Chapter 20

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After crying myself to sleep, I awake again to my phone going off this time. I let out a tired sigh as I slide the screen to answer, not even bothering to try and see who it is.

"Hello?" I grumble.

"Hey Daph! Did you just wake up?" I hear my sister's way too cheery voice reply.

"More like was just woken up, but yes. What's up?" I reply sleepily.

"Well I have some really big news I want to share with the family and was hoping you might be willing to go to dinner again with father so that I can tell you both at the same time. Your soon to be hubby is more than welcome to come to!" she tells me and I internally groan.

"Sure thing. What time and where?" I reply.

"5:30, same place." she squeals excitedly.

"I will be there and once I find out if Rio is able to or not I will let you know in advance." I say.

"Perfect! See you there!" she squeals before hanging up.

I drop the phone onto the pillow, shutting my eyes for a few more minutes before picking it up once again and calling Rio.

"Sup, Mami?" his voice says as he picks up and I groan.

"It's Roxie or Lana." I tell him annoyed.

"Wouldn't it be Daphne since your my fiancé?" he questions chuckling deeply and I roll my eyes.

"Only in front of my family, speaking of which, is why I'm calling. My sister has invited you to come to dinner again so she can share some big news. My father will be there." I reply.

"Time?" he asks.

"5:30." I reply.

"See you soon." he tells me and hangs up before I can respond.


I check the time to see it's already 3 pm so I decide to get up and jump in the shower before drying off and pulling my hair up before beginning to get ready. Once I'm finished covering up my tattoos I pull on some ripped up skinny jeans and a simple white crop top before pulling on the blonde wig.

With 45 minutes still to go I decide to sit and drink some coffee until 5:15 where I quickly pull some boots on and grab my purse before locking my door and making my way to the lobby and out towards the parking lot when an all too familiar black car rips into the lot, pulling up right next to me.

I flip Rio the finger as he honks at me before making my way around the car and getting in the passenger seat.

"I can drive my own vehicle, you know." I state and he gives a smirk.

"That wouldn't be as convincing now would it? Open the glove department and take the box out." he tells me and I roll my eyes before opening it to see a small jewelry box.

"Proposing to my father are we?" I chuckle as I pull it out.

"Making sure your father knows I'm worth doing business with. Put it on." he tells me and I open the box to see a very expensive ring.

"You can't be serious." I say in shock.

"Dead serious." he simply replies.

"Rio... this is way too expensive." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"It's nothing and it's worth every penny if it makes your father agree more to do business with me now put it on." he tells me and I let out a sigh before gentling pulling it out and sliding it onto my finger.

Emotions flow through me as I think about my conversation with Eddy but I do my best to swallow them back and keep my eyes on the prize.

"So what's the occasion this time?" he asks as we make our way to the restaurant.

"My sister has big news she wants to share." I reply simply.

"How wonderful." he says sarcastically with a deep chuckling.

"Don't remind me." I grumble.

As we pull up to the restaurant I suck in a sharp breath before getting out of the car and Rio grabs my hand as we make our way to the door.

"After you, my love." he says with a smirk as he holds the door open for me.

I internally roll my eyes while I give him a fake smile before a waiter greets us and takes us out back to where my family is seated once again.

"Oh Rio! So glad you could make it!" My sister squeals exciting while pulling him into a hug.

"My pleasure." Rio says with his award winning smile and attitude.

"Rio, glad to see you again." My father greets next and they shake one another's hands.

"Daphne." My father acknowledges and I nod my head to him not wanting to go near him.

We both go and sit and order some drinks before my sister stands up.

"Thank you all for coming, me and Mateo have some exciting news we just couldn't wait to share this! We're pregnant!" she squeals and my eyes widen in shock but I quickly smile as it sets in.

"Congratz, sis." I say and she grins.

"Thank you." she says.

"That's wonderful sweetheart. Hopefully this time we can have a sweet girl." my father's says and the comment quickly makes my stomach turn.

That's the last thing this family needed.

"I'm hoping so!" my sisters says happily.

"When's the due date?" Rio asks sweetly and I grab my drink taking a large sip of it.

"October 3rd." she says happily and I give her another fake smile.

As I turn towards my nephew to ask how he feels about it, I quickly freeze as the all too familiar sound of gunshots begins to ring throughout the room.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now