Chapter 1

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~Rio's P.O.V~

"Alright everyone! We're shutting down for a bit, looks like we had a run in with a rat. You know the drill, your here until everything is done. I'll be in contact." I announce to all my workers.

I see them all nod their heads as they turn back towards their stations and begin cleaning and packing things away.

"Yo boss?" I hear Eddy's familiar voice yell and I make my way over to him.

"What is it?" I ask and I watch as he scratches the back of his head, anxiously.

I furrow my brows a bit before raising a brow at him. Eddy was one of my best and most loyal workers and very rarely was he anxious.

"Spit it out." I tell him and he nods his head.

"I know were about to shut down, but is there any way I can get an advance?" he asks making me raise my brow higher.

"An advance? For what?" I ask.

Normally it would be an automatic no but Eddy has never asked for such a thing.

"I need bond money... to bail my girlfriend out of jail. I swear I can pay it back or do jobs to make up for it. I could even have your rat problem... taken care of it. Without a trace." he tells me and a smirk tugs at me lips.

"Without a trace huh? Didn't know that was on your resume." I tell him intrigued.

Eddy did lots of jobs for me but that type of job definitely wasn't one of them though.

"Not mine... but I know a girl. Ever heard of Roxie Peters?" he asks and my eyes widen at the name.

"You know Roxie Peters? Why am I just finding out about this?" I ask and he shrugs.

"So we got a deal?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Might as well have someone else go do the dirty work and have it done just as well. I could use the time with Marcus anyways. Here's how we do this. You get me in touch with Roxie Peters and then I will give you the bail money." I reply and I watch as he looks down at the ground and his leg start to shake a bit before looking back up at me.

"What is it now, Eddy?" I groan.

"Well um... we sort of need to her out of jail first..." he murmurs and I chuckle.

"You're telling me, your girlfriend is Roxie Peters?" I ask barely able to contain the laughs coming out of me.

He looks at me with dead serious eyes and nods his head.

"I'm trusting you to keep that part to yourself." he tells me and I stop laughing.

"You're serious." I say and he nods again.

"Well shit man. How'd you get a bad bitch like that?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Right place at the right time." he says with a shrug.

"Well let's go bail her ass out so this rat gets taken care off quickly." I tell him.

I grab my leather jacket and keys and we make our way out to my car, I drive him to the jail and hand him the cash from my duffel bag in the backseat.

"I'll be waiting here." I tell him sternly and he nods his head.

"Thanks man." he says and I shrug.

"No need to thank me, it's to my benefit." I tell him and he gives me another small nod before getting out of the car and walking into the jail.

I wait and watch until I see Eddy walk back out with a surprisingly young, gorgeous girl next to him. I suppose the rumors really were true, beautiful yet deadly. She was much younger looking then I had expected and definitely much more gorgeous especially for a girl walking out of jail.

As they get in the car, I look back to see her filled with tattoos, colorful hair and her septum pierced. Just looking at her was making my cock twitch.

 Just looking at her was making my cock twitch

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"Rio, meet Roxie Peters." Eddy says introducing me to his tattooed beauty.

"So I hear you can take care of a rat problem cleanly?" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Without a trace, never to be heard of again. Who's the target?" she replies curtly.

"Watch your tone with me, bitch. I just paid for your bail." I growl at her as my anger spikes.

No one talks to me like that.

"Listen bitch, I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to, but last time I checked, I'm the one you want to exterminate your little rat problem and you best show me some damn respect or your job won't get done... or it will, with all evidence leading back to you." she replies snarkily with a smirk pulling at her lips at the end.

"Rox..." Eddy starts to say but she quickly shuts him up.

"Don't even Eddy. You may work for him but I sure as hell don't. I work for no one." she growls at him before turning back towards me.

"Pull the fucking car over. I'll walk and have your money for you by tomorrow." she tells me.

"You don't tell me what to do. I will drop you both off and you will get the job done." I tell her.

"You really think you run the show, don't you? I'm not scared of you and I sure as hell don't take orders from you. Fuck you." she tells me and before I can even react, I hear the door open and look back just in time to see her jumping out of the car.

"Holy shit!" Eddy screams and I quickly slam on the brakes.

This bitch was insane.

~So here's the first chapter! Let me know what you think!~ Naughty_Temptations

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