Episode 2, Act 8 - You're the One That I Want

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That Saturday was the premiere night of McKinley High School's production of Grease which had quite a few special guests in the audience in Rachel and Kurt who had traveled all the way from New York to Lima to see it. When Blaine saw Kurt his face fell. He hated that he had to face him after what happened. Sam approached Blaine before the show started noticing the change in his demeanor. "You okay dude?" Sam asked concerned placing a hand on Blaine's shoulder. "Not really," Blaine sighed solemnly "Kurt's here." "He is?" Sam said shocked as he looked out from the wings seeing Kurt and Rachel taking their seats. Blaine nodded "Doing this production was a bad idea...I can't go out there and sing with Kurt watching...I just can't," Blaine said tearing up. "Dude, hey, listen to me," Sam said as he put his hands on Blaine's shoulders as Blaine took a deep breath "We've been working hard on this play all week the fact that Kurt's here doesn't change anything. You just have to perform it the way you've been doing every rehearsal when you've killed it okay?" Blaine nodded agreeing with Sam "You know, you're right. The show must go on," Blaine said. "Thatta boy," Sam grinned as he was called onstage "I've got to go because the show is starting but just remember, you got this."

Sam rushed onstage to perform the opening number of 'Summer Nights' with the rest of the cast as Blaine watched him leave, once again feeling like his crush on Sam had returned. Blaine sighed knowing that him catching feelings for Sam had been what ruined him and Kurt in the first place. If he hadn't kissed Sam, maybe just maybe he and Kurt would still be together. As act one came to an end Blaine got prepared to do his number of 'Beauty School Dropout' singing to Sugar who was Frenchy.

As Blaine performed and got closer to the edge of the stage he couldn't help but look out towards Kurt, feeling incredibly heartbroken but pulled himself together and completed the song as Sugar pretended to faint. The crowd cheered impressed by Blaine's performance as Blaine looked out at Kurt wishing he could take it all back and be in love again.

Cut to backstage as Brittany is getting ready for her big scene, fixing her makeup as Santana approaches her. "I always thought you'd be the perfect Cha Cha," Santana said as Brittany turned around shocked to see Santana there. "Santana?" Brittany grinned hugging her "What are you doing here?" "I was in town for the weekend and I heard this school was putting on a production of Grease so I decided to come see it...well come see you in it," Santana said honestly. "Does this mean you're feeling better about our lesbian love child?" Brittany asked in a hopeful tone. "No," Santana said simply as Brittany's face fell "But that doesn't mean I didn't want to come and support my best friend." Brittany nodded sadly but understandingly. "Good luck out there, I know you don't need it but I just want you to know I'm still your biggest supporter," Santana smiled a bit as she left backstage as Brittany watched her leave solemnly, wishing that things could go back to the way they were before she was having their 'lesbian love child'.

As the show came to a close the cast finished up with the hit 'You're the One That I Want' with Ryder and Marley on leads. As Brittany took part in the number she couldn't help but think of singing it with Santana. Blaine, also seemed to be having a fantasy of performing it with Kurt not wanting to be without him. 

 As the number came to an end, Brittany and Blaine were taken out of their fantasies as they prepared for the curtain call. The crowd gave them a standing ovation which most of the cast seemed to be beaming at, all but Blaine who just wanted another chance to make things right with Kurt as the show ended Blaine rushed to go talk to Kurt. "Kurt, I need to talk to you," Blaine said as Rachel left them alone. "I'm not interested," Kurt said as he began to walk away. "I-I never told you about what happened," Blaine frowned "I need you to know everything." "What are you gonna tell me, that it wasn't serious? That you only made out? That you didn't care about him?" Kurt asked in a hurt tone "Do you think any of that matters to me? Relationships are about trust and I don't trust you anymore. I was stupid to come back. Rachel's right, this isn't home anymore." Kurt walked off tearfully as Blaine watched him leave feeling completely emotional realizing he made a huge mistake.

Cut to the choir room where the New Directions are reading the latest Muckraker. "Watching the skill, the nuance," "this reviewer was forced to ask himself," 'Is this not how it felt. 'And might the directing team of Mr. Hudson and Mr. Abrams be headed for careers at NASA?' "They should be, because last night "they plucked stars from the firmament "and named them Marley Rose and Ryder Lynn has ever an audience been so enraptured? Mayhap. "But when the last breath of life crosses this reviewer's lips," 'Grease, McKinley, "Bravo.," Artie read as the New Directions cheered. "Guys, Fletcher Mantini's just a sophomore, but he's a notoriously tough critic. And that's what I call a rave review," Mr. Schue smiled as the New Directions cheered. "Man, this week hasn't been easy, knowing it was the last time I was gonna see you guys for a while. But one thing that's helped is knowing that I'm leaving you in good hands. Here's one person who loves the Glee Club as much as I do, it's Finn. And I know in my heart that he has what it takes to get you guys a win at sectionals. I have so much to thank you guys for. But for giving me this chance to share that joy with others. I'm gonna see you guys in a few months, but hopefully, there'll he a brand-new sectionals trophy in that case over there. I love you guys. I'm really gonna miss you," Mr. Schue said emotionally saying goodbye to the New Directions for the last time.

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