Chapter 41

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With his harden cock pressing right against my needy core, he nipped at the sweet spot on my neck as he thrust his long length into me one, filling me to the brim.

"Oh fuck, Rio!" I moan loudly.

He gives my ass a smack and I moan.

"It's Papi to you." he tells me and I nod my head completely taken over by the pleasure in my core.

He slams his lips back down onto mine and our lips move in sync, our tongues exploring each other as he quickened his pace and within minutes I'm cumming all over his cock.

"Fuck, Mami." he groans lustfully as my pussy clenched and milked his cock.

He doesn't slow down and continues to fuck me as my body trembled in his arms but my nails dug deeply into his flesh, holding onto him for dear life as my body and mind were soaring out of this world with pleasure.

Every thrust was building me right back up, the pleasure never fading only intensifying and leaving me wanting and needing more.

"Harder." I moan with need as I felt myself close once more.

Immediately obligating, he began to pound into me and I could feel him hitting me deep within me, making me scream in pleasure.

"Fuck! Don't stop, please don't stop!" I moan as my hands tightened, only a bit more and I would exploding into bliss once more.

"Cum for me, soak my cock, Mami." he tells me huskily and his name screams from my lips as I do exactly that, my juices pushing his cock right out of me as they covered his cock and the floor beneath us.

With my body trembling and stars filling my vision, I do my best to catch my breath as Rio slowly slides back into me making me moan.

"Good girl." he purrs placing a kiss on my neck before beginning to slowly thrust in and out of me.

"Faster, Papi." I moan as my body was taken under his blissful spell once again.

He quickens his pace until he's pounding deep within me. Loud moans leave my lips and he tweaks one of my harden tits between his fingers making me scream in pleasure as another orgasm racked through my body and deep into my core.

Tears of pure bliss and pleasure drip down my cheeks as my vision blurs and all that can be heard is my screams of pleasure before a deep husky grunt and the familiar warmth of his feeds fills my pussy as he slowly rides out the last of his orgasm with me moaning with every movement, enjoying the feeling of his warm cum within me.

I slump against him, barely able to hold myself up as my head laid against the crook of his neck and my arms lazily stayed around him.

Somehow, Rio managed to turn off the water, instead taking us over to the bath and starting that. I shiver in his arms as the cold chills my skin but I do my best to absorb the heat from his body before he lowers us into the warm water.

"Please fuck me every day like that for the rest of our time together." I tell him, my voice coming out hoarse and he lets out a small chuckle.

"I swear it." he states with a smirk.

We lay cuddled against one another soaking in the hot water before Rio slowly begins to clean me and I return the favor. Once were done, he carries me out, dries me off and I begin to get dressed in the clothes he left for me, pulling my hair into a messy bun as he dries and gets re dressed.

 Once were done, he carries me out, dries me off and I begin to get dressed in the clothes he left for me, pulling my hair into a messy bun as he dries and gets re dressed

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"So where to now?" I ask.

"It's time to say our goodbyes to Eddy." he tells me and I frown.

"Here I thought we were staying on the high side of things." I say with a sigh and he wraps his arm around me.

"We can't escape reality forever, be grateful you didn't have to do the dirty work. Now come on, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can move on from this." he tells me and I nod my head.

"If you think about it though, after this is done. Your side of things is easy from here on out." he tells me and I think about it for a few minutes.

"Yeah... I guess you're right. Moving on though, can I roll one before we go?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I already prepared, smoke on the way, we have already taken long enough." he says and I nod my head.

One minute I'm pleasure whipped and now I feel emotionally unstable and for whatever reason... I feel different.

Different about my life, my job.

I suddenly didn't know where I wanted to go from here... and the reason why was scaring me more than anything but I knew deep down, now wasn't the time to deal with it.

Now was the time to say goodbye to an ex-lover.

Hey guys sorry it took so long for the update, time flew by quick these last couple weeks with life being hectic but im trying to get back on top of it but i also still have a lot going on and needing done but fingers crossed! Anyways I hope this helped make up for it! Much love~ Naughty_Temptations

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