Chapter 27

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After getting the groceries I needed, I stopped to get coffee and snuck a couple sleeping tablets into Rio's coffee and as soon as he was out, I handcuffed his hands and blind folded before finally heading towards my destination.

Not even my sister knew of this place, it was my secret and if I couldn't get rid of Rio, I was at least ensuring he would never be able to find it on his own, no matter how hard he tried.

With music blaring, I drove for hours before finally turning off onto the very long driveway that without this truck would take about an hour or more but thanks to this beast and the high speed I was going at, 20 minutes and we were at my little getaway.

I got out of the truck to open the gate before driving in and locking it back up before driving up to the little cottage that was very well hidden to say the least. I park the truck, grab my purse before going to bed of the truck and grabbing the grocery bags before heading into the little place.

 I park the truck, grab my purse before going to bed of the truck and grabbing the grocery bags before heading into the little place

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I put everything away in the kitchen and set my purse on the little dining table before heading back out to the truck. I undo the cuffs and blindfold and leave the doors unlocked before heading back out behind the cottage and down the large dip of ground at the bottom of the hill where my whole set up was located.

 I undo the cuffs and blindfold and leave the doors unlocked before heading back out behind the cottage and down the large dip of ground at the bottom of the hill where my whole set up was located

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I giggle in excitement as I take it all in

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I giggle in excitement as I take it all in. It never failed even if I was here on a weekly basis. It was my own adrenaline fueled playground and I loved it here. Of course I would have to take it easy on my injured arm, but that was 1 of 4 limbs and It wasn't going to stop me from a full workout just like it wouldn't stop me in a real scenario.

After lots of running, jumping, climbing and balance training, I decided to call it a night and pick up again in the morning and work on my shooting tomorrow.

I head back up the hill and go by the truck to still see Rio passed out in the passenger seat so I make my way back in to the cottage for a shower before changing into a much more comfortable attire.

I head back up the hill and go by the truck to still see Rio passed out in the passenger seat so I make my way back in to the cottage for a shower before changing into a much more comfortable attire

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I grab a joint and lighter out of my purse, lighting it up as I make my way back outside. I puff on my joint as I walk back over to the truck and open the passenger side door. I smack Rio across the cheek, jolting him awake.

"Crazy fucking bitch." he mutters pissed off as his eyes focus on me and I simply smirk in return.

"Hungry?" I ask.

"Where the fuck are we...Did you drug me?" he asks as he looks all around and I giggle.

"What did you expect? When you're ready to eat, food will be in the kitchen." I tell him before heading back inside.

I throw the already prepared pizza I had picked up earlier in the fire stone oven before grabbing one of the raspberry vodka coolers I had also picked up.

I crack it open and sit on the kitchen table, waiting for the pizza to cook.

"Where do you even find a place like this?" I hear Rio grumble as he makes his way inside.

"No clue. My mom originally found it. She told me about it before she died. I'm the only one who knows about it. It was originally a safe house incase she ever needed to take me and my sister away. Now it's my little getaway and also where all my training gets done." I explain.

"Looks like it." he chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"It's outside, dumbass. Once you see it, you'll be eating those words like it's your last meal." I grumble annoyed.

"Back to drinking again?" he questions and I roll my eyes.

"Back to being annoying again?" I mutter.

"Just making sure you're staying on your game." he replies with a smirk.

"Right. Because that's why you got in my bed last night? Now won't let me alone?" I reply rolling my eyes once more.

"You don't seem to mind that much. I'm here still, aren't I?" he says and I narrow my eyes.

"Only because I didn't have time to waste trying to get you gone." I retort and he chuckles deeply.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night." he replies with a smirk.

"Oh, perfect timing. Pizza's ready." I mutter.

After eating and drinking lots more, I decided to call it a night and showed Rio to the extra bedroom before making my way to mine.

As I laid in bed after smoking a joint, I tossed and turned as my mind kept thinking about how Rio was one room away and even though he drove me nuts... I couldn't stop thinking about how good he makes me feel in bed. So without a second thought, I get out of bed and make my way straight to his room.

Personal Assassin (Rio FanFic) *Mature*Where stories live. Discover now