Chapter 22

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"Well done, Mami." Rio says with a smirk as he comes and holds a hand out for me.

I roll my eyes as I let him help me up with my good arm.

"We've got a problem." I quietly murmur so that only he can hear.

He quirks a brow at me and I roll my eyes.

"Those men were sent by Tomas, they think my father is the one who took the rat. Good for us but dangerous for my sister and nephew. We need to just try our luck and try and get father on board with this or we have a major clean up job to do because I can't risk their lives for this and he plays dirty." I explain quickly.

"You got it, Mami." he tells me wrapping an arm around me suddenly.

"Daphne, are you alright?" I hear my father's voice ask and I slowly turn around and for the first time really look into his face to see concerned eyes.

"Yes. You should really up security around here and in general. They were here for you." I simply reply.

"I understand and will do exactly that. I apologize for this." he says and I nod my head.

"Perhaps I could help you out? It seems only right with the experience I have and with you being my lovely fiancé's family. I could explain in greater detail in a safer location, perhaps over a drink?" Rio says very formally to my surprise.

My father stares deeply at him in return, contemplating no doubt before looking down at me. I give a nod of my head hoping that might help and he simply stares for a few more minutes before finally responding.

"Let's take this conversation to my office." he states and It takes all within me not to show the shock that I feel.

"Of course." Rio replies.

"I am going to have my men come and retrieve us, follow us back to my place." he says and Rio nods.

"Actually, if you don't mind. Can we meet you there in an hour? I remember the way. I need to change my shirt." I say and my father contemplates for a moment before nodding his head.

"See you soon." he says before turning around and making his way to the bathroom.

"Can you go say goodbye to my nephew for me? I don't want him to see me like this and tell him he can keep my phone." I say to Rio who nods his head.

"Thank you." I say truly grateful.

I sit at the bar and wait for him to come back, grabbing some vodka before we both make our way out and into his car.

"Gotta say Mami, you really are the perfect little assassin." Rio comments and I let out a sigh.

"Too soon Rio." I grumble.

We pull up to my apartment building and Rio removes his jacket handing it over to me.

"Last thing we need is to draw attention." he states and I nod my head before slipping it on.

We make our way into my building and into my apartment and I take his jacket off, handing it back to him before making my way into the bathroom.

I remove the blood stained shirt, dropping it to the floor before pulling out my first aid kit from under the bathroom sink. I take a large swig of the vodka bottle I had stolen from the restaurant before pouring some over the exposed skin letting out a hiss from the pain.

One of the biggest side effects to doing my job was not being able to see a professional doctor when need be and having to do it myself.

"Everything okay in there?" Rio asks from the other side of the door.

"Yup." I lie.

I grab the tweezer like objects I had bought for these specific occasion and begin to try and remove the bullet but after a few seconds of agony I drop it down on the counter and grab another drink.

"Since everything is okay in there, you won't mind me coming in." I hear Rio say and as fast as I move to lock the door, he's faster at pulling it open.

"You know it's rude to open the bathroom door on someone, right?" I groan and he chuckles.

"Let's not forget who you're speaking with now let me see." he says as he gently grabs my arm.

I let out an annoyed sigh but let him look, not wanting to pull away and feel the pain from that.

"Did you ice it?" he asks and I shake my head.

"Come on, go sit and let me take care of this since you clearly don't know the basics." he tells me and I punch him in the arm with my good arm.

"Fuck you, I've done this before." I state irritated and in pain.

"Go sit." he demands rolling his eyes and I let out a huff but go and sit on my kitchen island anyways.

He comes over with a bag of frozen peas, placing it against the wound and making me hiss in pain.

"Hold this, I'll get you a drink." he tells me and I do as he sighs.

I do as he says and within a few minutes he walks back over with the first aid kit and the vodka.

"Just try to relax, while I get this done." he tells me as he removes the ice pack.

I take one last big swig of the drink before clenching my fists as he goes in with the tweezers.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now