Chapter 6

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"Now how could I turn an offer like that down? Unfortunately that particular idea won't work for me, but by all means you're more than welcome to eat me out but that's all I can offer." I reply with a smirk.

His smirk grows as his brow raises in amusement.

"You really are something, aren't you...Rox. A woman never turns down a chance to be with me, guess I'll have to take you up on that offer and show you exactly what your missing out." he replies and I roll my eyes.

"You really think you're that good?" I say.

"I know, I'm that good." he replies and I grin.

"I'll tell you what, if you can give me a mind blowing orgasm within 5 minutes then I'll admit you're good." I say and he smirks.

"Done. That being said though, if I give you three in the same length of time, I get to bang you and show you how a real man fucks." he says and I chuckle.

He really thought he was good, well he was in for a rude awakening and I was in for some good head, fingers crossed.

"Deal, but don't be little my man in bed again. Not when he can please me much better then you can." I tell him.

"We'll see about that." he says.

As we pull into the building through one of the garage doors, we both get out of the car and Rio leads me upstairs and into his office. I drop my bag on the floor and make my way to his bathroom to freshen up and clean myself up making sure to leave no traces of glass or dirt on my clothing before making my way back out.

"Intel first." I tell him as I plop down on one of the chairs.

I quickly grab my tiny notebook out of my bag and steal one of his pens before I begin writing down the stuff I needed to remember. As soon as he's done, he comes towards me and I quickly tuck my notebook into my bag before standing up and slipping my boots off, following with my pants and thong.

"While you were in the bathroom, I dug through your bag. You've got some interesting things in there and I thought we could have a little fun with them." he says and before I reply he reaches down and into my bag pulling out a blind fold and some rope.

"You could have simply asked." I reply and he chuckles lowly.

"We both know that's not true. Do you trust me?" he asks and now it's my turn to chuckle.

"Nope, but trust this. You do anything except this and I'll kill you with my bare hands and I'd tell you to ask the last guy... but unless you got a ouijiji board, good luck." I say with a sweet looking smile but with pure truth in my eyes.

"Put your hands behind the chair." he says and I do as he says and I feel as he wraps the rope around me, bonding my wrists together.

He then slides the blindfold over my eyes, most likely not wanting to stare into my white eye contacts I still had in. He pulls my waist down towards him, leaving my ass on the edge of the chair before I feel rope around my ankles as he ties them to the bottom of the chair.

"Ready to be mind blown?" he murmurs huskily.

"Just shut up and try to make me cum already. I have got shit to do. Remember 5 minutes." I tell him.

"Oh I'll make you cum." he tells me before I feel his long fingers spread apart my lower lips apart.

I let out a moan as I feel his wet tongue slide up my folds. He licks me up and down before pushing his tongue into my pussy, eating me out. I bite my lip, doing my best to contain my moans. He rubs my swollen clit with his thumb, continuing before replacing his tongue with a finger and as I bite down harder on my lip, I can a bit of blood trickle into my mouth.

"Let your moans out, I want to hear them all." Rio murmurs before he lowers his mouth onto my clit, pulling it into his mouth and sucking on it.

"Fuck!" I moan no longer able to contain myself.

He nips at my clit before giving it a tug between his teeth, instantly making me cum.

"Fuck! Okay. You're good." I tell him as I come down from my high, panting.

"I still have 3 and a half minutes, were far from done." he tells me and I suck in sharply as he slides another finger into me.

He pumps into me while going back to sucking and nipping at my clit and before I know it, orgasm after orgasm begins crashing through me. By the time I hear the timer go off, my body is shaking, I can't stop panting and my clit is so sensitive I literally can't take another touch to it.

As Rio unties the ropes around my ankles then my hands, I quickly stand up, pulling the blindfold off before grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him towards me.

"Fuck me." I tell him lustfully.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now