Chapter 5

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I made my way towards Rio's abandon highway, while making a quick phone call at the same time so that my next stop would be ready by the time i was done here.

"Daph! Hey! What's up?!" I hear my older sister's excited say as she picks up the phone.

"I need some coca-cola for a party." I reply and I hear her giggle.

"Sure thing, sistah. How many bottles did you need?" she replies.

"8." I say.

"By when?" she asks.

"Within the hour." I reply.

"You got it, see you soon." she says before hanging up.

I continue my drive, doing my best to stay focused on the road as the lack of sleep and straight fast paced driving was beginning to make me tired. I could feel my eyes begin to flutter shut but I forced them back open, knowing how pushed for time I was. Hopefully Rio would have some red-bull or something I could grab on the way.

I looked at the clock to see I still had atleast another 20 minutes to go before I would arrive and despite the struggle to keep my eyes open, I press down harder on the gas. I take a few turns before continuing down a straight long road and groan.

My eyes began to shut more and opening them was getting harder and harder. I feel the car begin to pull off to the side and I try to force my eyes open. By the time I succeed, all I can see is a blur of green as my car soared down into a ditch, hitting so hard on the bottom of the ground that it flips the car upside down. My body moves all around during the processes but thankfully my seat belt helps keep me in place.

"FUCK!" I yell frustrated.

I fumble around with the buttons on my steering wheel to make a phone call to Rio and he picks up quickly on the second ring.

"It's Rio." I hear him say.

"Rio. It's Roxie. I'm going to need picked up, I crashed my car. I haven't gotten out yet so I'm not sure how long it will take me to get out so be on the lookout for either me walking on the side of the road or for a car flipped over in the ditch. I'm on the main road towards the building, be quick I'm on limited time." I tell him.

"Shit, are you alright?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes now get your ass here before you're not going to be alright." I hiss irritated and I hear him hang up the phone.

I reach my hand down and push the button for my window, pushing it all the way down before reaching up and grabbing onto the top of it, beside my head. I pull both my legs up and put them on the dashboard over the steering wheel before finally using my free hand to quickly unbuckle my seat-belt. I brace my free hand against the roof as I let go of the window opening long enough to get the seat-belt off before gabbing it once again.

I reach my free hand over towards the grab handle above the door, holding onto it tightly before swinging my feet out the window and sitting my butt down on the window ledge for a moment before turning my body so that my waist is now against the ledge and I jump backwards out with my feet landing on the ground. I brush my hands off on my pants before quickly pulling a car door open and awkwardly climbing in to grab all my important things and shoving them in my bag before climbing out of the ditch and onto the road.

"Shit." I hear Rio say as he pulls up in front of me and looks at my car.

"Yeah, I'm going to need to borrow one of yours or your workers for a couple hours." I tell him as I get into the passenger seat.

"I don't give people my car to use." he replies as he turns around and goes back towards his building.

"Well give me one of your workers." I say.

"Can't, their on a temporary leave. It's only me there now." he says and I groan.

"Listen, I'll take half of what you're paying me if you let me use your car. I really need it." I say and he smirks as he rolls his eyes.

"No can do." he says and I roll my eyes.

Good thing I don't take no for an answer. Guess I just have to do this the hard way.

"So give me my intel." I say.

"I will when we get there." he says and I huff.

"You need to get a good fuck and get your thong out of your ass." he tells me and I turn my head towards him narrowing my eyes.

"Your right. I do need a good fuck and once I'm done the job I have right now and your stupid one, I plan on doing just that, so if we could hurry the fuck up. I could get my thong out of my ass." I hiss irritated.

"Also, just to add to that. You letting me use this car, will also help speed up this processes by multiple hours and I highly recommend doing that before my thong is so far up my ass I end up shooting you... in the ass." I say with a smirk.

"How about I just fuck you real good and then you can go on to finish these two jobs without a thong up your ass and don't worry I'll keep it between you and me and act like it never happened." he says returning the smirk and it takes everything in me not to let my jaw drop at the suggestion.

"Oh and I'm dead serious, just so you know." he tells me and I turn my head quickly so he doesn't catch the look of shock in my eyes and more so, the lust.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now