Episode 4, Act 3 - Survivors

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As school let out Brittany arrived at Quinn's wanting to give her a gift before the world ended. "Okay so Quinn, I wanted to get you something special for Christmas," Brittany grinned as she handed Quinn a gift. "What's this?" Quinn asked her as she then opened it to find that Brittany had given her one of those baby dolls. "So I looked online to see where I could get you a baby since you told me they don't come from storks. I know you missed your chance to take care of Beth so that's why I got you this baby. I don't know if she has a name. I think it's called a RealCare Baby or something like that," Brittany grinned as Quinn couldn't help but be speechless. Brittany truly thought she was doing something nice for Quinn for Christmas. "Brittany, I don't know what to say," Quinn said completely at a loss for words. "You're welcome," Brittany grinned as the baby started to cry. "I think she needs something. Good luck," Brittany grinned as she left the Fabray house.

Quinn was still speechless as she held the baby doll in her arms trying to comfort it. "There's got to be an off switch," she said as she searched the doll to find no such thing. The doll started wailing. "Great gift...thanks Britt," Quinn said to herself as she tried to take care of the baby by doing the usual things, giving it a bottle, changing its diaper, and of course burping it after the bottle. "What in the world?" Judy laughed seeing her daughter carrying the baby doll. "It's Brittany's gift to me....don't ask," Quinn chuckled a bit. "Oh I remember these dolls they had them when Frannie was in high school," Judy said. "Do you know how to turn it off?" Quinn asked in hopeful tone as her mom nodded. She messed with a few things on the back and soon the doll was quiet. "Thanks," Quinn sighed relieved. "Of course," Judy said as she noticed the troublesome look on her daughters face "Is everything alright?" Quinn shrugged as their conversation was interrupted by Quinn's sister Frannie arriving with her husband, Christian and baby son who had been born a few months prior.

"Merry Christmas," Frannie smiled as she hugged Quinn tightly. "Merry Christmas. It's good to see you all," Quinn smiled a bit. "You too Quinn, how's Yale been?" Christian asked. "It's going great. I got straight A's my first semester. I'm looking forward to the spring semester especially since I got approved for the job at the local paper I applied for," Quinn smiled. "Quinnie that's amazing," Judy grinned. "It sure is," Frannie agreed. "Thanks," Quinn smiled as they sat down for their first dinner together in awhile.

Quinn was glad the focus was put on her sister for awhile. She knew her mom couldn't resist talking about her grandson and what he had achieved since the last time she saw him which took the pressure off of Quinn. She knew her mom would soon go back to asking questions about her love life but she was grateful for the short break now that her mother's attention went elsewhere.

On December 22nd, Sam and Brittany are in cuddled up Brittany's room when an alert goes off. "Brittany," Sam said shaking Brittany awake noticing the computer said December 22. "It's December 22. We survived the Mayan Apocalypse," Sam grinned all excited as Brittany looked surprised. "You know what this means? The world didn't end," Sam said surprised. "We're also married," Brittany said honestly as she and Sam exchanged concerned looks, had they made a huge mistake by getting married?

Santana woke up the morning of the 22nd feeling hopeful. The world hadn't ended so Brittany would probably be out of whatever crazy beliefs she had. She decided to send Brittany a message "Hey looks like the world didn't end. Hope you're okay about it." Brittany's phone went off as she gulped. Seeing that Santana had sent her a message somehow felt worse than the fact that she had been wrong about the world coming to an end, especially now that she was married to Sam. "You were right," was all she could reply to Santana without feeling guilty. "So now that we're officially not dead why don't we spend the rest of the holidays together like we planned," Santana replied as Brittany's heart sank when all she could reply was "I can't. I'm sorry."

Santana looked at Brittany's message stunned. Had she hurt her that badly by not believing her that Brittany didn't want anything to do with her anymore? She couldn't help but worry that she had ruined the best relationship that had ever happened to her by not playing along to Brittany's insane idea about the world ending. She was back in Lima for good since she had quit college and was truly hoping to start fresh with Brittany in the New Year by slowly revealing the fact that she had left school. However, her plans once again looked like they had to change and Santana made it her mission to win Brittany back, no matter what it cost her.

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