Episode 7 - Guilty Pleasures, Act 1: I Knew You Were Trouble

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Sam had Brittany meet him in the choir room. "So what did you want to talk to me about?" Brittany asked. "About us. Look, I knew us being together was too good to be true. I know you still love Santana," he sighed as she frowned. "That's not true," Brittany said sadly. "Yes it is Britt," Sam sighed "I brought you here because I wanted to perform a song to express how I feel. It's kind of an embarrassing choice...kind of a guilty pleasure." "I love guilty pleasures," Brittany smiled a bit. "Yeah...I just don't want to be that for you anymore," Sam sighed as he began to sing Taylor Swift's 'I Knew You Were Trouble' to Brittany.

"Once upon a time, a few mistakes ago I was in your sights, you got me alone. You found me, you found me, you found me. I guess you didn't care, and I guess I liked that and when I fell hard you took a step back without me, without me, without me. And she's long gone when she's next to me and I realize the blame is on me. I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now. Flew me to places I'd never been 'til you put me down, oh. I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now. Flew me to places I'd never been. Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground. Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble. Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble. No apologies, she'll never see you cry. Pretend she doesn't know that she's the reason why you're drowning, you're drowning, you're drowning. Now I heard you moved on from whispers on the street. A new notch in your belt is all I'll ever be and now I see, now I see, now I see. She was long gone when she met me and I realize the joke is on me, hey! I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now. Flew me to places I'd never been 'til you put me down, oh. I knew you were trouble when you walked in, so shame on me now. Flew me to places I'd never been. Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground. Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble. Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble," Sam sang to Brittany meaning every word as Brittany looked back at him solemnly as he finished the song.

"That was all kinds of awesome...but why did you sing that song to me?" Brittany asked still seeming confused by the choice. "Because everyone told me that us getting together would be trouble and I didn't believe them," Sam sighed as Brittany looked confused "I know you care about me Brittany but you care about Santana more and if given the choice between us you'd be back with her." Brittany nodded knowing he was right as Sam teared up. "I never meant for it to hurt you," Brittany said emotionally. "I know," Sam said wiping his eyes "But the truth is we were never meant to be together. I love Quinn and you love Santana." Brittany nodded knowing he was right. "But that doesn't mean I'm going to just leave you. I mean you're having this baby and you need someone to help you through it and I want to be there for you," he said seriously as a smile crept across Brittany's face. "I'd like that too," she said softly as Sam held her close. "You're going to be a really great dad someday Sam," Brittany told him seriously as Sam chuckled. "I really hope so," he smiled softly, glad that they agreed to be together but just as friends.

Mr. Schue was out with the flu for the week and originally Glee Club was cancelled but Blaine took it upon himself as the leader of the group to come up with a theme and told everyone to meet in the choir room after school like usual for Glee practice. "Why are we here? I thought Mr. Schue was sick," Kitty said confused. "Yeah, why are we here? I was wondering the same thing," Unique agreed. "Oh, come on, guys. Regionals is only a few weeks away. Even without an adviser, we can't afford to miss one week of preparation," Blaine said. "Which is why Blaine and I asked you all to come here. We have come up with an assignment for this week," Sam grinned as he began to write 'Guilty Pleasures' on the board. "Please be songs about sweaters," Brittany said in a hopeful tone. "Huh? Guilty pleasures," Blaine said as Sam presented the lesson to the club who looked confused. "Come on! We all have some musical shame. You know what I'm talking about. You know, that secret love we dare not speak, but when it comes out on the radio, you can't help but turn up the volume and sing along?" Blaine said. "Yeah, and we're supposed to sing one of those songs for regionals?" Ryder asked raising an eyebrow. "Well no...but we figured if we all share musical shame with each other, we could all become a more cohesive team for regionals," Blaine said honestly. "Unique knows no shame, baby," Unique said shaking her head. "So, besides Unique, does anybody else have something they would like to share?" Sam said as the New Directions remained silent. "Guys, this is a great team-building exercise," Sam frowned. "Okay, well, then you guys go first," Jake shrugged. "We thought instead of telling you, we could show you," Sam grinned as he and Blaine took off their sweaters to reveal they were wearing the famous 'Choose Life' shirts that Wham! Wore during 'Wake Me Up Before You Go Go' which they started to perform.

 When Sam and Blaine first started to perform the New Directions looked skeptical but as the song progressed the entire group got into the performance, seeming to enjoy themselves as they performed together as a group. As the song ended they all posed together once again coming together as a group.

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