Episode 6 - Feature Film, Act 1: Snowed In

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"New Directions!" Finn grinned as the Glee Club cheered at his reentrance as Finn bowed. "Thank you, thank you," Finn smiled a bit before approaching the board. "I'm here for the week until Mr. Schue gets back from Hawaii with Miss Pillsbury," Finn said. "I can't believe he left the country," Brittany gasped as the other new Directions gave her a look. "Uhhh..yeah...well, I'm sad to announce that this will be my last full week with you guys," Finn said as the New Directions gasped. "WHAT? HOW?" A few of them yelled upset. "I know...I know. I'm really going to miss you guys," Finn sighed "But it's for a good reason, I'm heading off to college to try to get my teaching degree so that one day I can run a Glee Club of my own and only hope to have them as good as you've become." The New Directions nodded seeming to understand exactly where Finn was coming from. "Now for this week's lesson," Finn grinned as he began to write 'Movies' on the board. " Everybody loves movies. They don't just tell stories they transport us to other worlds. They are inspirational. They provide comfort, and they help us escape from our day-to-day anxieties," Finn smiled. "Like your high school sweetheart moving in with another doofus?" Kitty smirked as the other New Directions gave her a look. "Too soon," Ryder frowned shaking his head at Kitty. "Exactly," Finn said trying to keep himself together "Or in your guys' case, studying for exams or worrying about regionals. In any case, for this week's assignment, I want you to pick your favorite songs from your favorite movies." The New Directions cheered loving Finn's idea for the assignment as Finn seemed to grin glad that he would be leaving on a good note.

Santana is trying to pack up the last of her things to move in with Dani. Santana finishes up packing when she begins to walk out with her luggage she sees Kurt and Adam sitting around doing impressions as she rolls her eyes. "You got everything already?" Kurt asked surprised by Santana's quick work. "Why yes Porcelain, I have. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to head back to the apartment where I'm welcome," Santana smirked as she opened up the door as you can see it's blizzarding from out the window. "I seriously doubt you'll be able to make it anywhere, the National Weather Service just sent out a blizzard warning," Adam said showing Santana his phone as Santana huffs. "Great, now I'm stuck here for at least 3 hours with the 4 of you," Santana said rolling her eyes as she then noticed who was missing. "Where is Rachel anyways? Giving that living mannequin a bikini wax?" Santana smirked. "Uh, Brody is working and Rachel is in the bathroom," Kurt said honestly. "Well, let's hope that she's embracing her inner bulimic because let me tell you, homegirl has been looking extremely pumpkin-like and not just 'cause of the Tan in a Can," Santana smirked as Rachel stormed out of the bathroom annoyed.

"You know what Santana, I'm glad I asked you to move out because I couldn't stand another moment of listening to your constant insults!" Rachel huffed. "Good because hearing the shrill whining of you voice was getting on my last nerve," Santana smirked as Rachel scoffed ready to answer back when Kurt cut them off. "Girls, girls, retract the claws, all right?" Kurt scolded Santana and Rachel who just glared at each other. "NYADA canceled all the classes because of the snow, so let's just cozy up to our little movie marathon," Kurt suggested as he turned to Santana "Santana, why don't you go through our DVD collection?". "Sounds good to me," Santana shrugged as she began to pick out the movies. "Knocked Up. Hilarity. Rosemary's Baby that's obviously Lady Hummel's and She's Having a Baby," Santana smirked. "I don't want to watch any of those," Rachel frowned upset realizing Santana somehow caught on to what possibly was going on with her. "Oh, really, Rachel? Not even She's Having a Baby? 'Cause you always cry at the end when Elizabeth McGovern has the baby," Kurt frowned. "I'm not in the mood, okay?" Rachel insisted as Kurt raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm not in the mood." "Okay, fine. Because I have made a selection that is perfect for being snowed-in in New York City," Kurt grinned as he pulled out Moulin Rouge. "Moulin Rouge, bitches. We love those dancin' hos." "Seriously?" Santana said shaking her head slightly annoyed as Rachel and Adam seemed to celebrate Kurt's choice as the 4 of them sat down to watch Moulin Rouge, hoping it would get them through the blizzard.

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