Chapter 19

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I woke up groaning as I heard a loud pounding at my door. I slowly made my way out of my bed groaning with each movement.

Me and Rio had drank for a few hours and for every shot he took, I took 3 and I was pretty sure that some part of me was still drunk. I had ubered home, deciding that I wanted some time to myself and had just managed to get in my bed and I know I hadn't slept long.

I open the door to reveal none other than Eddy.

"What the fuck do you want?" I grumble.

"To talk." he replies simply and I sigh.

"Eddy, there's nothing to talk about. Goodbye." I state and as I go to shut the door he pushes back against it.

"Please. Just hear me out." he begs softly and I groan before letting him inside.

I make my way over to the stumble and plop down, pulling the fuzzy throw blanket around me as Eddy comes and sits across from me.

"I shouldn't have cheated on you and lied. I'm really sorry. I really do love you, just with you being away so much and having to bail you out of prison every here and again. I felt lonely and when I started talking to this girl we just hit it off and before I knew it, i was catching feelings and starting to imagine my life and my future differently and I knew that, that future I would never be able to have with you and at first I didn't mind it because I was on the same page but my mindset is different now and it wasn't fair of me not to talk to you." he tells me and I simply sit there and shake my head.

"You didn't even give me a chance Eddy... you just assumed I wouldn't change my view, didn't even think I might consider this since it's something you want because that's how much I loved you. You decided to just lie to me and cheat on me and now your here for what? To justify what you have done?" I reply doing my best to control my emotions as anger and sadness filled me to the brim.

"Your right. I'm so sorry Alannah. I love you so much and If you would be willing to change your whole life to do this because I want to do this right then I want to get back together with you." he tells me and I instantly begin to giggle which quickly turns into laughing nonstop.

"What's funny?" he questions completely confused.

"What do you think I am? Desperate? Just because I loved you doesn't mean I want to get back together with you and If I did it's because I decided to give YOU a second chance, not the other way around. The Eddy I used to know was a lot smarter than this. Have a good life Eddy, I know I will be. Now see yourself out." I tell him as I still tried to wrap my head around everything he had just fucking said to me.

"Wow... okay. I didn't see this going this way... If you change your mind, you know my number." he says as he gets up and I just laugh more.

"Don't worry, I can assure you, I most certainly will never be changing my mind. Farewell." I say and I sit and watch as he leaves, slamming the door behind him.

I wait a few minutes before getting up to lock it before making my way back to the sofa where I curl up with the blanket and let all the pain and heartbreak flow out of me. I wasn't even sure I would be able to keep playing along with this whole engagement after this.

Eddy had wanted a future and didn't think it would be even possible with me so he cheated me on. Now he wanted to give me the chance and as ridiculous as it was for him to offer it didn't stop the heartbreak that came along because deep down that's exactly what I had wanted one day, I just didn't think with my life style, my past, my bloodline that I could ever do it. Not safely.

Maybe it was time to just drop everything, change my name once again and start a new life, in a whole new country this time. Maybe then I would have the perfect chance to start over, but then I would never get the revenge I have wanted all these years when I finally had the chance.

Fuck it.

I'll do it all.

I needed to woman up. I couldn't let a bitch like that bring me down. I deserved better and after this shit, that's exactly that I would get. Besides, between doing this, left me lots of time to prepare for it, starting with which country to go to.

All I knew, was after this. I would finally get my revenge and get the future I wanted and as soon as I'm gone, I'm never looking back.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now