Chapter 37

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We were nearly to my place when Rio's phone began to ring.

"What is it?" he asks as soon as he accepts the call.

Unfortunately for me though, I couldn't hear what was being said on the other end of the phone.

"I'll be there soon." Rio states before hanging up and instantly slamming down on the gas before turning the wheel and whipping the car around making a very illegal U-turn.

"What's going on?" I ask feeling a mixture of annoyance and anxiety.

"One of them I had watching Tomas called, apparently there's been an issue that needs my immediate attention." he says and I let out a sigh.

"We were so close to!" I moan, officially sexually frustrated.

"I'll make it quick, I promise." he states and I let put a sigh.

Deep down I knew, this wasn't going to be quick. When there's an immediate issue needing attention, it's never quick and quite frankly, I wasn't in no mood to wait and neither was my pussy.

Just the thought alone of having to wait was making me throb and as much as I tried to keep my legs clenched, it wasn't relieving or hiding much. Biting down on my lip with my fingers gripping the seat and door handle, I tried to focus on the surrounding outside and less on the feelings flowing within me and the dirty thoughts that were filling my head.

"You okay, Mami? You're looking... tense." Rio murmurs as he places a hand firmly on my thigh making my breath hitch.

It was so close and god damn I wanted it there so bad. Some relief. Part of me felt like taking control and putting his hand there myself, but I was trying not to be a horny possessed demon.

"Peachy." I quickly manage to choke out and he chuckles deeply as his hand tightens around my thigh and my heart race quickly sky rockets.

"Rio..." I murmur trying to keep myself under control.

I felt like a fucking werewolf in heat, I never understood those fantasy erotica's as much as I did right now. I wanted to be touched, fucked and orgasming nonstop till the sun came up and it was taking every ounce of the little self-control I had left not to jump his bones, driving or not.

"Mami." he says huskily and as his hand begins to inch up higher on my thigh, I completely lose my senses.

"Fuck it." I state.

Thankful for the outfit I had changed into earlier, it was going to make my next movements easy to get to.

Thankful for the outfit I had changed into earlier, it was going to make my next movements easy to get to

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Rio continues to dart looks in my direction as I lower the back of my seat a bit more, getting myself comfortable before spreading my legs, making my dress push up to my hip bones, completely exposing my thighs and thong. I unbuckle my seatbelt, lifting my butt just enough to slide my thong down before completely pulling them off. I hitch one of my legs up onto his dashboard next to the window as my other legs is spread open and resting against the middle console of the car.

"Mami..." he begins to start but quickly shuts up as he walks me place two fingers into my mouth before lowering them down in between his thighs.

"Watch where you're going, Papi." I tell him with a smirk as he nearly clips the car next to him.

"I am." he grunts back in response and I roll my eyes playfully.

I shut my eyes, letting my head fall back against the seat as I begin to circle around my clit with my fingers.

"Fuck." I hear Rio mutter as I let out a soft moan.

"Eyes on the road, Papi." I simply state not even opening my mine.

I slide my middle finger down between my folds before sliding it inside of my dripping entrance.

"Oh, fuck." I moan softly.

Adding in a second finger, I imagine Rio doing the same thing and as I feel my clit begin to twitch and ache as it now lacked any attention, I feel Rio's warm hand begin to lower over top of my pubic bone and my back instantly arch's in response as his fingers press against my clit.

"Fuck yes." I moan.

"Is this what you wanted, Mami? You wanted me to touch you?" he murmurs huskily and I let out another moan in response.

The moan quickly turns into a sharp gasp as Rio suddenly moves his fingers and there's a quick smack against my clit.

"Use your words." he tells me before beginning to rub against my tender clit that was slightly stinging but every rub made it fade away.

"Yes." I breathe out heavily.

"Next time..." he begins to say as he moves his fingers again but this time he removes my hand from my pussy, my fingers slipping out of my needing core.

"Just say it." he states before slamming two of his fingers into my core and I gasp in pleasure.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now