Chapter 15

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I wake up, groaning loudly, as someone shakes me roughly. I open my eyes and roll over to see Rio standing beside the bed, reminding me that I was currently sleeping in a random house with the rat locked in the basement.

"Rio, what the fuck?" I grumble asks he stands back with his arms crossed.

"New plan." he states and I roll my eyes.

"Not changing the plan. Don't ever wake me up like that again." I reply irritably before rolling back over.

He grabs my arm and pulls me back around to face him before raising his perfectly shaped brow at me.

"Let's not forget who's in charge, sweetheart is. Now listen up." he tells me and i run my hands through my hair, letting curse words slip through my slips before sitting up and looking at him with an annoyed expression.

"I thought about this all night and I want you to listen from start to finish with no interruptions." he tells me sternly and I roll my eyes.

"Hurry up before I punch you in your pretty little face." I state grumpily, narrowing my eyes.

"No interruptions." he states and I sigh.

"Got it, now hurry up." I groan.

"You're going to get me a meeting with your father tonight." he begins to say and as I quickly open my mouth to dispute, he reaches out and slaps one of his hands over my mouth.

"I told you listen and no interrupting now shut that pretty little mouth before I keep it shut for you." he states and as he moves his hand, I suck in a sharp breath before glaring at him to continue.

"As I was saying, I'm going to meet with your father tonight. I'm going to propose a deal he simply can't deny. Then we are going to get me in touch with Tomas, himself, but before that I need to know his biggest weakness to use it against him which hopefully you can help me with. Once with him, I will force his hand using whatever weakness to make me his new second in command. We will wait patiently until I have been fully introduced to his group and so that they are all aware of my status among them. Once that's insured, we proceed with killing him. Once he's dead, I automatically take over and your father's gang and my new one will be one. We will split the shares and be the biggest mafia in the country." he tells me and my jaw drops.

"You must be medically insane!" I blurt trying to wrap my hand around this 'new' plan.

"Perhaps, but it takes an insane one to take another down. Now get up and get that meeting set up. I'll even be a nice gentleman and prepare a coffee for your trouble." he says with a smirk making me roll my eyes.

"This is the stupidest plan I have ever heard of." I state.

"Good thing you're not in charge, but I'll make a deal. If this by some possibility doesn't work out, we will go to your plan." he states and I sigh.

"You better have a fucking joint here before I do this shit." I grumble.

"Guess you will have to get ready and find out." he replies with a smirk before turning around and leaving the room.

I let more curses leave my lips as I get out of bed and make my way to the ensuite bathroom which thankfully was fully and freshly stocked. I take a shower, brush my teeth and throw my wet hair up before pulling one of the simply plain black shirts in the bathroom closet on and making my way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Now you're stealing my back up shirts?" Rio asks raising a brow as he watches me make my way over.

"I figured they were just free to use since you had at least 7 of them in the bathroom with tags on them still." I reply rolling my eyes.

"I just like to be prepared." he replies.

I pick up the mug of coffee that is freshly made before narrowing my eyes at him.

"You really don't have joints?" I ask and he chuckles.

I watch as he pulls open a kitchen drawer before pulling out a thick one and a lighter.

"Thank god." I murmur as I hop up onto the counter.

I watch as he lights it up before bringing it over and handing it to me. As I go I place in between my lights and go to inhale, Rio leans closely, hovering right above my ear.

"Might want to keep that pussy of yours covered up if you don't want our friend down stairs to hear you screaming in pleasure." he murmurs huskily and I can instantly feel the wetness begin to pool between my legs.

I looked down and sure enough the shirt I had on had raised and with my legs parted the way they were, there truly was nothing left to the imagination.

"What if that is what I want?" I reply seductively, pulling my bottom leg between my teeth.

I watch as his eyes fill with lust and the smirk pull at his lips.

"Then that's what you'll get." he comments and I look downs the counter, hiding my grin as I set my mug down.

A good fuck was always a much better way to start the day, especially the day I was about to have.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now