Chapter 40

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I gasp awake to the feeling of something wet and warm against my bare chilled skin and my eyes fly open as two strong warm hands grab hold of my thighs, keeping them spread apart and in place. A shiver of excitement flows through me as I see Rio place soft kisses up my inner thigh before blowing gently against my exposed heat.

"Fuck, Rio." I moan as my fingers grip into the sheets on the bed.

He slides his tongue up from my entrance to my clit before taking it into his mouth and sucking and nipping at it. He then trails his tongue back down, plunging it inside of me and eating me out before going back up to my clit and circling it with his tongue and sucking on it again.

Loud moans leave my lips as I can feel myself already getting close to where I want to be.

"Rio." I moan as my back arches in pleasure.

He nips at my clit before sliding two of his fingers of me and I gasp in pleasure. He slowly quickens his pace inside of me, before beginning to rub right up against that special spot as his tongue played with my clit and I knew I was only moments away from soaking his fingers.

"Rio!" I scream in bliss as I come undone, soaking his fingers.

He rides out my orgasm before removing his fingers and replacing it with his tongue, tasting every inch of me and capturing all of my juices as my body trembled in response.

"Good morning." his husky voice murmurs as he kisses up my body until he's reached my lips.

He gives me a sweet kiss before pulling away.

"Good morning it is." I say with a smirk as I sit up with my elbows supporting me.

I watch as his lust filled eyes rack my body, taking in my messy hair, flushed cheeks, harden pierced tits and wet sensitive pussy and I smirk.

Biting my lip, I begin to trail one of my hands over my breast, tweaking both of my tits making me moan softly before sliding it down my stomach and dipping it down against my core.

"Did I not satisfy you enough?" he asks huskily and I shake my head.

"I was a good girl wasn't I? And that was hardly the reward I was expecting. More like a sneak peek." I reply with a smirk and I see his jaw tighten at the mention of me being a good girl.

I was certainly going to be saying that more often.

He chuckles deeply.

"I suppose your right, but we need to leave. So quickly have a shower, I already brought you some fresh clothes and once we return to my place, I'll finish rewarding you and i'll make it worth your wait." he tells me and I frown.

I was getting fucking tired of this waiting shit and wither he liked it or not... we were finishing this.

I turn my frown into a smile and I watch his brows furrow a bit.

"Only if you shower with me." I state and he rolls his eyes.

"Fine." he replies and I grin.

To my surprise, he lifts me up and carries me into the bathroom. Setting me down, he stripes out of his clothes as I turn on the water before we both step into the shower.

I stand in front of him, both of us facing each other as the warm water ran down our exposed flesh and as Rio pulled me closer towards him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifts me and I wrap myself around him once again. With my harden tits pressed against his warm chest and my aching pussy hovering right over his cock that I could already feel poking me, I knew it wouldn't take much convincing. Especially if I choose my words just right.

"Make me cum again, please?" I ask needingly as I bit my lip.

He looks deep within my eyes and I can tell a part of him wants to hold back but finally he lowers his lips, capturing mine and pulling me into a lustful, needy, dominating kiss that makes me moan in response.

With his hands on my ass, fingers dinging into my flesh and our bodies pressed together, I can't help but realize how much I like being this close to him, how I liked being held within his arms. It was an overwhelming feeling that scared me but I also couldn't deny the feelings that were flowing within me. It was a moment I didn't want to end and the secureness I felt with him was something I hadn't ever felt with my man. These thoughts alone were enough to send my heart into a frenzy.

"The things I'm going to do to you, you naughty girl." he murmurs into my ear huskily making me moan in response.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now