Episode 8, Act 3 - Lady Tubbington

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Cut to the Astronomy classroom where Brittany is holding a meeting with the astronomy club. "Esteemed members of the Astronomy Club, I have an announcement. I have recently discovered that the Tubbington-Bopp is not an asteroid. It is a dead ladybug at the end of my telescope," Brittany said as a flashback of her opening up her telescope and seeing the ladybug there as we cut back to the astronomy room "And I have also discovered that my telescope is not a telescope. It is a Pringles can." She then showed the club her Pringles can. "Hallelujah, we're saved," Brittany grinned as the club cheered. "Oh, thank God," Becky grinned. "However, however, I feel that I have disgraced this fine institution and I am hereby disbanding the Astronomy Club," Brittany said seriously. "What? This club is my community service," Stoner Brett said slightly annoyed. "Shine on, young astronomers, and I guess good night. Forever. It's good news, we're alive," Brittany said as the members of the astronomy club all left the classroom, all but Becky who walked over to Brittany. "Can I talk to you for a second?" Becky asked. "Sure. What's up?" Brittany asked. "The meteor made me realize that there is something I really want to say to you. Brittany, I have always looked up to you," Becky said seriously. "Thank you, Becky," Brittany smiled. "Let's both not ever graduate. The-the world out there is really scary. Someday, they will make me leave here, and I don't know what I'm going to do," Becky frowned. "Okay, but, Becky, I can't stay here. I aced my SATs, which means that if I graduate, I can go to whatever college I want to," Brittany said seriously. "But I can't go to college," Becky frowned slightly upset. "Becky, I know it's scary. And it would be so cool to be a Cheerio again with you next year. But I have to move on. And so do you," Brittany told Becky seriously as Becky nodded. "And if you really prepare yourself, the world won't seem like such a scary place." "Pinkie promise?" Becky asked. "Pinkie promise that," Brittany said as she pinkie promised Becky who pulled her into a hug. "I love you, Brittany," Becky said seriously. "I love you, too," Brittany said emotionally as the two broke out of the hug. Becky still felt uneasy about leaving McKinley but hoped Brittany was right that the world wouldn't be such a scary place after high school.

Cut to the hallway where Sam meets up with Brittany. "Hey," he smiled. "Hi," Brittany smiled back at him. "Look, I know things between us were a little tense but after we talked yesterday I realized how important you are to me," Sam said as Brittany grinned up at him. "That said I've been thinking that we needed something that's really ours. We had a fake wedding, and I think we should also start a fake family," Sam smiled. "Did you get me a fake baby?" Brittany asked surprised. "Better," Sam grinned as he pulled a cat out of his bag as she meowed. "Her name is Lady Tubbington. I made sure to get a fat one at the shelter so Lord Tubbington doesn't feel self-conscious," Sam said as Brittany began to pet her. "Oh. How long was she in there for?" Brittany asked shocked but so happy. "A while," Sam admitted. "Oh. She's amazing," Brittany grinned holding Lady Tubbington in her arms. "I figured since you're going to be taking care of this baby mostly on your own, I could stop by and help out with Lady Tubbington," Sam smiled a bit as Brittany nodded hugging Sam tightly. "Sam this is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me," Brittany smiled. "Well I'm glad you like her and I think she really likes you," Sam smiled as Brittany held Lady Tubbington adoringly as Sam smiled watching her, knowing he had made the right choice in getting her a cat.

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