Chapter 21

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TRIGGER WARNING: Violent scene ahead.

Without a single thought, my body and mentality is quickly taken over and my inner, darker, protective self quickly emerges.

"Mateo, get my sister and nephew to the girls bathroom, lock the doors. I'm going to cover you. Do not come out until I tell you." I say quickly as I scoop my nephew into my arms and rush over to him.

"I can help you out." he begins to say but I cut him off.

"Stay with your wife and son incase they need you. You have a gun right?" I say and he nods his head and I quickly place Anthony into his arms.

"Put these in yours ears and cover your eyes until daddy tells you okay?" I tell him as I pull out some headphones and my cell phone quickly plugging them in and hitting the play button on my phone.

"Okay, auntie." he tells me anxiously but does as I say.

"I hope you both have a gun." I simply state to my father and Rio before grabbing mine out of my purse, grateful that I always keep it loaded and bring extra rounds with me.

"I'm going out first, listen for when I say to go." I tell my sister and Mateo before creeping my way out of the back room door.

I can see some men with masks near the front looking all around but most certainly looking for a person. Who. I wasn't sure just yet.

"Go." I quickly but quietly tell them and I listen as my sister and her husband's feet move quickly across the floor, never leaving my eyes off the men in the front.

"All clear out here." I hear one of them yell.

"Check the back and the bathrooms." Another yells in return.

Not on my fucking watch.

I raise my gun quickly moving down the hall and as as they near the curtain I quickly begin to shoot. The first two quickly go down while other bullets begin to fly in my direction and I duck down doing my best to dodge them.

Thankfully I hear shots begin to fire from behind me and quickly look to see Rio firing back from the doorway of the room we had just been in. I send him a smirk before maneuvering my way to the side of the wall where no shots were heading and sliding into the kitchen. I make my way across to the other side that leads to the bar and the main room and I get on my hands and knees, crawling out of the door and straight behind the bar.

I then begin to stand up and as soon as the rest of the men are in my sights I quickly begin to fire away. With only one standing, I quickly shoot him in both legs as he fires back at me, hitting me in the forearm. I hiss in pain but watch as he drops to the ground, his gun slipping from his hand in the process.

I ignore the pain in my shoulder and hop over the bar, making my way towards him and quickly knocking him face first into the ground with my foot before jumping ontop of him and pinning his hands together behind his back.

"You should work on your aim." I hiss leaning down into his ear.

"Now tell me, who the fuck do you work for." I demand.

"Never." he hisses in return.

"That's not going to work for me." I simply reply deadly calm.

"Guess it's a good thing I don't work for you." he chokes out and I grab him by his hair and slam his face back into the floor.

"It's disgusting pigs like you, that would shoot up a place with children and pregnant ladies that REALLY pisses me the fuck off. Unfortunately for you, not only does that REALLY piss me off, but because it was my family, it truly INFURIATES me. That's a side not many want to see, including me. So I suggest you give me the name of who you work for before you endure the torture of a lifetime and starting with your little friend downstairs will be only a sneak peek." I say darkly and I can practically hear his heartbeat at this point.

"Tomas Tortellini." he mumbles.

"Good boy, now tell me. Who was his target tonight?" I ask.

"Alessandro Tortellini." he replies and part of me almost regrets not letting them finish the job.

"Why." I question.

"He took one of his men. Tomas does not take that kindly." he tells me and realization quickly sinks in.

Tomas Tortellini had finally put together that one of his leading men was gone and he thought my father was the one who did. Which now put my sister and nephew in danger's path. Yet at the same time, this also meant they had no idea me and Rio were any part of it. Or did they and think we worked for my father? God only knew. What I did know though, was Rio getting in business with my dad was going to have to happen sooner rather than later. I just had to hope that it would work this early in the game. Especially after this.

"Well I don't take people like you kindly, but thanks for your honesty." I simply say before sending a bullet to his brain.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now