Episode 4 - Glee, Actually, Act 1: End of the World?

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 Brittany was in her room she had her cheerios uniform on with a Santa hat and candy cane striped socks and grabbing a bag filled with things that looked like one Santa would carry. "What are you getting all dressed up for," Santana chuckled noticing Brittany's attire. "I bought everyone gifts with all my savings money and I want to give it to them before the world ends," Brittany said as Santana laughed. "I'm serious Santana. This is no laughing matter. The world is going to end before we make it to Christmas and I will never get to meet our lesbian love child, which I know has to be a lesbian love child because she's a girl." "You think..." Santana said shaking her head again at Brittany's naivety. "Last week, I decided to watch a documentary about the Mayan Apocalypse, which arrives on December 21, 2012. So I decided to cash in all my savings so my friends and I could enjoy what's left of our lives to the fullest," Brittany said. "Britts that's just made up. The Mayan Apocalypse isn't going to happen. It's some lame legend a bunch of idiots theorized would happen because the Mayan calendar doesn't go past 2012 which is ridiculous considering they were wiped out a long time before then," Santana said shaking her head. "It is not!" Brittany exclaimed "The documentary I watched was on the History Channel, involving real actors portraying real events." "Britts, I love you but, you need to stop with this insanity and return all the gifts so we can enjoy our second Christmas as a couple okay?" Santana said as Brittany frowned. "You don't believe me..." Brittany said upset. "No. I don't," Santana said as Brittany teared up shaking her head. "I knew everyone else would laugh at me and call me crazy for believing the Mayan Apocalypse was coming but I never thought you would be one of them," Brittany said emotionally. "Britt...that's not what I..." Santana began. "Get out," Brittany said in a hurt tone "If you don't want to spend our last days alive together then fine. I'm going to find someone else who wants to." And with that Brittany stormed out of her room as Santana watched her leave completely confused as of what had just happened.

Meanwhile Quinn was preparing for her first Christmas alone. She was back in Lima visiting her mom but it was the first year where she had truly felt alone on Christmas. She hadn't ever dealt well with being single but the holidays seemed to be when it hit her the hardest, especially when she saw how happy all of her friends seemed to be either at Yale or back home in Lima, everyone seemed to be in relationships. As Quinn stared out the window she began to picture herself performing the Taylor Swift song 'Christmases When You Were Mine' to display how she felt.

"Please take down the mistletoe 'cause I don't wanna think about that right now 'cause everything I want is miles away. Snow covered little town my momma's in the kitchen, worrying about me. Season's greetings, hope you're well. Well I'm doing alright if you were wondering, lately I can never tell. I know this shouldn't be a lonely time but there were Christmases when you were mine," Quinn sang emotionally as she thought back to her Christmases together with Sam, clearly missing him. "I've been doing fine without you, really up until the nights got cold and everybody's here, except you, baby. Seems like everyone's got someone to hold but for me it's just a lonely time 'cause there were Christmases when you were mine," Quinn sang emotionally as she passed by all the couples who were together this Christmas as she teared up as she continued to perform "'Merry Christmas everybody'. That'll have to be something I just say this year. I'll bet you got your mom another sweater and were your cousins late again. When you were putting up the lights this year did you notice one less pair of hands. I know this shouldn't be a lonely time but there were Christmases when I didn't wonder how you are tonight 'cause there were Christmases when you were mine. You were mine," Quinn finished singing as she sighed. She got up trying not to dwell on what she couldn't change but that was something that was easier said than done.

Cut to the hallway as Sam approaches Brittany who looks saddened at her locker. ""Hey, Ms. Grumpy Gills..." Sam said imitating Dory as Brittany looked up at him. "Sam...I'm not in the mood," Brittany sighed. "When life gets you down, you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming." Sam grinned imitating Dory as he began to sing 'Just Keep Swimming' as Brittany soon joined in singing with him smiling a bit more. "And there's the smile I was looking for," Sam smiled back at Brittany "Seriously, why were you so down before." "It's Santana...we broke up because she doesn't believe me about the Mayan Apocalypse," Brittany sighed. "No way," Sam frowned. "Way. She said it was something idiots made up and I know that's not right because I watched a documentary about it on the History Channel," Brittany said as Sam looked around trying to make sure no one would hear what he was about to admit. "I believe it, too," Sam whispered to Brittany whose eyes lit up. Even though she had only had a summer fling with Sam, it was in that moment that Brittany realized that maybe, just maybe Sam was who she was meant to be with.

Cut to McKinley High as Sam nervously approaches Blaine at his locker. "Hey," Blaine smiled but then noticed Sam's demeanor "Are you okay?" Sam sighed "No I'm not." "Okay...do you want to talk about it?" Blaine asked as Sam nodded. "You might not believe me when I tell you what I know is going to happen but I think we need to break up," Sam said. "What? Why?" Blaine asked confused. "The end of the world is coming and we only have a few days left to be with the one you love and you love Kurt and I think I love Brittany. It's best if we spend our final moments being with the ones we're meant for not just in a rebound relationship," Sam said as he walked off as Blaine looked dumbfounded. "What the heck..." Blaine said to himself as he phone then went off and he saw it was from Burt which surprised him but he answered it.

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