Chapter 3

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~Some parts of this story may be dark, Not sure to what degree at the moment but this is about a girl with a dark sided job and this is my first time writing this type of a character so please bare with me, It won't be too gory if at all, just dark but not over the top just enough for the story.~N.T

I got the job done quick and easy, had it completely finished within an hour and a half. I made sure to text Rio as soon as I was done and he quickly sent me an address to an abandon warehouse. I quickly got my money before quickly going to pick up a bite to eat and some snacks and a drink before making my way to the place I had just got out of.

As I pulled onto the street, I parked across the street, turning all the lights off and making sure my black tinted windows were all up. I pulled on a black haired wig and slipped in some emerald green contacts before pulling a baggy sweater over top my current black long sleeve shirt and thicker leggings over my current stretchy black ones. I sat back, pulling my snacks out and opening my redbull before digging my binoculars from my purse.

I sat, waited and watched until the familiar dirty cop made his way out of the building. I watched as he got his car and slowly began to trail behind him, making sure to never lose sight but also keeping my distance. As he pulled up to a large house in a very nice neighborhood, I made sure to park a little away as to not draw attention as I continued to watch his every move.

Nightfall was on the horizon and it would only be a few more hours before I got a closer look, but for now I would settle for my binoculars and continue my stake out. As I look through my binoculars, I can see the man himself standing in the living room with what I can only assume is his wife and child by the looks of their interaction.

As I continued to watch them, part of me began to question my intentions. This man had a family, who was I to go break them because of one incident with me? Maybe death was a little too much... I could be nicer, right? A little punishment... but would I be able to stop myself from going over the edge? Most of my 'little punishments' turned into something more. Then again, most of those ghosts of the past were full of evil... but then again, wasn't I?

I shake my head, not even wanting to think about it anymore. Thankfully I hear my phone begin to ring through my car speakers and I answer it as soon as I see Eddy's name pop up.

"Hey babe, what time do you think you will be home?" he asks and I let out a small sigh.

"I'm not sure yet, probably early in the morning at the latest. Don't wait up for me, okay? Just get some rest." I reply and I hear the disappointed sigh leave his lips.

"Alright, love you." he says.

"You too." I reply.

I hang up before relaxing back into my seat and continue to watch and wait.


As 2:30 am struck across my dashboard, I finally decided enough hours of darkness and quietness from their house and neighborhood had passed and now was the best time to move. I removed my wig, baggy sweater, leggings and contacts, switching them out for white colored ones. I was now back in my professional outfit which consisted of a long black sleeve shirt, black stretchy leggings, black gloves and black leather moccasin boots. White eye contacts were in, my face was already covered with make up to hide my tattoos and the only normal part of me was my hair.

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I slipped on my little black string bag which had everything I might need before quietly getting out of my car and making my way over the cops house

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I slipped on my little black string bag which had everything I might need before quietly getting out of my car and making my way over the cops house. I snuck around to the back, going straight for the backdoor which shockingly enough didn't have security cameras. I quickly pick the lock to the door before quietly opening it and slipping inside.

I quietly made my way around the kitchen and living room, hiding tiny cameras all around so that I would be able to watch and hear everything for a couple days before deciding the best plan to go with. I contemplated going up the stairs but knowing that three different people could spot me wasn't a risk I wanted to take just yet.

I look around the downstairs a bit more, putting cameras in a formal dining room and what looks to be his personal office. I dig through some of his work and find a couple papers with lots of writing that dosen't seem of any importance and slip them into my bag. A suddenly light then catches my attention and I follow it to see it coming from a random door under the stairs.

I grab one of my little mic's that has an ear piece attached and slip it under the door to hear sounds similar to... sobbing? I bite my lip contemplating what to do but the more I listen the more I can tell it's a woman.

Despite my brain telling me to leave while I had the opportunity, a deeper part of me told me to march my ass down those steps and see what was wrong with that woman and something told me it wasn't good and given my experience with the man... I had a feeling my gut was right on this one.

So without another thought, I put everything in my bag, sucked in a deep breath before quietly opening the door and making my way down the basement steps.

~Also sorry for the lack of dialogue in this chapter, I promise more is coming and this is leading up to it.~N.T

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