Chapter 14

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"Do I want to ask how you found all that out?" I question as I recover from my shock.

He shrugs in response.

"Okay. Honesty here we go. I'm on your side, I'm not in the mob. I changed my name for a reason and that's why this job is risky for me, I can't have them find out I was involved. I have worked too hard at hiding my identity." I tell him.

"How do I know you're not still lying?" he questions me and I shrug.

"You don't, but why else would I change my name and pull off my disappearing act?" I reply and I watch as his eyes simply gaze into mine for a few moments.

"Can you get me a meeting with your father?" he asks and I let out a sigh.

"I don't want to be involved, remember." I state.

"You already are." he replies and I groan.

"I'll consider pulling strings if we survive this, deal?" I suggest and he nods.

"So did you find anything else out about our rat?" he asks.

"Only that he's been a spy for a while. Did you get anything out of him?" I reply.

"He claims to be one of Tomas's right hand mans." he tells me and I suck in a sharp breath.

"Well let's hope he's lying cause that's going to be a problem if he's not." I groan reaching up to rub my temples.

"You didn't tell him who I am did you?" I ask quickly glancing up at him and he shakes his head.

"You tell no one or I will kill you and not without torturing first, you got that?" I hiss darkly and he puts his hands up in surrender.

"Same side, Mami." he says and I narrow my eyes.

"Don't call me that." I hiss.

"Now shut up while I think." I tell him before shutting my eyes.

I had to play this smart. Problem was, how exactly was I going to do this? This was my one chance to try and get revenge on my uncle but how was I going to do this successfully.

"Did you get his phone?" I ask.

"Yeah, couldn't get the code out of him though." he replies as he takes it out of his back pocket and hands it to me.

"I've got a friend." I reply with a smirk.

"Can I take your car? Too risky to take this one." I ask and he narrows his eyes.

"After you stealing it last time?" he asks raising his brow.

"Borrowed." I correct.

"You're lucky I didn't bring my baby. I got a truck parked in the garage in the back. Here's the keys, bring it back in one piece and don't be long." he tells me before handing me a set of keys.

"Be back soon." I reply.


After getting the phone unlocked, I made my way back to the house, making sure to park the truck back in the backyard garage before going back to the garage connected to the house.

"I'm back." I call as I enter the house through a side door.

I see Rio standing in the kitchen with a box of pizza on the island table.

"Truck's in one piece?" he asks as I make my way over.

"Of course, now here's what I'm thinking. I'll take everything from here." I say as I hand him the keys back.

"No." Rio simply replies and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, that's how it's supposed to be anyway." I state.

"That was before I found out who you really are. I still can't trust you 100% so this job gets finished together and by that, I will be standing back and watching every move until it's done." he tells me and I let out a sigh.

"Listen, Rio. Now that my identity is all out on the table, I may have made this somewhat my own job as well. This guy gives me the perfect chance to finally get my hands on my monstrous uncle and as soon as I have him in my hands, I will kill him too and if it goes to fall back on anyone, I will take the heat for both." I tell him and he narrows his eyes.

"The whole point of hiring you is so he dies a non-suspicious death." Rio hisses and I groan.

"I know but if I go after my uncle to, his mob won't take it like nothing, they will want blood and when they come for it I will be ready. This guy is my only chance and I have to take it, I'm sorry. You can even pay me the original amount since I turned this into my own job as well." I bargain.

"This is my job and I'm sticking around until it's done and if you need him so bad, then you will accept that or you won't get him at all and I will do the job myself." he tells me sternly and without even thinking, I let my emotions get the best of me and I quickly grab him and pin him up against the wall beside the fridge.

"You have NO idea how nasty and blood this gets. All I ever wanted was to make my uncle pay and I don't give two fucks if it means I die after so long as it gets done. Let me get this rat off your hands, you go back to your counterfeit money and I'll even get you in touch with the right person to get you a meeting with my father if you still want that after this, but you will not and cannot be involved any further, it's a death wish that will be granted." I tell him darkly before letting him go and stepping away.

I hear him cough for a minute as I had pinned him by throat but he quickly begins to chuckle like a maniac.

"Count me in. Sounds fun." he tells me with an excited grin and wild looking eyes.

"Your death wish." I mutter before grabbing a slice of pizza.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now