Chapter 16

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I spread my legs as Rio steps in between them and I immediate begin undoing his pants. I slide his jeans and briefs down just enough so that his semi-hard length is exposed. I begin to stroke his length as he attacks my neck with his lips. His hand slips down, cupping my wet pussy and my body trembles as he trails his fingers over my wetness before pressing into my sensitive clit.

I arch my back as he slides a finger into me, stretching me and preparing me for his cock before adding a second finger. Moans begin to slip through my lips as his fingers begin a steady rhythm within me and his thumb rubs circles against my clit. I keep a firm grip around his cock as he hardens beneath my skin until we are both ready for the part we both wanted most.

As Rio removes his fingers from my core, I release is fully harden cock and wrap my arms around his neck as he steps closer, sliding into me. I wrap my legs around his waist as he slides his hands under my butt, scooping me up.

He slams my back against the wall of the cold fridge, making goosebumps flood my skin at the coolness. He droops his head, connecting our lips for the first time as he supports my weight while pounding into me.

I grip him tightly, my nails digging into his skin as he deepens his thrust. Loud moans leave my lips as my stomach begins its fall too familiar, amazing feeling and I hold onto Rio for life, begging him to pound me harder.

"Don't stop, please don't stop." I beg as I'm nearly to my peak and needing to feel this release.

I feel one of his hands loosen off my ass and right as I think he's about to move us and slow down this amazing tempo, a scream of pleasure leaves his lips as his hand comes back down, slapping my ass and making my insides explode with pleasure.


After an overload of pleasure and an amazing fuck, we both showered before heading back to the kitchen and this time actually finishing the coffee and smoking the full joint. I was now currently, pacing around the back deck as I called my sister. I sucked in a sharp breath as I waited for her to answer, knowing I had to make sure I pulled this lie off no matter how much it made me cringe.

"Calla, hey. It's Daph, I need to tell you something important." I begin to lie as soon as she says hello.

"Hey, Daph. What's going on?" she asks worriedly and I suck in a deep breath.

"I'm engaged." I state and I hear my sister inhale sharply before she begins to squeal excitedly.

"OH MY GOD!! THIS IS AMAZING!! WHEN DO I GET TO MEET HIM! I HAVE TO NOW! YOUR GETTING MARRIED!" she squeals excitedly and I almost felt bad but I knew this was the best way to get this done.

"Well, I was thinking of maybe doing a dinner with father if he would accept that. I know it's been awhile but I was hoping you could try and talk him in to it? This is a big part of my life, after all." I say and she giggles happily.

"My absolute pleasure! I'll plan everything, you just show up with your boo! Give me an hour for dets!" she replies happily and I let out a small sigh of relief.

"Thanks Cal!" I say happily before hanging up.

I make my way back inside and make my way over to Rio who is seated at the island in the kitchen.

"So, my sister is getting a meeting set up with my father but they won't know it's a meeting until we get there." I say as I lean against the counter across from him.

"What exactly do they think it is?" he asks raising a brow.

"They think we're having a dinner so that they can meet my fiancé, which is you. We will eat and play the part because my nephew will be there and then my sister will leave to take him to bed and that's when you will have your moment with my father." I explain and he raises a brow.

"I'm not sure I fit that roll, Mami." he states and I roll my eyes.

"Believe me, if anyone doesn't fit the roll, it's me. But it's our best option to get you successfully in a room with my father." I say and he chuckles deeply.

As I feel my phone vibrate I quickly check it to see a text from my sister and sigh.

Dinner at father's restaurant, have a booth booked in the back. Dress nice.- Calla

"Hope you got a suit and if not, you got a few hours to pick one up and dress shoes." I mumble.

"Oh, don't worry, Mami. I can look the part." he replies with a smirk and I roll my eyes.

Time to go look proper.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now