brittany would start their life together somewhere. What a joke. She started the 3 and a half hour drive back to Louisville with tears in her eyes. She was going back to a life she hated wished she had never started back in Kentucky. As much as she wanted to make her mom proud, she couldn't deal with going through another day in that horrible school. So it was in that moment that Santana decided once and for all that she was going to drop out as soon as she got back to campus, ready to free her shackles to that God awful place and start all over again.

Meanwhile back at McKinley, Sam approached Blaine who seemed distressed throughout the day in the choir room. The two had grown incredibly close during the election and Sam wanted to be a friend for Blaine to lean on. "Hey Blaine I was..." Sam began as Blaine cut him off by kissing him as Sam looked stunned. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done that," Blaine said awkwardly pulling away. "No...no it's cool. I mean it's not cool since you're kind of with Kurt but it's cool that you kissed me," Sam said honestly. "Really?" Blaine asked surprised. "Yeah," Sam smiled a bit as Blaine seemed shocked that Sam actually was okay with being with him "But you've got to figure things out with Kurt before anything could happen here." Blaine nodded knowing what Sam was asking was a fair thing to ask. "See you later dude," Sam smiled a bit as he left, leaving Blaine feeling somewhat guilty.

The kiss was unexpected in Sam's eyes, but not unwelcome. He had always liked Blaine but never acted on it due to Blaine being with Kurt. Besides that he had gone from dating Quinn to Mercedes and finally to having a summer fling with Brittany to keep himself distracted from his feelings towards guys. He had only admitted the truth to Quinn when Santana had been outed last year.

"Hey...glad you could make it," Sam said as Quinn entered the room. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Quinn asked as Sam took a deep breath. "I wanted to talk to you because you're one of the only people I feel like I can trust with this. After everything my family went through last year you stuck by us and tried to help us through our hard time," Sam said as Quinn smiled. "Of course," Quinn said taking Sam's hand. "Remember when you as well as like everyone else thought I was gay at the start of last year?" Sam asked as Quinn nodded. "Well....over the summer I realized something and what I realized is I not only have feelings for girls but I think I might like boys too..." Sam sighed as Quinn looked surprised. "I think I'm bisexual Quinn," Sam said emotionally as Quinn pulled him in for a hug. "You have nothing to be ashamed of," Quinn told Sam seriously as Sam wiped his eyes. "I just see what Santana is going through and I just know if anyone found out about me I just don't know how I'd handle it. Especially since you know how my parents are," Sam said with a sigh. Quinn nodded understandingly. "I know what it's like to be afraid of what your parents might think. Sometimes they might react strongly at first but it does get better over time," Quinn said as Sam shook his head. "Not with my parents it won't. Trust me if they ever found out I'd be going to one of those conversion camps to try to get the gay out of me," Sam said as Quinn shook her head feeling awful for Sam. "I'm here for you...no matter what okay?" Quinn told Sam seriously as he nodded, grateful to have Quinn's friendship to lean on.

Since then he had told his parents the truth and they had been surprisingly accepting of Sam. "You're our boy and there's nothing in this world that would change that," his mom said emotionally "We love you just the same no matter who you love." It had been a huge relief to Sam, especially since his parents had always been very by the book catholics. They believed that he couldn't help who he loved and that they would support him no matter what relationship he got into, boy or girl. He could only hope if things somehow worked out between him and Blaine that his parents would continue to be as accepting as they seemed to be.

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