Episode 2, Part 3 - The Break Up

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Later that night at Breadstix they are having a celebration for Blaine and Sam with a sign that reads 'Congratulations Blam! Let Freedom Sing!' Everyone was in the mood for celebration, everyone that is except for Blaine who didn't seem to care so much that he won as he tried to call Kurt, Kurt ignored the call, not picking up since he was too busy with his new job at vogue.com. Blaine sighed solemnly as Sam approached Blaine at his table "There's the man of the hour," Sam grinned as Blaine still looked upset "You all right?" "You know, it didn't hit me until right now I came to McKinley for Kurt...that's it," Blaine sighed "And now he's gone, and even with Glee Club, it just I feel really, really alone." "I know the feeling. I mean I've tried everything I can with Brittany to get her to realize I want to be there for her and all she can talk about is Santana," Sam said honestly as Blaine sighed "I'm sorry I'm making this about me aren't I?" "No..." Blaine sighed "It's just that I did all of this for him, I did all of this for him. And now he's not here. And so it just kind of feels like none of it matters." "Hey of course it matters. You worked on hard on your campaign and helped me really get what the election was about. If you hadn't given me a chance I would never have gotten in office with you," Sam said as Blaine smiled a bit "We're like Wolverine and Cyclops, you know, show people how we're cool with each other. And you know, if you ask me, that's what matters." "Thanks, man. You're right," Blaine smiled a bit feeling grateful for Sam's friendship "But just so we're clear..." Blaine said as he got up. "I'm Wolverine," Blaine and Sam said at the same time "I'm..." Blaine said. "I said it first," Sam smirked as Blaine shook his head laughing, maybe there was something here for him at McKinley after all, the only problem was shouldn't it be Kurt who made him feel that way?

Brittany then approached the table as Sam beamed. "Congratulations, Blaine Warbler," Brittany smiled as Blaine knew this was his cue to leave Sam and Brittany alone to talk. "Thank you, Brit," Blaine said as he walked away leaving Sam & Brittany to talk. "Congratulations to you, Mr. Vice President. The people have spoken," Brittany smiled at Sam. "Can I let you in on a little secret?" Sam asked. "I like secrets," Brittany beamed as the two moved in closer together. "I voted for you," Sam admitted. "What?" Brittany said surprised as we cut to Sam voting for Brittany for president smiling as he does so. "Thank you. I would've voted for you, too, but I-I just really wanted to win," Brittany frowned. "I know losing sucks, but you know, sometimes it can be a good thing. Look at Al Gore. He lost an election, then he won an Oscar," Sam said trying to make Brittany feel better. "He did?" Brittany asked. "I don't know," Sam shrugged. "You think so?" Brittany grinned as she hugged him tightly laying her head on his shoulder as Sam could feel his heart racing again, loving the feeling of having her close to him. "I don't know how you do it," Brittany said honestly as she sat up. "What?" Sam asked confused. "You just always know exactly the right thing to say," Brittany said honestly. "It's a gift," Sam said doing an impression as Brittany chuckled clearly impressed by Sam as the two spent the rest of the night bonding, something Sam had longed to have with Brittany again.

Santana had arrived back in town that weekend, something Brittany was excited for, especially with her huge announcement about being pregnant. Santana had agreed to stay Brittany's house. That morning Brittany and Santana are doing laundry together and discussing Kurt's new job. "I mean, I'm not jealous, I just think that it's insane that all Porcelain had to do to get an internship with Vogue.com is take photos of every ridiculous outfit he's ever paired with a Cossack hat, and a see-through raincoat and then show up at an interview where he is lauded as a visionary because his jodhpurs happened to match his riding crop," Santana snarked. "Well, you know, you could follow your dream, too. Your mom gave you that money and said you could go to New York, too, if you wanted," Brittany suggested. "I like being in college," Santana shrugged "My schedule is crazy but I love being a cheerleader and I like the idea that I'm never more than a few hours away from you." Brittany smiled a bit as she yawned. "Can't you do laundry at school?" Brittany asked. "Mm-mm. My first week there, I heard a rumor that all the water in Louisville is just purified runoff from the Kentucky Derby stables," Santana said shaking her head. "Nasty," Brittany frowned. "But more importantly, I promised myself that I would only do laundry at home, that way, no matter how busy I got, I would be forced to come home every few weeks, and then I'd get to see you," Santana said as Brittany yawned once again as Santana looked at her concerned "Are you okay? I mean there had to a reason you told me I needed to come home immediately." "Yeah, sorry. I've just been really tired but it's all for a good reason," Brittany said as Santana looked at her confused "We're having a baby."

Santana's mouth hung open in shock knowing there was no possible way she could've gotten Brittany pregnant. "I know it's surprising to me too but I totally wanted to tell you in person," Brittany said as Santana shook her head. "Okay hold up, hold up. You're pregnant? How is that possible?" Santana exclaimed as Brittany told her the truth. "I'm just as confused as you are. The stork didn't build its nest or anything," Brittany frowned. "Oh that's not what I'm talking about who did you cheat on me with hmmm?" Santana said folding her arms. "I didn't," Brittany protested. "Britts. I can't get you pregnant. You had to have been with someone else," Santana said upset. "But I wasn't," Brittany frowned. "Can you please stop with the lies? Seriously I love you, but if you're not even going to have the decency to tell me who's kid you're having I can't stay with you," Santana said as Brittany frowned. "But I don't know," Brittany said honestly. "Well when you figure out who you cheated on me with, call them and let them know they're having a kid," Santana huffed as she stormed out of Brittany's house as Brittany frowned, upset by the fact that she had hurt Santana and she didn't know what to do about it.

Santana then began to perform the Alanis Morsiette hit 'You Oughta Know' to explain exactly how she felt about what went down between Brittany and whoever's child she was having. Santana was out for blood.

"I want you to know, that I am happy for you. I wish nothing but the best for you both," Santana sang glaring at Brittany as we cut to the choir room "An older version of me is he perverted like me? Would he go down on you in a theater? Does he speak eloquently and would you have his baby? I'm sure you'd make a really excellent mother. 'Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able to make it enough for you to be open wide, no. And every time you speak his name does he know how you told me you'd hold me until you died. 'Til you died, but you're still alive. And I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left when you went away. It's not fair, to deny me of the cross I bear that you gave to me. You, you, you oughta know," Santana sang angrily towards Brittany as we cut to the auditorium where Santana finishes up the song. "'Cause the joke that you laid in the bed that was me and I'm not gonna fade as soon as you close your eyes, and you know it. And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it. Well, can you feel it? And I'm here, to remind you of the mess you left when you went away.i t's not fair, to deny me of the cross I bear that you gave to me. You, you, you oughta know," Santana sang with a passion as she glared at Brittany as well as the other members of the club, figuring one of them had to have gotten Brittany pregnant. Whoever it was she was going to find out and they were going to be sorry they did that.

Brittany is seated in the choir room alone as she is trying not to cry as Sam approaches her. "I heard about you and Santana...I'm sorry," Sam sighed as Brittany shrugged clearly upset. "She's mad at me for cheating when I can't even do that," Brittany said upset. "I think she's just upset about you having a baby is all," Sam said as Brittany sighed. "I'm so stupid. I don't even know how it happened," Brittany said. "So you don't think you could be having anyone else's baby other than Santana?" Sam asked. "No...should I?" Brittany asked. "No," Sam said as Brittany layed her head on his shoulder once again. "I don't know what to do. I mean like I thought Santana would be happy," Brittany said. "She might just need some time. It's sort of a lot to get use to," Sam said as Brittany nodded. "Yeah I mean I totally thought I had an alien invasion going on whenever I felt movement," Brittany said as Sam chuckled a bit, happy to for once have Brittany's attention. "Well if Santana isn't going to be there for you, you know you can always count me," Sam said as Brittany smiled. "I know," Brittany said as she sat up "I just really wanted to raise our lesbian love child together. Now I guess I'll do this on my own." "You don't have to you know," Sam said. "I know. I just can't think about being in another relationship right now," Brittany said as Sam understood. "Thanks for being such a good friend," Brittany smiled hugging Sam as she then left the choir room as Sam couldn't help but feel saddened that there wasn't a chance for him and Brittany.

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