Episode 1, Act 6 - Gimme More

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That afternoon the New Directions are all staring at Brittany who is just looking back at them. "Brittany...we need to have an intervention," Tina said as the New Directions all looked at Brittany concerned as Brittany looked confused. "But my time machine isn't ready yet," Brittany said confused. "That's not what Tina meant..." Blaine began as the New Directions all stared at Brittany noticing that she has become a lot more spacey than usual. Brittany then pressed a button on her phone. "Kiki, why is everybody in the glee club staring at me?" Brittany asked as the phone answered back. "Because those fools are jealous," the phone said in a British accent. "Who's Kiki?" Tina asked confused. "Kiki is Siri's super smart older cousin who's really jealous of how famous Siri's gotten. She lives inside this super cheap phone I found at the Laundromat," Brittany explained as the New Directions continued to exchange concerned looks. "What size coffee is that?" Sam asked. "Kiki, what size coffee am I drinking?" Brittany said pressing the phone again. "You're drinking a settanta, 70 ounces of expresso," Kiki said. "Thank you, Kiki. You're the only one that I can trust now that Santana's too busy for me," Brittany frowned to her phone. "Brittany, we're worried about you," Joe sighed. "We know how hard it must have felt to get kicked off the Cheerios. We want to help you get back on your feet and start performing again," Blaine said. You should be the lead performer at the pep assembly on Friday," Tina suggested as the other members of the New Directions nodded. "That's great, but there's only one problem. I have to lip-sync," Brittany said seriously as the New Directions once again exchanged concerned looks. "We don't lip-sync in Glee," Blaine scoffed. "Well, my voice is too weak to sing live. I've been up every night this week yelling at the shrubs in my yard that have been making fun of me," Brittany said. "This sounds like a terrible idea," Artie cringed. "We'll record the song in advance. I'll choreograph an amazing routine without having to worry about anybody running out of breath, and Mr. Schuester will never know the difference," Brittany said smiling "Lots of performers do this now. Kristen Stewart, James Earl Jones." The New Directions however exchanged concerned looks knowing that the idea wasn't good. "Kiki, is it a good idea for me to lip-sync at the pep assembly?" Brittany asked her phone. "It's not a good idea," Kiki said as the New Directions seemed relieved "It's a great idea." Everyone's face fell but Brittany who seemed content with lip syncing at the pep assembly. "Can I get you another settanta?" Kiki asked Brittany as she sipped her coffee.

That Friday was the homecoming assembly as Figgins tapped the microphone in the gym as the students were chattering away. "Quiet, please, children. Shh," Figgins said as the students quieted down. "Welcome, children, to McKinley High's annual fall assembly, where we gather to celebrate teen pep. Before we begin, a few announcements. First and foremost, I wish to address the rumor that I like to be milked like a cow because my breasts are filled with delicious, wholesome milk. That rumor is untrue," Figgins said as some of the jocks high fived each other laughing at the rumor. "And now, without further ado, it's time for a performance of music to be enjoyed by all," Figgins began as we cut backstage as the New Directions are preparing to perform. "Brittany, shouldn't you be stretching or warming up or something?" Blaine asked Brittany confused as Brittany just sat there eating Cheetos. "Do you need a baby wipe? You have Cheeto hands and Cheeto mouth," Tina asked confused. "I'm fine, thank you," Brittany shrugged as the New Directions once again exchanged concerned looks, this assembly was going to end in a disaster wasn't it? "It is my honor to introduce McKinley High's New Directions!" Figgins announced as the New Directions took the stage performing the Britney Spears hit 'Gimme More'.

As Brittany began performing it became very apparent that she wasn't into the performance, performing a lackluster rendition of 'Gimme More' as the other members of the New Directions tried to stay in the routine as Brittany started drinking orange soda and eating Cheetos during the performance as the crowd looked confused. "They're lip-syncing!" Kitty exclaimed as the crowd began to boo the New Directions as Brittany, still oblivious to what was going on continued to perform as Will looked at the New Directions horrified. This was not what he had expected their performance to be like. Not at all.

Cut to the choir room as Mr. Schue has the New Directions seated to talk to them about what happened at the assembly. "In the 58-year history of the William McKinley High School Glee Club, there has never been such a debacle! We do not lip-sync ever!" Mr. Schue exclaimed. "We're sorry, Mr. Schue. We were just trying to help Brittany out," Blaine frowned a bit. "Lip-syncing is the equivalent of blood doping in professional sports! Every gain we've made in the last three years has been wiped out. And I'm not just talking about our reputation here at McKinley. If the National Show Choir Board of Review gets wind of this, we could be barred from competing," Will said trying to let the club know how severe this could be. "What do you have to say for yourself, Brittany?" Mr. Schue asked as Brittany just shrugged. "To quote the legend herself, "If I met me, I would say a quick hello and then think I was a really nice girl." And I resign from Glee Club, effective immediately," Brittany said as she got up leaving the choir room as the New Directions exchanged concerned looks once again wondering what in the world was up with Brittany, that is all but Sam who realized exactly what Brittany was trying to do. She was trying to hit rock bottom so she could rise up from the ashes stronger than ever before.

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