Chapter 36

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Rio ordered some of his men come and be the clean-up crew, taking care of all the dead bodies and then a personal cleaning company to clean up the mess that had been left after. We ordered all of Tomas's men to meet us in Tomas's personal club that was just around the corner for his mob members only. The final thing was moving Tomas's body. I was far from done with him so Rio had someone take him from his house to the house where he had kept the rat.

As we pulled up to the club, I sucked in a sharp breath before exiting Rio's car. This was it. We were about to officially take over this thing and I'm sure we had a fair amount of enemies lurking within the crowd. Some people are truly loyal to Tomas and we had to be prepared for any shots to be fired upon entering.

Making our way through the back door, we made our way to the large stage on one end of the club.

"Ready?" I ask Rio and he nods his head.

Both of us loaded with guns, we walked upon the stage, the light shining on us and a microphone already set up.

"As most of you know, Tomas is dead and gone. Killed by none other than this man right here. Most of you thought that I, Daphne Tortellini was the one infact to do it, but I've come to tell you who's really done it. I admit, yes. I killed many of your men including any and all of your higher elite members. I even captured Tomas Tortellini myself and I admit yes, I gave him quite the beating before my lovely fiancé Rio here, came and finished him off. So without further due, I would like to introduce you all to your new Don, boss, leader, however you want to call him and my lovely fiancé, Rio." I say lying a bit but I wanted to ensure Rio got full charge of this and not me and as long as they didn't know Tomas's death will be at my hands, it really didn't matter.

I step aside as Rio takes over with a smirk that was far from nice. Eyes set and deadly, power practically radiating off of him.

"As my lovely wife to be said, elite members no longer exist among us. Therefor we will have many spots that need filled. We will spend the next couple weeks, where I will be watching you all closely to find which ones of you are the most fierce, loyal and honest. I need people I can trust, that aren't afraid to shoot their guns or take a bullet. Man that will stick by us till death and you are all up for the possibility of becoming an elite member. There will be some changes, for the better in my opinion, but fear not. This will benefit us all. We all want to make the money and I intend to do exactly that and hopefully double what is already being made. Now I understand some of you may have a problem with me suddenly popping into the picture, Tomas being killed and Daphne here being the daughter to Alessandro Tortellini. I can assure you, there is no need to be concerned. Daphne is loyal to me and me only. I can also assure you that anyone that has a problem with me or Tomas can come and show that now, but I must warn you. Daphne is one of the most known assassins out there for her ability to get a job done and cleaned up well. You may have heard of her under the name of Roxie Peters. If you haven't heard that name, I encourage you to do your research or take a chance at having her life over in minutes. She's my own personal little assassin and she will not hesitate to kill you for so much as looking at me the wrong way. To also add to that, as you heard. She is soon to be wife and if any of you target or disrespect her, I have no problem ending your life if she doesn't do it herself. I may be your Don, but she is to be treated as a queen and I expect nothing less. Any questions?" he states and I can't help the small smile pulling at my lips.

"No? Smart. As for Tomas's home, I will be getting it renovated and it will be my office and also the home to any elite members that would like to live there. Now that everything is said and done, you may all return home and we will meet back here tomorrow at 2pm sharp to begin talking more in detail for what is to come and what is expected. Have a good night and remember everything that we have discussed." Rio says before dismissing them.

He grabs my hand and we walk off the stage and back to the back of the building before heading back out the back door and into his car.

"I was going to say your place... but mines about 10 minutes closer and I'm more than ready to celebrate." I state with a smirk as he rips away from the club.

"Oh, Mami. You have no idea how hard it's been trying not to just fuck you from the moment I found you." he states huskily and I bite my lip as I feel my panties dampen.

"Believe me, I completely understand." I reply seductively.

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