Chapter 43

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I spent a full 30 days in an intensive rehab before transitioning into a much more relaxed one where Rio was allowed to come see me and I got to go home on the weekends which Rio made sure I didn't even have so much as a sip of alcohol throughout that period of time.

At first, I had been extremely pissed at being sent to rehab against my will, but now that I was back in a clear state of my mind, I understand why it had to be done. From now on, I was going to reserve my drinking for only when having one fun or at a dinner with friends or for the stressful days that not even weed could numb the pain to. No one more day drinking or being drunk all the time.

Calla had her baby a few weeks after I was settling back into normal life, so I did the sisterly thing to do by avoiding the hospital and instead keeping Ant busy. I waited a full week before bringing him back home for the first time to meet his baby sister and for me to meet my niece, wanting to let my sister and Mateo have their time to try and relax and adjust to their new bundle of joy.

My little niece, Annabel. Was definitely one of the cutest little things I had ever seen and I had a feeling me and her were going to get along just like me and Ant did. If she wasn't so tiny and fragile, I would definitely take her to give my sister a break but I wasn't a baby person. There cute from a far but again, tiny and fragile. Not to mention they can't talk or go to the bathroom on their own and I honestly didn't understand how moms could do it but I definitely praised them.

To go 9 months with something growing inside of you... and the birth. That alone deserves praise.

Rio and my other on the other hand were doing good so far working together and Rio for the most part had his side of things in perfect order which definitely impressed not only my father but also me.

Our relationship continued to develop, going through so many things together but also enjoying the benefits of being with one another. It was definitely something I was getting used to, but unfortunately all good things come to end and I knew eventually ours would to so I was enjoying it all in the moment.

We had a small wedding at my father's house which only had close family and friends and even though it was all for show, it was technically still a real marriage, somewhat real wedding and it was all I could ever ask for me.

The sound of my phone ringing pulls me out of my thoughts and I quickly pick it up as I see my sister's name pop up.

"What's up?" I greet.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come stay the night with me? Mateo's going to be going out of town tonight with Rio and I figured you could come stay with me then I won't be so lonely with the two kids." she says and I chuckle.

"Of course, I'll be over in an hour." I tell her and she giggles.

"Yay! See you soon!" she replies excitedly and I smile as I hang up.

I make my way up to me and Rio's room, packing a small bag before going to Rio's office and letting him know I would be going to Calla's for the night while he was away.

"Have fun." he says and I smile before pulling him into a deep kiss.

"Miss me lots and keep my brother in law safe." I tell him with a smirk and he rolls his eyes.

"Go before I have my way with you." he simply replies and my smirk widens.

"Please do as soon as you return." I tell him and he shots me a wink.

"Oh, Mami. We both know I'm going to." he promises and I blush before giving a small wave and heading out.

I make my way to Calla's and spend the day with her and the kids before having Chinese for supper and then watching a movie before Calla put the kids to bed and we both sat back and had some drinks.

"So, have you been feeling any better?" she asks me and I let out a sigh.

"Still about the same, I keep forgetting to call the doctor so I can get my thyroid levels checked. I'm like 99% sure that's the problem based on how I've been feeling and the symptoms." I reply and she frowns.

"Are you 100% sure it's not pregnancy?" she questions again and I groan.

"Calla, don't start. I swear on my life, it's not that. Just because you hear a few symptoms and think of your own pregnancy symptoms doesn't make it all pregnancy, all those symptoms could also be a number of possibilities, just I'm assuming thyroid based on it all. It seems extremely fitting." I defend and she lets out a sigh.

"Alright, I'm sorry. How about another drink then?" she asks and I nod my head.

"Please." I say and she takes my glass over to the bar.

Once she brings it back I slam it back before settling into the couch.

After a few minutes, I notice everything around me begin to blur.

"Shit, did you spike this? Calla? What the fuck?" I murmur knowing I hadn't drank nearly enough to be this drunk.

"Sorry, enjoy your sleep and I promise you will thank me later." is the last thing I hear before all goes black.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now