Chapter 8

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"Karma's a bitch." I whispered in his ear with a smirk before walking away from his soon to be dead body.

I did a quick look around and mentally went through a list of everything I had to make sure I had done before finally making my way out of his house. I quickly but quietly made my way back to the car which was thankfully still exactly where I left it. Right as I shut the door, I see a car begin to drive past me and as I watch it drive by, I notice none other than his wife. I give her a nod, signaling the deed was done before starting up the car and zooming out of there.

"I'm dropping myself off at my place and then you can have your car back and I will let you know when your jobs done." I tell Rio without even glancing his way.

"Or, you could get the job done now." he replies and I roll my eyes.

"If you want your job done right, I need a damn nap before I do shit." I mutter annoyed.

"You better not oversleep." he retorts and I tighten my hands around the wheel.

"You better hope I don't change my mind and just not do it at all." I hiss.

I press down harder on the gas, speeding up the length of time to get to my place so that I get there in 3 minutes instead of 10. I slam on the brakes before pulling in front of the doors of the building my condo was located in.

"I'll be in touch." Is all I say before slipping on some sun glasses and a jacket before making sure I had all my stuff.

I get out of the car and make my way inside and straight into my condo before heading to the bathroom. I stripe out of my clothes and remove the contacts from my eyes before jumping in the shower. I scrub my body head to toe before stepping out, drying off and wrapping my robe around me. I grab my clothes off the floor and take them with me to go throw them in the wash before making my way out onto the balcony where an already rolled joint is sitting on the little glass table waiting for me.

I sit back in the chair, lighting up and inhaling deeply. I gaze at the beautiful blue sky and bright sun and watch as the clouds make their way trying to figure out what they all look like before making my way back inside and finally making my way into the bedroom where Eddy is sleeping soundly.

I quietly shut the door behind me and drop my robe on the floor as I slide into bed next to him and wrap my arms around him.

"Good morning." he mumbles quietly as he's half asleep.

"Good morning. Snuggle me?" I reply and I watch the smile pull at his lips.

"Always." he replies.

He turns towards me, wrapping his arms around and placing a kiss against my forehead and I let out a content smile as I snuggle into him as much as possible and within minutes I'm drifting off to sleep.


I wake up with a jolt as terrible memories flooded my dreams, reminding me of the pain I once went through as a young girl haunted me. I suck in sharp breaths doing my best to steady my heart as I did my best to remind myself that was no longer the case.

I was safe.

I was grown.

Those men would never touch me again.

They were dead.

I know that for a fact.

I killed them.

I watched the blood poor out of them and the breath leave their lungs.

I got rid of their bodies.

I am safe.

"Hey Lana, are you okay?" I hear Eddy's voice murmur worriedly as he stirs awake next to me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just one of those bad dreams." I lie as I gave him my best reassuring smile.

"Did you want to talk about it?" he asks but I shake my head.

"I'm fine, promise. Could you make me a coffee and get a joint rolled while I get the laundry going." I say.

"Of course, did you want to binge some of Lucifer while we wait for your clothes?" he asks and I grin.

"You know me too well. I would love that, but before all that. I think we have some sexy time to catch up on." I say with a smirk.

"And here I was beginning to think you were going to make me wait." he replies smirking back and I giggle as I climb on top of him.

Nothing worked better then sex to make any bad thoughts leave my mind. Even if it was temporary.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now