Chapter 32

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and let out an annoyed groan before reaching around my bedside table to answer it.


"Hey Daph! Any chance you're up for taking your nephew on some rides? Mateo was supposed to come with us but he had to go have a meeting with father and I can't go with Ant due to being pregnant and I really don't want to let him down. Plus it would probably be nice for him to see you since he hasn't seen you since the incident at the restaurant." my sister says and I let out a small sigh.

"Give me an hour." I tell her.

"Thank you! I'll come pick you up." she says.

"Alright." I reply.

We say our goodbyes before hanging up and I pull my phone away to see I've only had 5 hours of sleep. After getting home super late last night between finding and preparing the condo Rio had to rent for a month for one fucking dinner and then of course getting some dick before coming home and now being up early. I knew I was in for a long night but who was I to say no to my little Ant?

I quickly send Rio a quick text, reminding him that he needs to have a fully prepared meal that tastes amazing and my father's favorite alcohol by 6pm sharp and that I would meet him at the condo around 5:30 before getting in the shower and getting ready for the amusement park. I quickly pack a bag with a nice outfit and my make-up and wig for tonight, thankful that I don't have to wear all that in front of my sister before leaving the house.

 I quickly pack a bag with a nice outfit and my make-up and wig for tonight, thankful that I don't have to wear all that in front of my sister before leaving the house

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I light up a cigarette, puffing at it until I see my sister's familiar SUV begin pulling into the lot. I quickly tosh it to the ground and spray some perfume quickly before getting in.

"Aunt Daph!" I hear Anthony excitedly squeal from the backseat.

"Hey buddy! Ready to go on some rides?" I ask with a grin and he nods excitedly.

"I have your phone still if you want it back." he tells me but I shake my head.

"It's yours now." I tell him and he grins.

"So how are you feeling?" I ask my sister as we begin making our way to the park.

"Fairly good, surprisingly." she says and I laugh.

"Well that's good. You feel okay after you know what occurred." I ask, making sure to watch how I word things in front of Anthony.

"As okay as I can." she says with a small smile.

"Well you know if you ever need me, all you have to do is tell me and if you ever want a little get away, I have a place." I tell her and she nods her head.

"Thank you." she says and I smile.

As soon as we reach the park, we quickly get our bracelets before Anthony quickly takes me to the biggest rollercoaster here. Calla goes and gets herself some snacks before sitting nearby. We stand in line for what seems like forever before getting on. After many highs and steep drops and one too many upside down circles, I was more than ready for the next ride.

After a couple hours of doing the all the rides, including doing the bigger, faster ones at least 3 times and playing a few games. We took a break to get a bite to eat before deciding to do the fun house. This one I had to say was much bigger than any others I went to with multiple floors but it honestly looked like a blast.

Everything was going great, we climbed and went through tunnels, down slides, walked over moving flooring, did a foam pit, a mirror room, it wasn't until we reached a room that had been made to look like a forest full of animals and there was statues of different ones all around us and you had to make your way through and around it. It was actually really cool looking, until I noticed one of the animals, a bear to be specific. Move.

At first I thought I was seeing things, but before I could even blink it jumped out right as my nephew was passing by it. I watch in shock and confusion as the costume grabs Anthony and lifts him up.

"Hey! Get your hands off my nephew!" I yell rushing over as a scream leaves Anthony lips.

I didn't even know if this was part of it or not, but I had a feeling, most likely not. Without a second though, I quickly kick my foot out, hitting the costume in my leg and making it sway before slamming my fist into the costumes head. Knocking the bear backwards, its grip still did not falter and as I stepped to get my arms around this thing's neck and wring whoever's throat was beneath to death, everything went black.


Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now