Episode 7, Act 4 - Contraversal Artist

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Cut to the auditorium where the Glee Girls are hanging out laughing and dancing. "Okay, everyone, it's time to decide which Spice Girls we're all going to be," Brittany said in a faux British accent as the other girls clapped excitedly. "Mercedes, I don't think that you should be Scary Spice just because your black," Brittany said simply as Unique made a face. "Excuse you?" Unique scoffed. "I think that we should totally do something that's unexpected," Brittany nodded seriously as Unique made a face. "Marley should be Posh Spice because you're so skinny and you make everyone uncomfortable," Kitty grinned as Marley looked shocked. "Kitty, I think that you should be Ginger Spice and I can be Sporty Spice," Brittany said excitedly. "So if I'm not Scary Spice, does that mean I'm Baby Spice?" Unique asked shaking her head as Tina then entered. "Sorry I'm late, guys," Tina said breathlessly. "Tina, you can be the Scary Spice," Brittany grinned. "The black one?" Tina said confused as Brittany nodded "That doesn't make any sense." "That's what I said," Unique said annoyed. "Oh, my God, guys, you will not believe what just happened. It's so horrible, I'm not even sure I can repeat it," Tina frowned as the girls all looked at her wondering what was so horrible that is until she told them.

Cut to the hallway as Marley storms over to Jake, clearly pissed off. "Hey!" Marley exclaimed as Jake looked over at her confused. "Tell me it's not true. Tell me you're not planning to sing a Chris Brown song," Marley pleaded as Jake closed his locker ready to admit to Marley the truth.

Cut to the choir room as the girls are confronting Jake about his choice. "I don't understand what you're all so upset about," Jake said to the girls as they enter the choir room. "That's why it's upsetting," Marley yelled annoyed. "Look, look, I get that Chris Brown is a douchebag," Jake began. "I don't think that douche is a strong enough word to describe Chris Brown," Unique said shaking her head. "He brutally beat up his girlfriend," Tina exclaimed. "He beat up a window at Good Morning America," Brittany frowned. "He says horribly misogynistic things on Twitter," Marley said annoyed. "What about the Frank Ocean fight in the parking lot?" Kitty asked. "But mostly, he beat up his girlfriend, Rihanna, and then he got a picture of a battered woman tattooed on his neck; the dude is psychopath," Tina said annoyed as the other girls agreed. "I know, listen, I know, and that is why I chose his song, okay? The assignment was guilty pleasures. I like his music, and I feel guilty about it," Jake admitted honestly. "You like his music?" Marley asked annoyed. "Some of it, yeah. I mean, I don't think all of it's bad. It doesn't mean that I like him, and it doesn't mean that I think that he's a role model. We do Whitney Houston songs, okay, Britney Spears songs, and none of them are any role models," Jake said walking away. "You shut your mouth!" Brittany exclaimed upset. "And what about Rihanna? Do we really think that bad girl RiRi is some kind of a role model? I mean, she's the one who got back together with him," Jake said simply as the girls bursted into commotion. "Are you kidding me?" Marley exclaimed. "I know you did not just go there!" Unique exclaimed. "Yes, seriously, we always do Rihanna songs, and do we always agree with everything that she says and does? Are we saying that it's okay to go back to somebody that abuses you? No, we're not. Look, all I am saying is that I think that we should be able to separate the art from the artist," Jake said honestly. "Well, I don't think you should, and personally, I can't listen to his music without thinking about the horrible person behind it," Marley said as she stormed off. "I agree, and if there was a list of people's music that we should never do in this room, Chris Brown would be at the top of that list," Tina said as she walked off. "And unfortunately, we live in a democracy, so we can't force you to do anything," Brittany said as she walked off. "We just really think you should think about it," Unique said as she walked off. "Chris Brown's a total powder keg, dude," Kitty said as she walked off as Jake sat in his chair knowing he had a lot to think about. He didn't want to do a song that would cause that much controversy in the Glee Club but wasn't that supposed to be part of the lesson?

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