Episode 4, Act 2 - The Mayan Apocalypse

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Santana instantly regretted her decision to tell Brittany that the world wasn't going to end, especially since Brittany had been ignoring her ever since no matter how many times Santana tried to apologize. She knew there was no use in trying to get through to her at this point. In Brittany's eyes the world was ending in a few days, so Santana decided to let reality do the talking. She knew Brittany wouldn't believe it until she actually survived past December 21st, so she hoped once that happened she would be back to her senses and they could continue their relationship as it had been before. Little did she know how much was going to change in those few days.

Cut to the library where Sam is with Brittany. "What are we doing here?" Brittany whispered confused. "I came here because I wanted to perform a song for you," Sam said honestly as Brittany again looked confused. "I thought you were supposed to be quiet in a library," Brittany said still unsure of what was going on. "You don't have to after school," Sam smiled a bit as Brittany nodded understanding what he was saying. "So...I wanted to sing you a Christmas song. We're not going to make it to Christmas so I figured we might as well have fun while we still can," Sam said as he then began to sing 'Jingle Bell Rock' with the help of the Cheerios.

Brittany stood up and cheered for Sam as he finished the song. "That was all kinds of awesome," Brittany grinned. "Yeah...Brittany...there's something I've been wanting to ask you," Sam said breathlessly. "If Sour Patch Kids and Sour Gummy Worms are the same thing?" Brittany asked. "What? No..." Sam said as he pulled out an engagement ring as Brittany looked shocked. "What about you and Blaine Warbler?" Brittany asked. "I ended things with Blaine," Sam said as Brittany looked surprised again "He's in love with Kurt and I'm in love with you. So, Brittany S. Pierce, before the world ends, will you marry me?" Sam asked as Brittany looked stunned yet again but knowing this was her only chance to get married, she only had one answer "Yes." Sam picked her up and spun her around as they kissed and he put the engagement ring on her finger.

Cut to the locker room where Sam and Brittany are dressed up for their wedding which Coach Beiste has agreed to officiate. "Are you sure you're qualified to marry us?" Sam asked. "You betcha, kiddo. I went on a Mayan Church Web site and I got ordained if you're really serious about doing this," Coach Beiste told them seriously. "Yeah. I am," Sam said. "Totally," Brittany agreed with a smile. "Put your hands here," Coach Beiste said as Sam and Brittany put their hands on a book. "Brittany, I've always thought you were super hot and really smart, but what I didn't know was that you were going to end up being my soul mate. Who knows what the future holds for us? Probably tsunamis and horrible sea monsters. But now I'm not worried about that, because I have you," Sam told Brittany seriously. Brittany then started her vows. "Sam, when you first joined the glee club, I didn't notice for a while. It wasn't until you did a Rich Little impression and then told me it was a Rich Little impression and explained who Rich Little was that I just I knew you were special. And I can't tell you how excited I am to become your Mayan star-wife," Brittany grinned as Sam smiled back at her. "You may kiss your bride," Coach Beiste said as Brittany pulled Sam in for a meaningful kiss. "It's December 18. Three days till the end," Sam sighed as Brittany looked up at him "Let's make this time count." Brittany nodded knowing that whatever time they had left that they should spend it together.

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