Chapter 34

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~Rio's P.O.V~

6pm had come quick and everything was ready and perfectly prepared, the only problem had been that my little Mami, never showed up. Myself and Alessandro sat for a good 45 minutes, making small talk and drinking while also attempting to get a hold of her to no success.

It wasn't until Alessandro received a call from Mateo, that things started to make sense. Apparently Daphne was with both Calla and Anthony under Tomas's roof. They had been kidnapped which at an amusement park. No one knew where Anthony was but Daphne had gotten out and in return got Calla out and gave her a phone and gun before leaving her to go find Anthony.

Now both me, Alessandro, Mateo and some of his top men were all on our way in multiple SUV's, guns ready and loaded to go and take Tomas down.

"I failed my daughter and wife once, I will not fail my daughters and grandchildren this time." Alessandro vowed and I could see the honesty in his eyes.

Mateo on the other hand, was shaking with every fiber in his body. You could see the panic in his eyes but the rage showed throughout his face. Myself on the other hand, was a mix of excited and intrigued to see just how much damage would be done by the time we arrived. If I was right, my little Mami was probably already turning that place upside down. Letting every ounce of her pain and anger unleash throughout any person who stood in her way.

"I hate to tell yeah, Alessandro, but I'm quite sure Daphne has it under control. If anything, the problem will be getting HER under control by the time she's done. I might be wrong for saying this, but since were going to partners and family." I quickly catch myself at the end before continuing.

"I would maybe keep your distance from her just incase she feels like taking any of her pent up anger towards you, out on you. I'll handle her when I get there. Just watch your back." I finish.

Alessandro shoots me a look but after a few minutes let out a sigh and nods his head.

"Mateo, I know your angry, but I want you in there only to get Calla and Anthony then you get the hell out and get them to the safe house." Alessandro instructs him and as soon as he begins to speak up, Alessandro shoots him a look that shuts him up.

"Alright." he mutters after a few minutes.

We drive in silence for another 10 before pulling up to the large compound.

"There's 12 floors, bottom I know is prisoners and torture rooms, top floor is living. No idea what's in between." Alessandro states and I smirk.

"Looks like were going on hunt." I state.

We make our way out of the car, splitting up into groups before entering. Shots could be heard ringing both inside and outside the compound. There was no doubt there would be a large body count to deal with by the end of this.

Deciding to follow instinct, I followed the sound of shoots coming from above me, going from floor to floor until they were so close I could practically taste the sound of them as they rang down the halls.

"Mami?!" I called not sure which room she would be in and not wanting to get shot in the process of trying to figure it out.

"Rio?" I hear her voice travel back out.

"In the flesh." I reply following where her voice came from.

Opening the second door on the right, I seen her standing in pretty normal attire but her once white shirt and light blue jeans were covered in blood. Around the room was 5 different dead bodies and only she was the one left standing.

I took in her face which had blood splattered but it was the look in her eyes that took my breath away. It was a look I had never seen before, not when she killed those other men or before pulling off a job or explaining her history with me. This was extremely unfamiliar and the look nearly sent a chill to my bone. She looked like a ferocious beast prepared for a hunt and a prize to be won. Her eyes were cold as ice with a wild fire lit within.

"Calla is on the second bottom floor, 4th door to the right. Anthony is on the top floor, in the kitchen, tucked away on the bottom cupboard next to the fridge. Get them out of here safely. I'll have Tomas taken care of." she tells me and before I can open my mouth she aims her gun at me.

"Hurry." she states and without a second thought I head straight for the top floor.

I just hoped Alessandro didn't end up in her path because I had a gut feeling, I wouldn't get to finish out on this deal and we had come too far not to finish through and if it meant I had to put a bullet in her myself to stop her, I would do just that.

For now though, I would get her nephew, return him to his mother then track my little assassin and stop her before she ruined everything.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now