Episode 2, Act 5 - Glease is the Word

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Monday morning the Glee Club arrived back at McKinley to find a familiar face sitting there in Finn Hudson. Sam was overjoyed to see Finn, the two had gotten incredibly close since Sam had started McKinley and his return was more than welcome. "Finn! Dude, what's up?" Sam grinned shaking Finn's hand. "I'm just passing through, visiting my mom and Burt, and Mr. Schue said I could come by if I wanted," Finn explained. "Finn Hudson in the house, yo!" Artie grinned hugging Finn as did Brittany. "Do you know who that is?" Jake asked Marley who shook her head. "Listen up! For all of you guys who don't know, this is Finn Hudson right here," Sam grinned introducing Finn to the new people in the club. "I thought you were in New York with Rachel," Tina smiled as she entered the choir room hugging Finn. "I was, but.." Finn began. "But things don't always work out the way you planned them to," Mr. Schue said entering the choir room "And I said to Finn the same thing I say everyone who comes through this club: We're a family, and you're always welcome here. Even if you just need to take a break and think things through." Finn nodded to Mr. Schue appreciatively as he took his seat. "In any case, we have a lot to do today. First order of business: Deciding what the fall musical's going to be," Mr. Schue said as the New Directions cheered as he got a list off the piano. "So I'm passing out a list of possibilities," Mr. Schue said as he handed the sheets to the New Directions. "Peter Pan?" Joe said confused. "Fiorello? What the heck?" Artie said shaking his head. "Unique wants to do Hedwig," Unique grinned. "Uh, Tina wants to do Pacific Overtures, Miss Saigon, and Flower Drum Song," Tina grinned. "The challenge is picking something that plays to our collective strengths, and that won't set off a firestorm in the community like Rocky Horror did," Mr. Schue said honestly. "You should do Grease," Finn suggested as Mr. Schue looked intrigued. "Grease?" Mr. Schue said. "I know it 'cause the song I sang the first time in Glee Club was from Grease, remember?" Finn asked. "Yeah," Mr. Schue nodded. "Guys like it. Girls like it. People like my mom like it. It's about high school, and growing up, and being true to yourself. Plus, the songs rock," Finn said. "The wisdom of Solomon," Artie smiled at Finn. "All right. Grease is the word," Mr. Schue smiled as the New Directions cheered. "Finn's back!" Artie smiled as Finn smiled back at him feeling like he finally found a direction to go in.

Auditions were being held for Grease that week, something Sam was looking forward to, especially since he had a certain role in mind that he truly wanted, Kenicke. He walked over to the sign up sheet with Blaine who seemed to be staring off into the distance, saddened. "As president and vice president, we can pretty much decree whichever parts we want, right?" Sam asked signing up. "I'm not sure I'm gonna do the musical this year. I'm not in the right headspace to do a project like Grease," Blaine sighed as Sam looked at him concerned "Since Kurt and I broke up, I haven't slept, I lost my appetite. I don't even gel on week." "This is pretty serious, then," Sam said. "Sam, Kurt was my soul mate," Blaine sighed "We talked about spending the rest of our lives together. About retiring in Provincetown and buying a lighthouse and starting an artists' colony. And now he won't even return my calls. He won't text me. And that Gilmore Girls box set I sent him was returned to me, unopened. He's gone. Maybe forever." "Dude, I get it, except for the lighthouse part," Sam said understandingly "But look, everybody's been there. You'll get through it." Sam then pat him on the shoulder sympathetically as he walked off.

Truer words had never been spoken for Sam, he had an incredibly hard time getting over Quinn. Cut to a flashback of when Quinn had broken things off with Sam. "What's this?" Quinn asked seeing the flowers Sam had gotten her. "I just wanted to say thank you, you know for being my date to the Sugar Shack," Sam said as Quinn took the flowers. "They're beautiful," Quinn smiled a bit. "Just like you," Sam said as he tried to pull Quinn in for a kiss which she backed out of. "Sam...I think you misread what us going to Valentine's Day at Breadstix meant," Quinn sighed as Sam looked down "I like you. A lot but in a few short months I'm going to Yale and you'll be starting your senior year. I just don't want to start something I can't finish." Sam nodded understandingly "It's cool. I just really thought we had something," Sam said. "Sam..." Quinn called after him as Sam walked away, saddened by the fact that he and Quinn weren't back together.

Shortly after that Quinn had gotten into her accident on the way to Finn and Rachel's almost wedding. Sam, who was still reeling for her rejection wasn't there for her as much as he had wanted to be which was what led her back to the one guy Sam thought was completely wrong for her, Puck. Surprisingly, Puck had been there for Quinn through her recovery and even helped her get back on her feet. It was Sam's one true regret letting how hurt he was cloud being there for Quinn who had needed him more than ever at that point. Part of him wondered if that was why she had been avoiding talking to him for so long, especially since he had a brief relationship with Mercedes during that time. Mercedes and Quinn had been extremely close but seemed to have grown apart, especially after Quinn's accident which Sam blamed himself for, wondering if he had truly hurt Quinn by moving on so fast.

Nevertheless, he couldn't take it back and was glad when he was finally able to move on from Quinn over the summer when he was with Brittany. Even though he knew that she was his rebound as much as he was hers, it just worked for them. The only problem was now that he had gotten her pregnant, he felt like he owed it to Brittany to be there for her, something she didn't seem to reciprocate.

As he approached his audition for Grease he decided to perform a song from Grease 'Sandy', even though he wanted the role of Kenicke he always had loved the song 'Sandy' from Grease.

"Stranded at the drivin', branded a fool. What will they say Monday at school?" Sam sang as he thought back to his relationship with Quinn, especially now that they were so far apart with her in college and him still in high school. "Sandy, can't you see I'm in misery? We made a start, now we're apart there's nothing left for me. Love has flown, all alone I sit and wonder why yi-yi-yi. Oh why you left me, oh Sandy, oh Sandy. Baby, someday, when high school is done. Somehow, someway, our two worlds will be one. In heaven forever and ever we will be. Oh, please say you'll stay, oh, Sandy! Love has flown, all alone, I sit I wonder why yi-yi-yi, oh why. You left me, oh Sandy. Sandy, Sandy. Why yi-yi-yi. Oh Sandy," Sam said emotionally as Artie and Finn nodded watching him impressed by his performance as they applauded him as he finished.

"Wow...dude that was seriously impressive," Finn grinned as Artie nodded. "Damn straight. You would make an amazing Danny," Artie agreed as Sam bit his lip. "I was actually hoping for Kenicke," Sam said awkwardly as Artie and Finn looked at him confused "Uh, "Greased Lightning" is my cell phone ringtone, and I've been knocked out by a car door before, so I was really looking forward to re-creating the reality of that moment onstage," Sam grinned as they seemed to nod. "Alright, we'll keep that in mind," Artie said as Finn nodded. "Great audition again dude," Finn grinned as Sam left the stage feeling more sure than ever that he would get the role his heart was set on.

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